Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 417: Upper wing

What Zhuang Jianye said was a heroic spirit that he didn't hesitate and went to death generously with a big order. As for his heart, the air force approved the project, and the model was shipped 6.

what is this? A proper and legal birth permit.

   Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation wants to enter the field of manned aircraft, the biggest obstacle is not the technology, not the personnel, nor the venue and capital, but the legal access of the superior.

After all, aviation aircrafts are different from refrigerators and washing machines. Things that can go to the sky are very important in any country. The qualification approval is very strict. As for the qualification approval, the establishment of new models is also very troublesome. .

   It was not that Zhuang Jianye didn't want to take the formal road, and asked the higher-level ministries and commissions to ask Tengfei Aviation Manufacturing Corporation to produce manned aircraft.

   However, in the overall layout of the domestic aviation industry as outlined by the ministries and commissions, Tengfei Aviation Manufacturing Corporation is positioned as a reform pilot for the development and production of advanced unmanned aerial vehicles and special aerospace equipment.

   Because of this, the application of Zhuang Jianye cannot be said to be repellent, but it is not so positive either.

   In addition, the establishment of a new model involves a lot of preliminary demonstration, expert review, feasibility evaluation and so on. Not to mention the trouble, it takes a long time.

  Zhuang Jianye simply continued to apply for the purpose of scientific research to conduct theoretical verification research on the old model of the Yun-5 aircraft.

   Anyway, the aircraft provided by Dongguai Factory does not even have an engine. Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation has a turboprop engine.

   Therefore, the Aviation Manufacturing Corporation used such a bad reason to launch the development project of the improved Yun-5.

The ministries and commissions have no opinion on this. The old models and the technical level are not high. The Aviation Manufacturing Corporation can toss where it can go, so it just turned a blind eye. As for funding, technology, equipment, and production, the ministries and commissions Except for a small amount of in-plan subsidies for scientific research, most of them are undertaken by the Aviation Manufacturing Corporation.

But even so, the Aviation Manufacturing Corporation still did not jump out of the improved Yun 5, even if the fuselage was changed, even the mother of the old Yun 5 is almost unknown, but the classic double-wing design is still retained. There is no way to remove it. Is that still 5?

   Even if you come to the flight test center to do static tests of aircraft, it is still under the guise of scientific research.

According to Zhuang Jianye’s original plan, after the completion of some ground tests and test flights, he would use the aviation team of the head office to do several demonstration air transport missions in the sky, north and south of the border region, and so as to accumulate some reputation and use the media and civil aviation. Operate your contacts.

   Then get a 5C or 5D official model from the ministries and commissions, and Zhuang Jianye’s goal of getting on the train and making up the ticket will be achieved.

As for how many orders can be obtained in the border regions and Tibetan areas, Zhuang Jianye really did not think carefully. After all, this improved Yun-5 is only a breakthrough for the Aviation Manufacturing Corporation to enter manned aircraft. A series of improvements are indispensable in the future. .

   After all, biplanes are not bad at medium and low altitudes, and the adaptability at high altitudes is not very good. Therefore, the profit growth point of the aviation manufacturing company in the manned aircraft will naturally be placed on the second-generation or even the third-generation aircraft of the improved Yun-5.

Such a layout is also in line with the development law of the aviation manufacturing industry. After all, while the aircraft is highly profitable, it also means the high investment and long cycle in the early stage. Of course, the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, which is initially involved in manned aircraft, also wants to make its debut. Probability shows that the vast majority of aerospace manufacturing companies still rely on accumulation and accumulation.

   Therefore, Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation is ready to step by step in this respect.

   But unexpectedly, Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation wanted to keep a low profile, but its strength did not allow it. The application of a new technology suitable for high-altitude flight directly attracted the attention of the troops. Apart from anything else, it dropped the funds and participated in the model.

This is equivalent to saying that the superior has approved the development and production capacity of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation in the field of manned aircraft. The qualifications and approvals that were previously blocked by Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation are not a problem. What about getting on the bus and making up for the ticket, existing children After getting married, go all the way together, and I just kick the gun when I see you.

  There is such a good thing, if Zhuang Jianye didn't agree, he would be kicked by the donkey.

Zhuang Jianye is happy here, and the air force is unambiguous. Because it is equipment urgently needed by the army, everything is done on special occasions. Soon an expert group composed of the air force and ministries and commissions conducted inspections at the grain aircraft test center and the Tengfei Aviation Manufacturing Corporation. And research.

   After fully understanding the performance of the Yun-6 and the test data of the machine body, based on the high affirmation of the Yun-6, many highly feasible improvements are also given.

   After half a month, the Air Force and the ministries and commissions jointly reported to the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. After that, the National Defense Science and Technology Commission issued a technical mission statement for transporting 6 light transport aircraft to Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation based on the investigation of the expert group, and the transport 6 project was formally approved.

For this purpose, the Air Force contributed 10 million yuan, the ministries and commissions contributed 10 million yuan, and the National Defense Science and Technology Commission provided 10 million yuan in special funds. A total of 30 million yuan was transferred to the account of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation ~www.mtlnovel .com~ Just when the superior went through the project approval process, Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation has already invested in the Yun-6 improvement project.

Originally, Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation has accumulated a lot in design, coupled with the cooperation with Ding Laixiang and other professors of West Air University in recent years, it has accumulated a large amount of wind tunnel test data, so the follow-up improved Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing of Yun 6 The head office is well prepared.

   I originally wanted to wait for the "replenishment ticket" before taking it out. Now that it saves the trouble of getting on the bus first, naturally there are not so many scruples, so I quickly decided on the most feasible one among several plans.

   Then a group of veteran aviation experts such as Ding Laixiang, Wu Changcheng, Professor Sun, and Researcher Qian made a series of optimizations to Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, making the design of New Yun 6 more mature and reliable.

The plan is determined, and the manufacturing is on the agenda. The chemical milling of the Ascendas plant is first-class in China; the composite honeycomb material is mature and reliable; the bonding process and hot-fill curing process derived from carbon fiber composite materials are also in the forefront of the country, plus one A series of automated and standardized production technology and management mode.

   Although the performance of the modified Yun-6 is a step up from the original improved Yun-5, it is far from reaching the manufacturing limit for Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation.

So two months after Zhuang Jianye went to the grain aircraft test center, a single-wing aircraft with a smoother and rounder fuselage, the new Yun-6 static test verification aircraft with fixed landing gear at the rear three points was placed in the grain aircraft test center. On the static test bench.

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