Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 433: Yun Six Export Type-Plateau Eagle Series

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China attaches great importance to Nepal’s strong interest in transport 6, especially the ministries and commissions in charge of the aviation industry. 6. Fighters like the J-7.

This is mainly because the Yun-6 is a highly adaptable general aviation aircraft. In addition to military use, it also has great advantages in civilian use. Especially in passenger transportation, the disaster relief mission in the southern part of Tibet has been highlighted. , Whether it is the transfer of severely ill victims or the rotation of border troops, Yun-6 has played an irreplaceable role.

It can be said that without Yun 6 timely and efficient erection of the air bridge to the disaster area, it is impossible for China to successfully complete the disaster relief work and subsequent reconstruction of the disaster area in such a short time.

And this kind of advanced aircraft that can carry people and can safely pass through high altitude areas has no domestic export precedent.

If Yun-6 can create the first place in this regard, it will be a history: domestic passenger aircraft will break the foreign monopoly and enter the world market.

With this sentence, the ministries and commissioners’ year-end performances were instantly full.

If anyone dares to say anything, the domestic aviation industry has become a foundry factory of foreign aviation giants, advanced passenger aircraft has become a foreign brand monopoly, and domestic air transport has become the back garden of foreign aviation manufacturers. The leaders of the ministries and commissions will definitely have a mouthful of salt. The soda squirted over, then straightened his chest proudly, and responded with a full response: "Open your eyes and take a good look at Luck 6!"

Therefore, during the excellent performance of Yun 6 during the disaster relief period, the main leaders of the ministries and commissions are happy, but they always feel that the value of Yun 6 has not been maximized. It is at this time that Nepal Baba came to consult about the situation of Yun 6, with the intention of domestic and international The leaders of the Shuangxiang ministries must seize this opportunity with the most enthusiastic attitude.

The positive attitude of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation to the ministries and commissions this time is of course the support of both hands and feet. For so many years, Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation has been fighting alone abroad. Now the national team is out to help promote sales. The manufacturing company is naturally happy.

So it is very simple to give the low version of the Plateau Eagle A, the medium version of the Plateau Eagle B, and the high version of the Plateau Eagle C, which is now the Yun-6 equipped by the Chinese Air Force. Three versions are available for Nepal to choose.

There is no essential difference in the architecture of the three plateau eagles. They are all straight single-wing with support rods, and the same fixed rear three-point landing gear. The height, length, and even the layout of the cockpit are exactly the same, even from a distance. There is no difference in the appearance of the three plateau eagles, just like the one carved out of a mold.

But in fact, the inner linings of the three plateau eagles are fundamentally different. Among other things, the materials used in the three models are different.

The plateau eagle A uses the most common aviation aluminum; the plateau eagle B is slightly better using aviation aluminum plus aluminum-nickel alloy, and the interior is equipped with simple cushion materials commonly used in pressurized cabins; as for foreign trade version 6, The so-called Plateau Eagle C uses a lightweight and expensive integrated composite honeycomb structure material.

This is like the difference between whether a house is made of wood, bricks, or reinforced concrete. Even if it looks exactly the same, the performance is different.

Because the main material is different, the manufacturing process is different, and the properties of the finished product made by different processes are naturally different.

What's more, the engines selected by Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation are different according to the different positioning of the three models. Plateau Eagle A does not have a pressurized cabin and cannot perform high-altitude flight missions, so Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation positions this model as Ordinary agricultural aircraft.

The option is the mature D-30WL turboprop engine of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, with a power of 645 kilowatts and a shaft horsepower of 876 horsepower.

With a load of 1.52 tons, a range of 1,800 kilometers, a practical ceiling of 3,800 meters, it has a good short take-off and landing capability, is strong and durable, and has the task of further improving the D-30WL turboprop engine.

The Plateau Eagle B is better than the Plateau Eagle A. It has the performance of a partially pressurized cabin, and is equipped with a basic air conditioning system and wing deicing device, but there is no air circulation system.

The practical ceiling can reach seven kilometers, but it is only a theoretical value. The general flying altitude is below three kilometers. The engine uses the TPE331-10 turboprop engine produced by Honeywell, which has 776 kilowatts and shaft horsepower. 1050 horsepower.

With a load of 1.64 tons and a range of 1,800 kilometers, it is positioned as a short-range passenger and cargo transport model, and can be equipped with an optional business jet kit to be converted into a small business jet.

The last is the Yun-6 equipped by the Chinese Air Force. Both materials, processes, supporting equipment and engines have been greatly upgraded. Even in the later plan of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, the Plateau Eagle C used for export will still Optional set of retractable landing gear.

As a result, the plateau Eagle C, which has a top speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour, has increased to 400 kilometers. Of course, the corresponding short-distance takeoff and landing capabilities and adaptability to takeoff and landing conditions are greatly reduced.

However, Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation is positioning the Plateau Eagle C as a high-end flagship aircraft, which is mainly used for business jets and government jets. In the military, in addition to plateau transportation, it can be used as a multi-task tactical platform for troops and converted into a communications command. Aircraft, maritime patrol aircraft, small anti-submarine aircraft and even small airborne early warning aircraft.

In this way, the compromised short-distance takeoff and landing capability of Plateau Eagle C and the adaptability of takeoff and landing conditions are nothing. There is no way that a certain big man sits on Plateau Eagle C ups and downs on rural dirt roads all day long, the plane is down. It doesn't matter ~www.ltnovel.com~ Where do you put the face of the boss? The flying dust?

So this small performance drop is not a problem at all.

Of course, the three models have different positioning, different tasks, and very different performances. Naturally, there is a big difference in price. Plateau Eagle A is an entry-level, and the price is the cheapest, priced at one million yuan.

Plateau Eagle B is the most versatile, the most flexible task, and the most cost-effective. The price is 2.2 million yuan.

Plateau Eagle C, because it is a high-end model, the price naturally rises, the basic type of fixed landing gear equipped by the Air Force, that is, the Yun-6, is priced at 3 million yuan.

The Plateau Eagle C-100, which is equipped with retractable landing gear and equipped with a luxurious business jet suite, costs 3.6 million yuan.

As for the tactical support aircraft that want to install various military kits and convert them into different tactical missions, it costs at least RMB 5 million.

The above quotations are all domestic prices. As for the export prices, Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation is very simple and rude, and it is straightforward to convert RMB into US dollars.

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