Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1623: Boeing's needs

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It’s not enough if you don’t want to be convinced. In the hands of these Chinese companies, their performance continues to decline, and they are looking at the mess that will be impossible to deal with. In the hands of Renzhuang Jianye, they have not seen any measures introduced by other entities. Resurrected from the dead and performance began to return to its peak, employment and profits and taxes reached new highs.

This is the charm of mastering the high-end supply chain.

Not to mention domestic Chinese companies, but giants such as Airbus and Boeing are crying out every day to shift the aviation supply chain and relying on China to take off. They seem to be screaming fiercely, and they have made substantial moves. .

For example, Boeing intends to manufacture part of the Boeing 737MAX models in New Delhi; Airbus has been deeply involved in Eastern Europe, acquiring and transforming all aircraft repair plants, assembly plants and parts plants established by the Soviet Union in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and other countries during the Cold War. Incorporated into the Airbus supply chain system.

What is it for? Isn't it to get rid of the dependence on China's take-off and realize the so-called "autonomous and controllable" of the supply chain?

But actually?

In the first quarter of 2008, China Soaring's shipments to Airbus and Boeing hit a new high.

Among them, the T500 series of carbon fiber composite materials and aluminum-lithium alloy related components to Airbus increased by 58.7% year-on-year. Among them, the export of large-scale aluminum-lithium alloy skin products has more than doubled from last year.

The reason is that Airbus's A330 and A340 have begun to be supplied in batches, and a large number of aluminum-lithium alloy skin components are required on these two models.

As far as the world is concerned, only China Ascendas can complete the smelting and preparation of aluminum-lithium alloys; the completeness of product grades; and the final high-quality processing and forming.

That's all, the most important thing is that the quality of the things made by China Ascendas is second to none, and the price is very close to the people, which has a qualitative improvement for aviation manufacturers to reduce costs and improve competitiveness.

Compared with Airbus, Boeing has made even greater strides because they signed a high-end equipment transfer agreement with China Ascendas Group, which was shortly after the completion of its business restructuring, in March, with a total value of more than 18 billion U.S. dollars.

Including 6 sets of Z-DL-50 type 50-ton vibration test bench, four sets of NB-8848 type seven-axis five-linkage carbon fiber fast laying machine, and two sets of the world's largest carbon fiber composite material pressure curing irrigation.

These equipment are mainly used for the production of the Boeing 787 which is about to be mass-produced.

Among them, six Z-DL-50 50-ton vibration test benches are mainly used for the vibration test simulation test of Boeing 787 passenger aircraft; four sets of NB-8848 seven-axis five-linkage carbon fiber fast laying machines are used for Boeing 787 full carbon fiber large Integrated manufacturing of large-sized fuselage; the two largest carbon fiber composite pressure curing pots in the world are also integrated with the Boeing 787 full-carbon fiber large-sized fuselage.

Originally, Boeing was planning to develop these equipment together with Japan’s Toray and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. However, the Japanese companies were like diarrhea in the 1990s. They didn’t give much strength at all, and they often made mistakes on key issues, leading to the whole The plan was so delayed that it affected the delivery of the Boeing 787.

You must know that Boeing has signed monopoly agreements with major airlines. The airlines specify to purchase passenger aircraft from Boeing, but Boeing must guarantee the delivery time of the aircraft, otherwise a large amount of liquidated damages may be waiting for you.

It doesn’t matter if Boeing loses some money, but it’s hard to make up for the damage to goodwill. More importantly, if airlines turn around to rely on Airbus, the advantage that Boeing is trying to maintain will be completely bankrupt. After all, Airbus’s A350 and Where is the A380 eyeing? If you are not careful, Boeing may be killed by Airbus.

Therefore, the delivery of the Boeing 787 on schedule can be described as affecting the whole body. However, Japan is not able to do so, and the domestic related industries are not good enough. What should be done?

You can only find China Ascendas here with a cheeky, no way to make China Ascendas is now the world's largest supplier of carbon fiber and its supporting special processing equipment.

Yes, if carbon fiber and related processing equipment are put together, China Ascendas is the largest and strongest existence.

Even if they are not put together, the world's third-largest carbon fiber material manufacturer and the world's second-largest supplier of carbon fiber special processing equipment are enough to stand out in the world.

More importantly, China Ascendas can completely achieve the world's number one in these two fields, but the persistent China Ascendas is not because the products they produce are all high-end and high-end products, and they have long been separated from the shipment volume. The shackles of low-level interest are all aimed at the existence of high value-added.

Because of this, in terms of shipments, China takes off, let alone the top three, even if the top five can't make it into the top five, plus sales and net profit, that is the top three properly.

With such a profound background, when facing Boeing's needs, China Ascendas suddenly came up with seven or eight different solutions with extremely high feasibility, and directly regarded Boeing's technical director in charge of negotiations as stupid.

We must know that the Japanese side was so overwhelmed with one of the plans, and as a result, China took off and threw out seven or eight in a domineering manner.

This is like how a student bully is to a student scum. For the same question, the student scum can be seen to collapse and burst according to the standard answer; the student scumbag can come up with seven or eight different solutions without even looking at the answer. The level is high. It is clear at a glance.

The reason for this is simple. China Ascendas has been committed to research in this area since it broke through the key technology of carbon fiber automatic laying machines.

Algorithm optimization from precision machinery to software; from basic discipline test to full-scale test verification.

In short, although China Ascendas is a latecomer in this respect, it is progressing very rapidly with its strong supporting scientific research foundation.

Of course, if this is in other companies, it is estimated that such a big achievement will not be achieved, because the shortage of demand causes even if the shackles from 0 to 1 are broken, it will be unsustainable due to the sluggish demand.

China's take-off is different. He has a strong demand for all kinds of automatic silk laying machines. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

—Improved on the basis of 200—the entire fuselage of advanced business jets is made of full carbon fiber composite materials, combined with aramid fiber honeycomb structure lining, so that 60% of the traditional fuselage truss frame structure is eliminated. It weighs 35.8%, which makes the advanced business jet have a maximum speed of Mach 0.92, which is unmatched by other aircraft of the same type!

Coupled with a maximum flying altitude of 15,000 meters, it is enough to experience what is called a real speed on the cloud.

There is also the large T-shaped vertical tail behind the Yun-18NB transport aircraft, which is entirely made of carbon fiber composite materials, because only this material can ensure the high strength of the vertical tail while reducing the overall structure to the greatest extent.

There are also Zhi-18plus heavy-duty helicopters, the 20th project, the 10th project improved, and the FC-23 carrier-based aircraft, all of which require a large amount of carbon fiber composite materials, which are where all kinds of automatic laying machines need to be applied.

Faced with such a strong demand, China's take-off is naturally to constantly update and seek technological breakthroughs, even if it is not for others, then it must do its own thing well!

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