Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 424: Dornier-228 transport aircraft

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With a roar of thunder, the pouring rain poured down like a pouring, and instantly blurred the mountains in the distance. Looking at the rain outside the window that was already falling like a stream, Mendinger's yellow eyebrows couldn't help it. Wrinkled, immediately turned his head, sat on the chair, leaned his hands on the typewriter and quickly typed out a string of beautiful English characters:

On April 17, 1987, the precipitation in the southern foothills of the Himalayas continued. The roads here were muddy and motor vehicles could not drive at all. They had to rely on manpower and livestock to barely maintain external roads.

Unfortunately, last night, a sudden flash flood destroyed the only road leading to the outside, trapped not only the local people but also the army stationed here.

According to local officials, they have enough food and other living supplies for one month. The garrison that had been rotated some time ago also brought a group. In contrast, the situation in China across the border is more severe because the Himalayas behind them have an average altitude of Six thousand to seven kilometers.

The sudden rain destroyed not only the bridges, roads and farmland here, but also cut off the external passages that the opposite side depends on. China only has 24 S-70 Black Hawk helicopters that can fly the high Himalayas. .

But it is clear that the number of these helicopters is seriously insufficient, and they cannot cope with the increasingly serious mountain torrent disaster.

For this reason, the local garrison commander said this morning that if the Chinese side cannot provide relief to the disaster area, they are willing to help China out of humanitarian assistance.

Although I am willing to see the help of the local garrison on the Chinese side, the reality is not optimistic. Although the local officials and garrison officers vowed to ensure that their supplies are abundant, even if the road is washed away, it will not affect their lives. According to my observation, the local residents have little food and salt left, but the local officials and the garrison have no intention of distributing materials.

Of course, the supplies of my foreign correspondent are guaranteed, but the price is three times more expensive than before, and I only charge pounds or dollars.

There are various signs that the local situation is not as optimistic as those officials and military officers said. I will report the specific situation in detail later.

Reuters reporter, Martin Mendinger, Uluger Township.

When the last word was knocked out, Mendinger took the press release and read it carefully twice. No problem was found, he prepared to go to the telegram room behind and sent the press release to the branch of Reuters in New Delhi. The organization then forms official news through its branches and sends it to the world in the name of Reuters.

For this reason, Mendinger took out a small bottle of diesel from under the table and poured it into the small generator, and then used the strength of the milk to start the diesel generator. After waiting five or six minutes, the generator set was warmed up. Then the power is turned on and the radio transmitter is activated.

But when Mendinger was busy and was finally ready to send a report, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and a tall man in a raincoat broke in. Mendinger frowned unhappy. , Just prepared to scold the incoming person out with a fragrant mouth.

I heard the person who broke in preemptively say: "A Skylark III crashed on the way to here, and all four people on board were killed."

Hearing this, Mendinger immediately took off the earphones from his head, got up from the chair, and asked the person in surprise: "Really?"

The visitor took off the rain cap from his head, revealing a bearded and vicissitudes of life, and smiled triumphantly at Mendinger: "Our French-made helicopters are naturally very accurate."

"Is there anything more specific?" Mendinger asked.

The visitor took out a press release from his pocket and said unceremoniously: "Send this to the AFP branch in New Delhi. I will tell you what you want."

Mendinger did not pick it up, but looked at the incoming person with a vigilant look: "Mr. Marcelo, don't tell me that you AFP is so poor that you don't even have a transmitter."

Marcelo didn't care about it. "Indeed, they didn't give me a telegraph, but a satellite phone. But when there is no electricity, the thing is just a brick, and it can't be thrown far."

Hearing this, Mendinger didn’t know what to say. Before last night, the disaster hadn’t expanded further. At least there was electricity in this place. But since the disaster was serious, the electrical facilities have been damaged. As for what No one knows when it can recover.

Not to mention Marcelo's satellite phone, even Mendinger's own is no different from a brick.

Fortunately, Reuters, where Mendinger worked, had traveled all over this South Asian subcontinent under the status of the suzerain country, and had even more detailed knowledge of certain places than the local government, so the filming of Mendinger entered. In addition to advanced satellite phones, it was also equipped with traditional small diesel generators and telegraph transmission equipment.

In this way, Mendinger can continuously send front-line reports to his superiors. Marcelo does not have this convenience, but he is not the kind of **** person. He is a journalist stationed abroad. Whoever has a handy guy? Son, naturally knows.

So after writing the press release, I immediately put on my raincoat and found it, just like my own home, without the slightest embarrassment.

"Well, but the news about the Skylark III crash is not enough." They are all foreign correspondents of the top Western news agencies. Although there is competition, they belong to the same camp. It is very common to help each other, so Mendinger took over Marseille. Luo's press release, but the terms on his lips did not mean a discount.

"Don't worry, I still have two good bottles of wine. I'll show them to you later." Marcelo said quickly.

Mendinger nodded with satisfaction after hearing this~www.ltnovel.com~ At this moment, Marcelo suddenly lowered his head and said: "Actually, we can cooperate. In fact, this disaster caused China and here. The shortcomings of China’s short-term air transportation are fully exposed."

As he said, he stuffed the press release into Mendinger's hand. Mendinger saw Marcelo's press release, his eyes widened, and he nodded: "This angle is good, this angle is good."

Before the voice was over, he went to the transmitter and put on the headset. Soon with the ticking sound, a string of characters flew to New Delhi with the radio waves.

An article titled "Small multi-purpose aircraft is the key" was sent to the world through Reuters and AFP. Fortunately in other places, New Delhi immediately smiled after reading this article. Small multi-purpose aircraft is in their hands. Yes, not only there is, but it has also been completely localized. Since even a powerful country like Britain and France thinks this kind of equipment is the key, what are you waiting for? Just use it.

So not long after Mendinger and Marcelo’s reports were officially published to the world, New Delhi announced that the Dornier-228 small transport aircraft, which was introduced from the Federal Republic of Germany several years ago and has been localized since last year, will Participate in disaster relief missions on the northern border.

As soon as the news came out, all parties were in an uproar!

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