Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 407: Selling standard

"Oh, my God! This efficiency is really shocking."

   "Definitely a genius idea."

   "Enough to change the existing development pattern of the aviation industry."

After a moment of stagnation, the heads of these European aviation companies exploded with a series of heartfelt praises. Of course, taking the opportunity of praise, they turned their heads and asked the staff around them whether it was possible to move this structure back to their own enterprises through observation. Their tacit real purpose.

The result is naturally counterproductive. After all, the staff around them are more expert, and because of this, while marveling at the unique technological advantages of the actor's company pulse—the 1 type production line, they also found that behind this is not a simple U-shaped production structure. , It’s as simple as setting up a few stations.

   First, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of the various components of the model and the assembly process, and then quantify them one by one, and then sum up seven or eight production stations with consistent working hours.

  Secondly, the management of production must be standardized and systematized, update the schedule of production tasks in time, and keep the production synchronization of each station in order to complete the so-called pulse.

The last is the distribution and control of logistics and logistics. For example, the traditional transfer of people looking for workpieces must not happen, only the parts and tools can be sorted into the refined tool storage box, and the workers follow the signs. Use anytime, so as to reduce time loss and achieve rapid assembly.

   Because of this, the entire Pulse-1 production line is more like an iceberg. What is exposed on the sea level is just a U-shaped structure. In fact, behind it is a whole set of innovative production methods, management methods and logistics control methods.

   To put it bluntly, it is a whole new set of production standards for aerospace vehicles.

  It’s not that these European aviation companies can’t go back and do it themselves. The problem is that there are so many links, so many supporting models, one by one, who can figure it out after three or five years?

   Not to mention anything else. Take logistics and logistics control as an example. Even a fingernail-sized screw must be divided into categories for professional distribution and storage. How many similar parts of an airplane are there?

   Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. Once so many components are disordered, it will not affect one or two process errors, but the entire production line will be paralyzed because of this, and the loss caused is simply incalculable.

   There is also the standardization of components, which is also a considerable challenge. Although Europe has a strong foundation in this respect, there is still a long way to go before strict standardization.

   If you want to realize the high-efficiency production of the pulsation-type 1 production line, the various components must be strictly standardized, otherwise the hydraulic mechanism and the landing gear interface will not match, even if you build the pulsation production line, it is no use.

  Because of this, what Evans just said was not about their pulsation-1 production line, but how their aerospace product production architecture design.

  What is design?

   includes not only production lines and supporting production equipment, but also in-depth analysis and personalized customization for different models. In other words, actors not only sell production lines, but also sell creativity, technology, and their unique standards.

  Although the heads of various European aviation companies are not from the technical department, they can climb to the leadership position, but they still understand some of the inside information. After listening to the simple analysis of the staff, you know that it is very difficult to copy it after a few glances.

  Speaking of it, if you look at a beautiful woman, it will make the other person feel good, and you can use it to go to bed, just look at the pregnancy.

   In that case, I just ignored it and put the beauty of the actor company to bed. So the heads of various European aviation companies were a little eager to try, and they were all ready to pay a high price to the actor company after returning.

While everyone was making their own small calculations, they listened to Evans to continue: "Of course the pulse-1 is only our current primary structure, because it can only produce about ten tons of small aircraft, 20 tons, three Large aircraft of ten tons or even one hundred tons cannot use this method, so our actor company is doing research in this area, striving to complete the architecture design of the pulsating production line of large aircraft within three to five years.

For this reason, I would like to express my special thanks to Mr. Charles, Executive Vice President of British Aerospace Corporation, and Mr. McKenline, CEO of Cessna Corporation of the United States. It is their hard work and generosity that have greatly helped the actors and companies. Here I It also officially announced to everyone present that British Aerospace Corporation and Cessna of the United States hold 8% and 15% of the shares of Actor Corporation respectively, and that Actor Corporation will also give priority to British Aerospace Corporation and Cessna Corporation of the United States. Several small aircraft are designed for pulsating production lines. "

Evans’s previous sentence was very excited by the heads of European aviation companies, especially Edron, whose angular faces were a little red with excitement. If the actor company can really complete the pulsating production line architecture design of large aircraft, Then Airbus is also afraid of Boeing and McDonnell Douglas, crushing them in minutes is really like playing.

Mindful of this, Edron has made up his mind to **** the beauty of the actor company no matter what the price is. As a result, Edron is planning to use 500 million francs or 1 billion francs to defeat the actors. Time.

   Evans's next sentence stunned Edron like a scream.

what's the situation?

  British Aerospace Corporation and American Cessna Corporation and the actor companies have gone beyond the business level and have begun to invest in shares?

   When did they negotiate equity financing? Why is it so fast?

Edron was finally a little panicked. British Aerospace and American Cessna had business dealings with actors. He was not afraid to open the door to do business, welcome customers, and make money, not to mention doing business with the United Kingdom and the United States. Even if the Soviets came over, as long as the price is in place, it is not impossible to negotiate.

However, the nature of the shares of the British and American companies is completely different, which means that the two companies are likely to fully control the actor company within a few years by increasing the shareholding ratio or multiple rounds of financing.~www. ltnovel.com~ When Airbus is crushing Boeing and McDonnell Douglas, people will in turn rub the European aviation industry repeatedly on the ground.

   Aware of this, Edron’s intestines are regretful. Just three days ago, Evans was willing to take out 28.5% of the shares in exchange for 600 million francs of financing from European aviation companies.

   At that time, Edron felt that Evans’s offer was too high. He was only willing to offer 300 million francs, and what he wanted was 100% of the actors’ shares.

In just three days, the actor company officially left Europe and turned to Britain and the United States. Edron only felt that his head was buzzing, but before he calmed down from his fierce emotions, he suddenly realized that all the European colleagues around him were using one. Looking at him with a bad look.

   Now Edron finally realized what Charles felt in the lobby of Actor's company a few days ago, and he almost vomited three liters of blood.

   Obviously, the people in charge of the European aviation companies blame him for not taking the actor company to them in the first place.

Edron is like sitting on pins and needles. If this matter is not handled properly, then Edron is the sinner of the entire European aviation industry. So when everyone was led by Evans to visit the factory, Edron was left behind intentionally or unintentionally. , And then approached Irving, who had been accompanying him, and whispered: "Mr. Irving, if possible, I hope I can have a private conversation with Mr. Evans and you tonight."

   Owen heard the words, an imperceptible smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and nodded: "Yes!"

  :. :

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