Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 418: Plateau Eagle

Qinghai, Golmud, an air force airport.

The Gladandong Snow Mountain, like a jade girl, is looking out from the distance, showing her mystery and magnificence. Standing on the edge of the empty airport runway, Zhuang Jianye is looking at the Gladandong Snow Mountain, which is surrounded by clouds and mist in the distance, his eyes suddenly become inexplicably confused. His face turned red involuntarily, and then his body shook involuntarily.

   seems to be really fascinated by the snow mountain goddess.

   Lin Guanghua on the side hurriedly stuffed the oxygen cannula into Zhuang Jianye's nostrils. Zhuang Jianye gasped violently, his face looked better.

   "If you fail to go to the house to rest, I will stare here." Lin Guanghua said with concern.

Zhuang Jianye took another two greedy breaths, and then felt his head feel better, and shook his head: "No, the high altitude test flight is different from the airplane test center. Even people can't stand this place, let alone the airplane, but watch it in person. Look better."

Hearing Zhuang Jianye’s words, Lin Guanghua pursed his mouth, and then rubbed his hands with his hands to warm his face that had become a plateau red. Then he said with relief: "Yes, such an intensive flight test progress is a bit harder, but from On the other hand, the troops are still very satisfied with our Yun-6, otherwise they will not arrange the test flights so intensively, and gritted their teeth will survive."

   Lin Guanghua is right. Since the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation completed the assembly of the Yun-6 prototype in early March, a series of high-intensity tests have begun.

   At the beginning, Zhuang Jianye and Lin Guanghua didn't feel anything. They thought that such a fast-paced test would be helpful to the finalization of Yun-6. Of course, this was based on their overall confidence in Yun-6, and they dared to let go.

   In fact, Yun 6 did not disappoint them. Except for a very small part that needed to be changed, everything else met the design requirements. The subsequent first flight was also very smooth.

   I thought it would be like this while flying and ground testing, and it lasted until the end of the year before the finalization could be put on the agenda.

Unexpectedly, in mid-March, the Air Force suddenly requested the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation to produce six Yun-6 aircraft. At the same time, the Yun-6 prototype used for the test flight entered an air force airport in Golmud, Qinghai, at an altitude of 4,300 meters. Carry out plateau test flight verification.

   If we talked about the previous ground tests and flight tests, Zhuang Jianye and Lin Guanghua felt that the pace was a little faster, but if it was acceptable, going directly to the plateau for the test flight would not be a matter of fast pace, but similar to doing rockets.

   You must know that, according to the previous flight test plan, the basic performance of the Yun-6 can not be fully grasped until at least mid-June for the test flight in the eastern region, and then can be confidently carried on the plateau for further test flight verification.

   After all, the climate and environment of the plateau are very different from those of the eastern region. If detailed flight data is not available, it will not be conducive to the development of the plateau test flight.

  As a result, the Air Force did the opposite and directly transported the plane to the plateau.

   That's all. The problem is that I have purchased six Yun-6s with a unit price of 3.5 million yuan. It stands to reason that Zhuang Jianye, a guy who sees money, should be happy, but I don’t know why I always feel that something is wrong.

   Yes, a cautious air force is really abnormal.

   Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye is not a deaf or blind person. There are some contacts on it, so I immediately inquired and found out that the situation in the southern border area of ​​Tibet was unstable.

   A neighboring country began to gather in the southern part of Tibet on a large scale in the name of military exercises. In addition to the severe snow disaster in southern Tibet last year, the border area became very complicated.

In order to rescue the victims in the southern part of Tibet, and also to show a neighboring country's strong will to defend the country’s territorial sovereignty, the troops acted quickly. The problem is whether the troops move fast or not, but the traffic in the southern part of Tibet is really bad. Land transportation Only to the northern foot of the Himalayas.

   The remaining mountain pass trails have to be climbed by livestock and manpower.

Air transportation is an efficient and fast form of transportation, but among the domestic models, only the S-70 Black Hawk helicopter imported from the United States can perform this task. After all, the terrain in the southern part of Tibet is more complicated, and large transport aircraft cannot land at all. , It is difficult to achieve precise replenishment.

If the army has a large number of S-70 Black Hawk helicopters on hand, it can be only 24 at full capacity. Those who have been repaired, damaged, and are stationed in the northwest to deal with the situation on the northwest border can be used in the company in southern Tibet. Not even ten.

   Coupled with the short range and the limitations of the helicopter itself, the overall efficiency is not high.

If this was placed a year ago, the troops would have just gritted their teeth, lacking air transportation means, and could not form fast supply and transportation. Then they should show their spirit of not being afraid of hardship and not afraid of death, and walk step by step. It's not for nothing. I thought I could chase a neighboring country's younger brother all over the mountains back then, but now I can't?

   You must know that wherever the Chinese soldiers are, there are wolves and tigers. I really haven't been afraid of anyone.

   But when the heads of the army were about to gritted their teeth like this, they suddenly discovered that besides the flying tiger wolves, there seemed to be an eagle that could spread its wings on the plateau.

   Take a closer look, good guys, they have already started test flights, and the technical indicators are still very good.

   Wingspan: 17.6 meters

   Captain: 14.2 meters

   Machine height: 4.8 meters

   The length, width and height of the cabin are 5.3 meters, 1.7 meters, and 1.4 meters respectively.

   Maximum take-off weight: 4800 kg

   Maximum load: 2300 kg

   Range: 2400 kilometers

   Practical ceiling: 8400 meters

  Using the type turboprop engine produced by Honeywell of the United States, the power is 776 kilowatts, and it has 1200 axle horsepower. While giving the Yun-6 a strong carrying capacity, it also has a top speed of 320 kilometers per hour.

   In cooperation with British Aerospace, Thomson of France, and Ericsson of Sweden, an integrated avionics system with weather, communications and precise navigation ~www.ltnovel.com~ can allow Yun-6 to take off and land at night and day.

In addition, there are two left and right support beams to strengthen the straight upper single wing, four control flaps, a horizontal tail and a vertical tail, so that the Yun-6 has a good ground-to-air low-speed performance, with the strong fixed first three points The landing gear and brake system can take off and land freely on a 600-meter-long straight road.

  Small size, strong carrying capacity, high ceiling, and the key to short take-off and landing capabilities. This is simply a super aerial truck tailored for the southern part of Tibet.

   If you don’t have it, then forget it. Not only does it have it now, but it has also been tested. How can it be useless?

   So the superior quickly decided to speed up the test flight of Yun-6, and at the same time promote the first batch production, and strive to put it into use as soon as possible.

Of course, none of these things were made public. Zhuang Jianye was also reminded by his superiors because of the light of invisible materials. Otherwise, how could he be like a donkey when he ran before and after he was caught. The production was busy with high test flight again, and I had already shaken off a big burden, and went home with his wife and coaxed the children.

   Therefore, Lin Guanghua’s relief Zhuang Jianye was just a bitter smile, ready to say two words of joy in suffering, and at this moment, the on-site commander’s words came from the intercom: "Everything is normal, you can take off."

   The voice immediately fell, and a bright yellow plane at the end of the runway suddenly accelerated and taxied, pulling up into the air just a few hundred meters and flying into the sky.

  :. :

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