Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 423: Chinese soldier

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Under such circumstances, Zhuang Jianye has a lot of worries. Whether the newly mass-produced Yun-6 can withstand the test and complete the preparation for high-intensity transportation guarantee. Will the pulsating production line of the Xiping Plant of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation play a role? Will the follow-up Yun 6 production capacity be increased?

Has the Huancheng plant, which has already reduced the production capacity of drones and started to transfer the 6 main components, adjusted it? The composite honeycomb structure material and hot-fill curing process of Ascendas Aviation R&D Center have always been the shortcomings of Yun-6 production capacity. I don’t know if there is any improvement? There are also several foreign imported accessories that are urgently needed. Has the actor company stepped up its purchase and delivery?

The action ahead is under heavy pressure. Zhuang Jianye, the person in charge of the rear enterprise who is leading the production of Yun-6, has a lot of burden on his shoulders. It is reasonable to say that he should go back at this time and sit in the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation in order to focus on production, but... …

"Lao Zhuang!"

Just as Zhuang Jianye was looking at the extremely beautiful Gladandong Snow Mountain under the clear sky in the distance, thinking about the mess, a hoarse voice came from behind, Zhuang Jianye turned his head and looked, Zheng Quanli carried the plateau red on his cheeks, and walked quickly. Walked over, and then greeted with a smile: "If it weren't for Director Wu raised a mouth, I thought you had gone back."

"The new model will have a follow-up test flight. I don't worry, so I will stay and take a look." Zhuang Jianye replied with a smile.

Zheng Quanli's face darkened by ultraviolet rays smiled more and more brilliantly: "It is said that you are the shopkeeper. Actually, Lao Zhuang is more concerned about major issues than anyone else. Look at you these days, you have lost ten pounds, right?"

"Eleven catties and two taels, this is still eating yak meat every day, otherwise it may be more, how about you?"

"I didn’t count, but it’s almost 20 catties. You know, we were transferred to the plateau for adaptive training just after the new year. The altitude sickness my mother asked for was very evil. I’m okay. The soldier almost didn't hold it up, but fortunately, the rescue was timely."

Zheng Quanli has a hoarse voice and chapped lips. Although he wears a pair of glasses, he does not have the gentle and elegant temperament of the past, plus the fragrant smell of cow dung on his body. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a native of the plateau. Seeing him taking out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, he pointed at Zhuang Jianye.

Zhuang Jianye smiled and took one. Zheng Quanli took out a match to help Zhuang Jianye click on it, but was stopped by Zhuang Jianye, and then took out a ZIPPO lighter from his pocket: "Use mine."

Without waiting for Zheng Quanli to react, he helped to light the cigarette, then lit his own, and then closed the lighter and put it into Zheng Quanli's hand involuntarily: "This thing is windproof and works better than your match."

Zheng Quanli took two puffs of cigarettes with a look of enjoyment. He skillfully played with the ZIPPO lighter with his hands, and smiled: "Xiaoxue made several for me, but unfortunately all of them were taken away by the brats during the party. , I don’t dare to mention this to Xiaoxue now. It’s really time for you to give it, so I’m not welcome."

Before he could say anything, Zheng Quanli put up his hand beautifully and fastened the lid of the ZIPPO lighter, and then stuffed it into his pocket.

After that, a biting cold wind blew, which made people feel chilling, and at the same time, it seemed to have blown away the two people's interest in talking, so on the small hill next to the runway, the two fell silent.

I don’t know how long it took, Zheng Quanli threw the cigarette **** on his mouth, which was not just the few cigarettes, to the ground, stepped on it with his feet, trampled it out, and then reached out from the lining pocket of his clothes and took out a letter sealed in an envelope. Handed it to Zhuang Jianye: "If I can't come back this time and give the letter to Xiaoxue, I will say that I owe her in this life and I will pay it back in the next life."

Zhuang Jianye held a cigarette **** in his mouth and looked at Zheng Quanli with a solemn expression. He immediately curled his lips and said vaguely: "Such an important matter, you should do it yourself. You know Xiaoxue is still pregnant with a child. The temper of a pregnant woman... …"

Zhuang Jianye couldn't go on talking as he talked. He wanted to make the atmosphere a little more relaxed, but sometimes it was really not easy to relax.

Zheng Quanli, as the commander of a certain unit of the airborne force, was transferred to a certain place on the plateau for adaptive training when the situation in the southern Tibetan area became tense in February, so that he could act as a fast mobile force against the Tibetan area when necessary. Support at the southern border.

Originally, all these arrangements were just a backhand for the superiors. After all, the garrison in Tibetan areas is sufficient to cope with the current situation.

However, the severe convective weather three days ago completely disrupted all the plans. In the face of urgently needed victims and a neighboring country that is ready to help, only experienced airborne troops are most suitable for quickly opening up air support channels. .

After all, with simple air guidance and basic air-to-ground coordination, the airborne troops are much stronger than the iron-footed Tibetan garrison. Coupled with the excellent performance of the airborne troops in various exercises in recent years, the superiors decided that the airborne troops Take the lead and open up an air support channel in the southern part of Tibet.

Therefore, Zheng Quanli's subordinate who was training on the plateau became the spearhead of the forward with the support of the rear.

Zhuang Jianye, a business man, did not know these military deployments. As a result, just three days ago, Zhuang Jianye, who was about to return to the head office, suddenly received a telegram from Zheng Quanli, hoping that he could wait for him at the plateau test airport for two days. There is something I want to give him.

Although he didn't say anything clearly, Zhuang Jianye, who knew the situation, didn't know what it was, and immediately felt more anxious. After all, Zheng Quanli is not only a brother, but also Xiaoxue's husband and his relatives.

Zheng Quanli didn't speak, so he held the letter and looked at Zhuang Jianye with determination.

Zhuang Jianye knew that he couldn't continue, so he threw down his cigarette **** angrily, stomped on both feet desperately, and took the letter from Zheng Quanli's hand, and walked towards the barracks. After walking, he suddenly stopped. Turning back suddenly, he shouted to Zheng Quanli who was on the mountain bag: "You must come back with all the shadows. Your wife and children are best raised by themselves!"

The cold wind blew, and Zhuang Jianye’s shouts were blown so much that he didn’t even know that Zheng Quanli on the mountain bag hadn’t heard it. He just saw a rough man in a military green uniform in his gradually blurred vision. The man ~www.ltnovel.com~ stood at attention and paid a solemn military salute to him.

it is more than words.

Zhuang Jianye turned around, wiped two vague tears, and walked toward the barracks again.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, the third Y6 mass-produced by Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation landed slowly on the test field. Zheng Quanli led his command team and a group of 14 people to board the plane. With a roar, Y6 took off. After circling around the airport for a week, say goodbye to the test airport via radio:

"We are Chinese soldiers. Please rest assured that we will live up to the expectations of the people and rescue the victims without giving up!"

"I hope you will return in triumph."

"We will, goodbye."


The voice fell off, the radio went to loneliness, and the Yun 6 in the sky flew to the south quickly...

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