Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 453: Huge medical expenses

What Clark hurt was the following, and didn't hurt his mind. After reading that article, thinking about the current situation, how could he not think of it. On the premise of protecting the critically ill patients, it is just a pretext to allocate resources as much as possible. In fact, it was just revenge against him because of his report.

But what caused Clark to vomit blood was that he knew it was revenge, but he couldn't make trouble because everything he did was based on the logic of your article. The medical technology was low and the medical resources were scarce. Yes, they admitted generously. It's all true, and... and then Clark's little brother said goodbye to him so thoroughly.

What is lifting a rock and hitting himself in the foot? Clark didn't quite understand this common Chinese saying before, but now looking at the **** lower body, he finally understands everything, and even further thinks that hitting the foot is nothing. , It feels like hitting my little brother... Hey, why am I a little dizzy...

Clark leaned against the bed and shook his body unconsciously. Then, in his ears full of tinnitus, he heard the blond American man who was talking to him yelling worriedly: "Oh, I forgot to tell you. Excited, it's easy to collapse the bottom, the doctor...the doctor...the patient's wound collapsed..."

When Clark woke up again, he felt very weak, as if he was about to die. Fortunately, the five senses had regained consciousness. It seemed that someone outside the ward was discussing something and was struggling to concentrate. This vaguely heard. understand.

"Mr. Berkeley, you saw it just now. We used ventilators, X-rays, and B-ultrasounds. We also received three injections of anti-inflammatory drugs. The nurse also helped to re-stitch the wound, although I understand the eagerness of your embassy to protect citizens. Feeling, but also to understand the current situation of our lack of medical resources. The $60,000 bill is already the lowest discount given by the friendship between the two countries.

Under normal circumstances, we cannot accept a foreign patient like Mr. Clarke. It is only because he is unconscious and life-threatening that our Fangcang shelter hospital will accept him for humanitarian reasons, but it does not mean that we will accept medical expenses. It doesn't matter too much, after all, we are a hospital here, not a charity. "

"Why don't other patients have such high medical expenses?" Berlick retorted.

"That's because they have the financial backing of our country. If Mr. Clark is of Chinese nationality, it will be fine. The first aid of 120,000 US dollars the previous day plus the 60,000 US dollars this time, a total of 180,000 US dollars, we will not charge anything. It's a pity that he is not, and we can't do anything about it. Of course, if he is the funder of our hospital, he will be given free of charge. The problem is that he is still not." The hospital staff explained in a very bad English.

"US$180,000, my God, I have been in China for almost three years, and I have never seen such an expensive hospital." Berwick's attitude softened a bit, but he persisted.

"That's because our medical system has not yet completed the reform. Once the reform is completed, it will operate in full accordance with the U.S. medical system. Our Fangcang shelter hospital is a reform pilot based on the U.S. medical system standards. Okay, Mr. Berwick. Ten thousand dollars and one cent can’t be less, oh, yes, we will also contact you for the departure of the plane, and also refer to the US standards and follow the private jet lease for the first flight, 15,000 dollars an hour..."

Berwick and the people in the hospital are still talking, but Clark can't hear anything anymore, because at this moment he has been completely destroyed by the high medical bill.

One hundred eighty thousand dollars, and it hasn’t been completely cured. Clark almost went crazy. He really wanted to shout shamelessly. But just like Berlick outside the ward, they learned about your American medical system and followed your pace. Reform, how? Is it wrong to learn from you?

That is who criticized in the article that China should learn from the American medical system. Now it is too expensive. I am sorry, the American medical system is so expensive.

The same is true for the private jet rental price. You don’t want to take it. You can choose from the train station next to it, with hard seats on green trains and black trucks, Mr. Clark.

If Clark is alive and kicking, he can open his stinky mouth and squirt. Anyway, standing and talking won't hurt back; but now Clark, who is lying on the hospital bed, has his eyes on the **** lower body, which is called crying without tears.

In fact, Clark is pretty good. At least he knows that the scrapped little brother soared a lot of blood. Breno, who was sent to the hospital with him, was called a miserable one. The injured part was the brain. He is still unconscious. Wake up, but the medical bill is already as high as $380,000.

Breno’s family felt that after seeing the bill from the shelter hospital in Canada, they almost didn’t go crazy. Their whole family was tied together and couldn’t get so much money. They had to ask Breno’s old owner, Quebec Daily, for help. Quebec Daily attached great importance to sending. Four lawyers came to China and told Breno in front of Breno’s family that Breno violated the newspaper’s professional standards and privately published the article in other media, triggering the automatic termination mechanism.

Based on humanitarianism, Québec Daily has used US$20,000 to subsidize Breno’s basic living expenses. As for the rest, I am sorry that it has nothing to do with Québec Daily.

There was no way Breno’s family went to the Associated Press again, but the Associated Press directly dumped the pot to Clark, who was still in the hospital, saying that everything had nothing to do with us. It was Clark’s sway. If you don’t believe it, look at those with them. The articles published by the reporters together will know.

Then I provided several foreign media reports on the matter. The whole story is how they, reporters, helped the injured Clark and Breno, and how unappreciative Clark was, and delayed the most precious rescue time. The basin was clasped on Clark's head.

In other words, the whole incident was a very good person except for the hapless Clarke.

When Breno's family saw it, well, they finally found a hapless guy. The medical expenses of more than 300,000 US dollars are considered to have been paid. In that case, what else to say, come to collect the debt.

Clark didn't know that Breno's family had counted more than $300,000 in medical expenses on his head, otherwise the little brother's blood would soar to the ceiling.


"Haha~~Manager Wang~www.ltnovel.com~ Your method is really amazing. You haven't seen the guy named Clark, the bottom is already broken into meat."

When Clark and Breno's family were preparing to bite the dog, in a lounge behind the Fangcai Hospital, Ren Yuechuan, an authoritative media reporter, gave Wang Heping a thumbs up, which was sincerely admired.

Wang Heping waved his hand: "Don't praise me, this is our general manager Zhuang’s idea. Don’t you know that our general manager hasn’t been so ruthless in a long time. As a result, these two unlucky articles have been thoroughly smashed. Our general manager got angry, so..."

Wang Heping spread his hands, saying that the situation was obvious, and continued: “The two foreigners have nothing to say. The key is the Fangcang shelter hospital. In the morning, I was scolded by our general manager and asked me how I did last year’s performance. , I take the great responsibility to help you vent your anger. You can't stand by when your brother is in trouble."

"Look at what you said." Ren Yuechuan responded, and then asked with some worry: "Are you sure those foreign reporters can do it?"

Hearing this, Wang Heping patted his chest: "As long as your old brother can pull it over, I will give the rest."

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