Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 452: Face lost

It was not only Marcelo who was surprised by Clark's screams, and many foreign reporters around him were taken aback. There is no way that Clark's screams were so miserable, so miserable that it would be difficult for anyone to hear them.

So the nearest foreign reporters hurried over to inspect the situation. As a result, these reporters were immediately stunned. He saw Breno crawling on the muddy grass with a **** expression of life and death; while Clark was stunned. He held the same **** lower body with both hands, and screamed constantly.

Not far from the two of them, there are two obvious slippery marks, plus the **** stumps and branches in front of them, it is obvious that the two of them accidentally fell and collided while evading the plane's emergency landing.

If this is okay in normal times, it is at most an injury. Unfortunately, where the two hapless guys caught the rain, the ground was muddy and slippery, so the impact was stronger.

Seeing this situation, what else? Save people.

So a few enthusiastic foreign reporters started to help Clark and Breno, but before they could do anything, they heard a person shouting: "Wait!"

The reporter who came forward was taken aback for a moment, and then turned his head, he saw the Soviet Union TASS reporter Shao Jin holding the camera at Clark and Breno and quickly snapped the shutter, and then smiled and explained to the stunned reporters: "I I just think this is a good news point. Journalists in the United States and Canada actually broke themselves in order to avoid a non-existent danger. Although they can't make the headlines, they can at least report on anecdotes."

Shao Jin said righteously. In fact, there is another reason he said straightforwardly, that is, to take a photo to leave evidence, so that Clark and Breno will not be beaten up and sprayed everywhere when the situation is stable.

All of them are journalists, and they belong to high IQ groups. Although Shao Jin didn’t say it directly, these journalists still don’t know the meaning of the inside and out. In addition, Clark and Breno usually like to reverse black and white and make up things. Who can guarantee that they will make up for the huge amount of medical expenses and lost work loss.

So the reporter who was going to step forward to help immediately retracted his hand like an electric shock, and learned that Shao Jin held the camera and changed several angles to shoot Clark and Breno.

Clark was almost out of madness, but it was a pity that he had been hit by a tree stump to his flesh and blood, and the pain was almost unconscious. As a result, these unscrupulous gang regarded themselves as news points and they should go to hell.

However, no matter what Clark scolded in his heart, there was only a miserable howl to his mouth. It was so painful that Clark couldn't even speak, and of course, the false appeal of help would naturally be unable to express.

The reporters who came by thought Clark didn't mean it. After all, Clark is usually proud, tough, and out of low-level tastes. In his eyes, there is nothing left but the United States. How could he go to others for help.

So a bunch of people took pictures of what was supposed to be filmed, and recorded what was supposed to be recorded. Only then did someone propose to find the Chinese officers and soldiers who blocked them to deal with it.

Of course, during this period, out of humanitarian spirit, they built a simple defensive shed for Clark and Breno. For this reason, these foreign journalists sometimes flattered each other. After all, this is an excellent embodiment of international friendship. Big book special book.

In fact, it was just another set of beautifying rhetoric that they didn't save themselves. As for the intention, it was obvious that they wanted to make this matter for them, so that Clark and Breno would not get back to the point.

Clarke might still have the energy to think about the sinister intentions of those foreign colleagues. At this time, he had already passed out due to blood loss and pain.

When he woke up again, he found that he was already in a clean and tidy ward, the surrounding temperature was warm and comfortable, and the mattress was a bit hard, but naturally he couldn’t expect the treatment of a high-class hotel in the hospital, but these still let He felt like he was home, especially when there was an American with blond hair and blue eyes with an American flag on his suit. Clark almost didn't cry: "Am I back in the United States?"

"No, you are still in China." said the blond American man.

Clark froze for a moment, and then looked around in disbelief. The result was that he accidentally pulled the injured lower body. A tearing pain came and made Clark sweat, but he said in disbelief: "Such a good ward, How can China have it?"

"This is not their best hospital, but a temporary shelter hospital for disaster relief." The blond American man replied blankly, and then exhaled, his tone becoming solemn: "You have two One option, the first is to leave here, I will contact the Chinese side to facilitate transportation to the capital, and then where to find a hospital with good medical conditions to perform genital resection for you.

If you can’t believe in China’s medical standards, I can also help you contact the nearest flight to the United States, and I will also contact you with a hospital. If you have a better option, you can find it yourself. Of course, the above two options are both. You need to pay for travel and medical expenses.

In your current situation..."

The blond American man inadvertently swept under Clark, with a tone of sympathy that men understand: "I suggest you choose the first one. After all, the injury is very serious and China is also very professional in this area. They In the feudal dynasty for more than two thousand years, there was a unique class called eunuchs. They were all composed of men who had undergone castration. The technique of castration for more than two thousand years has never been cut off. Therefore, many doctors in Beijing have very good skills. ~www.ltnovel.com~ So... uh... Mr. Clark, don't cry, I promise there will be no pain. Of course, you can go back to the United States to do it."

Clark really cried, and his voice even changed: "I saw it when I was injured. It's okay below, and the location of my accident is not far from the Fangcang shelter hospital. How can they not be cured with such good medical conditions?"

"Um..." The blond American man hesitated, then took a newspaper from his pocket and patted it in Clark's hands: "The official here said that although the situation is not as exaggerated as your article writes, but medicine The shortage of resources exists objectively, so new patients have to wait. They will try their best to deploy resources on the premise of protecting severely ill patients. So Mr. Clark, if you wait patiently, I don't mind."

The blond American man spoke very implicitly, but how could Clark's buzzing head hear others?

Because that newspaper happened to be his previous commentary article on Ren Yuechuan Communication, "Fake News Cannot Cover the Erosion in the Disaster Area", with the subtitle "Everything I Saw in Daxinganling".

Seeing this, Clark only felt that not only the **** were gone, but his face was almost gone.

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