Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 406: :Pulsation-a type production line

Yes, Edron is very incredible. You must know that the contradictions between British Aerospace Corporation and the actor company are the same, and the core leaders of the two actor companies, Evans and Irving, are not generous people. The probability that people can shake hands and make peace is almost zero.

   It is based on the above judgments that Edron is confident and bold to sell the British Aerospace Company cleanly, because this can not only please the actor's company, but also hit the British aviation industry to the greatest extent.

   However, it is unbelievable that British Aerospace not only cleared up the previous suspicion with the actor company, but also quickly reached a technology exchange agreement with it. This surprised Edron and inevitably felt a little bad.

However, before Edron had finished digesting the shock that Charles had brought him, a tall but thin middle-aged white man walked over and greeted enthusiastically: "Hi, Mr. Charles, this Is it your French friend?"

   Edron was taken aback. He didn't know the other party, but the English with a Western accent gave Edron a very uncomfortable feeling.

   "Yes, Mr. McKinline, this is the executive vice president of Dassault SA and the director of Airbus Europe, Mr. Charles Edron."

Charles was very enthusiastic to take care of McKinline, who walked quickly, and then introduced Adron to him, and then pointed to Adron to introduce to McKinline: "This is the new CEO of Cessna, McKinline. Sir, this time I made a special trip to attend the inauguration ceremony of the newest L162 small aircraft production line of Actor Company."

  As soon as this remark came out, Edron had a premonition that his heart suddenly jumped. The American Cessna Corporation, the world-famous manufacturer of small aircraft, small executive aircraft and small business jets.

If this is the case, Edron is at most vigilant and will never feel bad. The reason for this is very simple. Last year, General Motors spent a huge sum of money to acquire most of the shares of Cessna, thus turning this world-renowned small The aircraft manufacturing company is in the bag.

   So although this McKinline is under the banner of Cessna, in fact, behind him is the powerful giant of American General Motors.

  If this is the case, it is more important that they have placed the L162 small aircraft production line in the actor company, which proves that General Motors has started substantive cooperation with the actor company.

  A British Aerospace Corporation and an American General Company. This is obviously a joint venture between the United Kingdom and the United States.

   The face of Edron who realized this was very ugly. The same ugly was the heads of other European aviation companies. After all, the sudden coming together of Britain and the United States was definitely not a good thing for them.

   But it is ugly, but the dignity of the old European aristocrats is well maintained by them. In addition to their own education, the most important thing is that they still have doubts about the actor's company for a four-hour plane.

   So they see the Anglo-U.S. alliance more as a means of pressure for actor companies to raise their prices.

   After all, for these old European aviation companies, the new actor is really too shallow, and there is no way out other than being annexed by them.

  I believe that the top executives of the actor company are also aware of this, so they shamelessly pull on the United Kingdom and the United States, just hoping to buy themselves at a good price.

Regarding this, Edron or the head of other European aviation companies, apart from being a little depressed, other ideas are not much, nothing more than paying more money, and because of this they show the most basic courtesy to McKinline .

   Even on some topics, it can be said that they have a good chat.

Just talking and laughing all the way from the parking lot to the actor's aircraft production plant, Evans and Owen were already waiting there. Seeing them arrived, Evans led a group of them. People walked into the factory through the side door where people entered and exited.

When the heads of European aviation companies who were still chatting with each other on their respective topics waited for their feet to step into the factory, everyone seemed to be under a curse, even if they were interested in topics, they were forced back. Because all their attention was stunned by the scene in front of them.

   Only in the huge factory building, there is no fixed aircraft assembly station as they used to see, but a U-shaped continuous production structure is formed around the factory building.

Aircraft in different states are evenly distributed on this U-shaped assembly line, from nothing at the beginning, to the appearance of the fuselage profile, to wing placement, avionics installation, landing gear hydraulic system assembly, and related system testing until the final completion s plane.

A huge U-shaped structure is like an evolution of the aircraft from scratch. Panel installation, wing assembly, avionics, hydraulics, and even testing have previously required a line to assemble the aircraft. On such a simple U-shaped structure, it can be performed simultaneously and in parallel.

   This is simply...


   Just when the heads of European aviation companies such as Edron looked at the actor company's aircraft production line and almost couldn't get their eyes out, Evans suddenly coughed slightly.

Everyone turned their eyes back at Evans in embarrassment. UU read www.uukānshu.com and Evans proudly pointed to the U-shaped production line in front of him: "Gentlemen, what is in front of us is the real The main business of the company is the design of the production structure of aerospace products. What you see is the rapid production structure of aircraft developed by my partner and I after several years of research and development, the Pulse-1 production line."

   "Pulsation?" A head of a Dutch company frowned, seemingly puzzled by the name.

Evans nodded: "Yes, because we have divided the original aircraft assembly process into engine and landing gear installation, pipeline system installation, electrical system and tail installation, windshield tail and fairing according to standardized procedures. Eight modules including installation, wing and door installation, flight control system installation, avionics and brake system installation, test run, and avionics inspection; each module has the same workload, which is four hours, so this production structure We will advance once every four hours, just like our pulse is beating, so my partner Mr. Owen and I named it Pulse."

It seems that in order to verify Evans’s words, the indicator lights of the eight stations along the U-shaped structure suddenly lit up. The workers who were in the process of assembling immediately left the busy aircraft, and then dispatched them with the plant’s production supervisor. , The aircraft at each station began to move along the U-shaped structure, and soon the aircraft entered the next station, and the workers continued to assemble the newly arrived aircraft.

   While the factory door on the other side opened, a brand new L162 aircraft was pushed out of the factory.

  A group of European aviation company leaders saw this scene and was collectively sluggish!

  :. :

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