Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 432: Change from heart to action

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Many people are surprised that Nepal has become the first country of interest in the Yun-6. Under normal circumstances, Pakistan, which also has plateau terrain and needs in this regard, should be more interested.

And Nepal, as a country deeply influenced by New Delhi, no matter how you look at the face of the backstage boss.

Paradoxically, Nepal has not given New Delhi any face in this regard.

The reason for this is very simple. Nepal’s demand for short take-off and landing small fixed-wing aircraft in complex terrain is beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

Because this kind of small fixed-wing aircraft with short take-off and landing in complex terrain can bring great financial income and practical benefits to Nepal.

You must know that Nepal, as a small landlocked country, has basically no industry, and handicrafts are also very scarce. As for agriculture, it is not developed. Only tourism is Nepal’s few economic pillars.

It is well known that Nepal is backed by the southern foot of the main peak of the Himalayas, Mount Everest, and the southern foot of Mount Everest is recognized as a less difficult path to climb Mount Everest. So every year, climbers from all over the world gather in Nepal and gather in groups. Challenge to Mount Everest.

Mountaineers who can spend a lot of time, energy and money to buy equipment are basically the owners of good money, and they are considered high-end tourists. Therefore, although Nepal’s annual tourist reception is not large, although The actual benefits are very impressive.

After all, mountaineering enthusiasts all over the world want to challenge Mount Everest without a month or two. So the food, drink and Lhasa for these two months are all settled in Nepal, and the resulting economic value goes without saying. Metaphor.

Therefore, Nepalese people really treat mountain climbing enthusiasts as food and clothing parents, and they can’t wait to build an elevator under Mount Everest, send the climbers up in piles, and then lie down to collect money.

The problem is that this idea is like the idea of ​​the richest man in a certain period in a big eastern country, blasting a hole in Mount Everest, introducing the warm and humid air of the Indian Ocean, and improving the climate of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is a beautiful delusion.

However, delusions cannot be reflected in reality. It is possible for Nepal to send climbers to the foot of Mount Everest.

So in 1964, Nepal, with the help of several foreign mountaineering enthusiasts’ private funding, built a town in Lukla, the place where it must pass in and out of the southern **** of Mt. Simple small airport.

The reason for this is also the helpless move of the Nepalese government. They also want to build a road or railway that leads directly to Mount Everest. The problem is that Nepal’s primary schools are financially weak, and the topography of the southern foothills of the Himalayas is descending southward in steps. Complex and unstable geological conditions make Nepal simply unable to undertake such a complex and huge project.

In contrast, a small airstrip is an excellent choice. Not only is the price cheap, but also the later operation cost is not expensive. After all, the length of Lukla Airport is only a mere 527 meters, and the runway is not paved with asphalt or cement. Lay a layer of sand and gravel on the tamped ground.

As for ground guidance, there is no supporting guarantee, only a bare runway and four or five open aprons similar to parking spaces.

Yes, you read that right. The Lukla Airport in Nepal is actually a flat road that can't even be regarded as a village road. Is the price cheap, and the maintenance cost not cost-effective?

If it is placed in other countries, pointing to this dirt track and saying it is an airport, it will definitely be sprayed into dogs. But in Nepal, people openly say that we have built a commuter airport for climbers and climbers from all over the world. Our excitement is called a bitter cry.

No way, it’s just that, let alone climbing Everest before, it would take the climbers a few days to reach Lukla, the last supply town.

Because there is no direct road from Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, to Lukla town, mountaineers who want to challenge Mount Everest must carry heavy equipment and walk for a few days to reach Lukla town before thinking about it. How to challenge Mount Everest in one step.

The stronger-willed ones can still clenched their teeth, and the weaker-willed ones collapsed completely along the way.

Well now, with the airport, it saves time on trekking and saves a lot of physical energy. Climbing Mount Everest can be more comfortable. May I ask which mountaineering enthusiast does not applaud?

Therefore, once Lukla Airport was completed, it became bustling, especially during the peak mountain season. Because there are too many mountaineering enthusiasts applying to fly by plane, the Nepalese government even dispatched its air force to perform transportation tasks.

Because there is no suitable short-range take-off and landing aircraft, Nepal has always used helicopters as a capacity carrier at the beginning. It turned out that the helicopters not only have small capacity, but also have high maintenance costs in the later period. It is not cost-effective, so they began to introduce small fixed-range aircraft with short take-off and landing capabilities. Wing aircraft.

So in the early 1970s, four DHC-6 "Double Otter" small transport aircraft produced by Havilland were purchased from Canada to carry out passenger and cargo transportation tasks from Kathmandu to Lukla.

The DHC-6 model is an old model produced in the 1960s. The materials, handling and riding environment are very general. It can only be said that it can barely meet the needs of Nepal and is not excellent, so Nepal has been looking for alternatives.

At this time, the production of DHC-6 was insolvent, and Havilland was bankrupt and reorganized. DHC-6 was dismantled and sold. This caused problems in the supply of DHC-6 parts in Nepal, which suddenly changed Nepal’s alternative plan. Urgently.

At this time, the purely domestic Dornier-228 advertised in New Delhi rolled off the assembly line and began to sell it to Nepal. Nepal also felt that the Dornier-228 was okay at first, and planned to bring it to Lukla Airport to try the effect. Before the implementation, the poor performance of Dornier-228 in Ruger Township and the two subsequent air crashes caused Nepal to retreat immediately.

You must know that Nepal is engaged in the tourism service industry, not the funeral industry for mourning. Getting a flying coffin will not only cause trouble for the old man, but also ruin his own job.

So other things in Nepal don’t matter if you listen to New Delhi~www.ltnovel.com~ Small money things, I’m sorry, but you have to make your own decisions.

Of course, in addition to economic problems, the support behind Britain, France and Germany is also an important reason for Nepal to dared to stand up straight, because there is really no way to withdraw the reporters trapped in Rugel Town. Britain, France and Germany have no choice but to think backwards. New Delhi is here. If you can't tell, just let Marcelo and others go northward, enter China through the border, and then return to their respective countries from China.

If this were put in the past, Britain, France and Germany could make such a request to China generously. The problem is that the media in these three countries have made such a request during this period. The application was submitted, but China’s reply is very official, that is: "Relevant departments are studying and hope that all parties will wait patiently."

Britain, France and Germany almost didn't cry when they heard it. Marcelo and others have been trapped for more than half a month, waiting, waiting for the daylily to cool completely.

Although they were anxious, Britain, France and Germany were born from strong powers. Realizing the root cause of the problem, they immediately adjusted their strategies to find Nepal and provide support and financial assistance. It is hoped that Nepal will act as an intermediary to contact relevant Chinese authorities.

With just need, money, and support from people behind, Nepal, who has long noticed the excellent performance of Yun 6 during the disaster relief period, immediately changed from heart to action.

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