Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 464: Technology flyby

Following the direction of Qian Qiang’s fingers, everyone saw a gas turbine power unit about three meters long and less than one meter high on the thick test bench below. The surface pipelines were scattered and the fuselage exuded a dark golden luster. It is running surgingly on the test bench.

Seeing the others is okay, Li Fang looked at Qian Qiang with a serious face, and asked with a serious tone: "Qiangong, are you sure that the maximum power of your D-50 has reached the level of 3,000 kilowatts?"

Not only Li Fang, but Song Changzheng also cast a questioning look.

It is no wonder that the two of them would be so questioned, except that the Ascendas plant went from a 1,000-kilowatt d-40 to a three-kilowatt d-50, which surprised them.

The most important thing is that the two of them, as the navy's armament technology experts, have seen the same level of aero engine, that is, the turboprop-6 on the Y-8 maritime patrol aircraft that was equipped with the navy just a few years ago.

But because of this, the more they looked at the d-50 on the test bench, the more frowned. The reason is simple. Compared with the turboprop-6 of the same level, the d-50 is about the same length as the turboprop 6. It is one or two turns smaller than the turboprop-6.

This is like two boxing hunks, the same height, but one or two levels of weight difference, but the thin guy who should hit the light weight says he has the strength to hit the heavyweight gold belt, and he has to be as big as the heavyweight. The fat man tries his best, and it makes people think that the thin man is a little overwhelming.

At this moment, Li Fang and Song Changzheng look at the d-50, they have a mentality of looking at the lightweight boxing hunk. It is necessary to know that the power of the aero engine has a great relationship with the air intake, so appropriately increasing the diameter of the engine is helpful for progress. An increase in air volume.

The d-50 that can take off aerodynamics seems to have not changed in this respect. In addition to the lengthening of the entire engine, the overall diameter of the d-40 gas turbine power unit parked next to the d-40 gas turbine power unit is nothing except that the entire engine is lengthened and slightly thickened due to the complicated external pipeline Essential difference.

It can be said that the d-40 gas turbine power unit is an extended version, but how can such a gas turbine power unit have a power of three kilowatts? It is important to know that the turboprop-6 equipped on the Yun-8 is based on a similar Soviet engine. It is the optimal result determined by the Soviet aviation technology department through rigorous calculations. So how do they think that Qian Qiang's words are a bit overstatement.

Qian Qiang did not answer, but asked the operator on the side: "Xiao Chen, how much power is it now?"

"Two thousand and two."

"Add to three thousand."


Before the voice fell, Xiao Chen slowly pushed the control valve next to him, and the power on the constantly beating display screen began to jump up, and soon the number reached 3,046 kilowatts, and Xiao Chen stopped the push up. , And then check the various data on the screen to see if there is anything after the power is up.

In fact, you don't need to look at the numbers on the screen. From the rising roar on the test bench, you know that the power of the D-50 is increasing a little bit.

Until the harsh humming reputation filled the entire console, fortunately, the console was soundproofed, otherwise the huge noise from the gas turbine power unit would be enough to damage the hearing of the people inside.

However, Li Fang and Song Changzheng had paid no attention to this. They just looked at each other in disbelief, and didn't know what to say.

A lightweight boxer really has the strength to challenge the heavyweight fat man.

This is considered a miracle in the ring, but if it is placed on a gas turbine power unit, it is a miracle in the miracle. It is necessary to know that the ultimate pursuit of all aviation equipment is to be as lightweight as possible, so as to obtain better adaptability. .

The same is true for gas turbine power plants. Whether used as the power of an airplane or as a ground-based power generation device, light-weight gas turbine power plants can become more flexible and more convenient to use.

"The quality of your d-50 should be about one ton, right?" After Li Fang and Song Changzheng lowered their heads and exchanged a few sentences, Song Changzheng finally asked a question. Li Fang also looked at Qian Qiang and waited for an answer. .

"One ton? When did the gas turbine power unit be calculated in ton, we use kilograms to take off the aviation power, but if the unit is so calculated, our total mass of D-50 is 0.857 tons."

Listening to Qian Qiang’s words, Li Fang and Song Changzheng made a big red face, but before they could find a seam to drill in, they heard the figure of 0.857 tons. The two of them froze together for a moment. When he came over, Li Fang frowned and murmured: "Less than a ton?"

"857 kilograms, it's far from a ton!" Director Zhao, who had not spoken all the time, finally couldn't stand it anymore. Qian Qiang just wanted to talk about the navy, and he had to pass it. As a result, the old money came up and moved the troops out. The map cannon blew up Director Zhao.

In addition, Li Fang and Song Changzheng didn't understand the meaning of 0.857 tons for a while, Director Zhao finally couldn't help it, and reminded them in a humble voice.

However, Li Fang and Song Changzheng did not pay attention to Director Zhao’s voice of hating iron and steel, because they were both surprised by the value of 857 kg. You must know that the turboprop-6 is 1,200 kg and 1.2 tons in weight. Song Changzheng would use the ton unit.

According to their estimates, it can be considered a technical flyby that can lighten two hundred kilograms than the turboprop-6. As a result, the d-50 of Ascendas Aerodynamics has not only dropped below 1,000 kilograms, but also reached 857 kilograms. Unbelievable numbers.

This made the two of them not only surprised, but completely shocked. You must know that weight reduction in aviation equipment is a worldwide problem. In all aspects of design, sometimes in order to achieve weight reduction requirements for a structural part, the technical team really This is the downward reduction of one gram of one gram of weight every day and night.

Reaching the kilogram-level weight loss requirement can be said to have a lot of technological progress. The technical leapfrogging of the 100-kilogram level is generally a luxury~www.ltnovel.com~ The aero-powered D-50 is better than the same level of turboprop — 6 A reduction of more than 300 kilograms is not a technological leap, but a technological leap.

Light weight and sufficient power. Putting it on the plane is equivalent to a simple structure and increasing the load. Putting it in other fields also has great potential. So Li Fang and Song Changzheng showed their curiosity for the first time, especially Li Fang. The previous high-cold temperament asked Qian Qiang sincerely: "Qiangong, how did you do it."

"Ah~~Simple, we increased the compressor from the previous six to fourteen to increase the air compression ratio; the turbine was expanded from the original two to four, which improved the operating efficiency, and matched the hx-4-1 core engine. Under the condition that the diameter does not increase, the power is three times higher than that of the D-40, which is regarded as reaching the expansion limit of the hx-4-1 core machine..."

Qian Qiang was talking about lifting weights lightly, and he was about to talk more professionally about the airflow velocity and power conversion between the compressor and the turbine, but was interrupted by Li Fang: "Qiangong, I am not asking about the principle of aero engines. But how did you get the weight of the whole machine to 857 kg? You know that the turboprop-6 of the same level is 1.2 tons, oh no, it is one thousand two kilograms. Your d-50 is 343 kg lower than the turboprop-6. "

"Oh~~ It turns out to be this." Qian Qiang nodded suddenly, "Of course I used new materials."

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