Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1622: I admit there is something to bet

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Yes, China really doesn’t want to take off. It’s hard to get into the battle with light, light footsteps, and there are no three highs, how good it is!

Why should I burden myself?

Carrying out your own aviation and aerospace not only conforms to the development of the times, but also conforms to the trend. Why should you just pick it up?

But if China fails to take off, the pressure on China Development Bank will be very high. Those leading cadres who rely on Southwestern Medical's political achievements are not so good to each other.

If China Development Bank pays back its performance, the performance falls in a cascading manner. It means that the king of heaven will have to fight with you when he comes.

The question is, what kind of person does China Development Bank have to manage the physical manufacturing business?

A few people engaged in financial services felt that the eggs could not be put in one basket, so they reduced the soaring supply chain procurement from China. The result was good, and the entire Southwestern Medical Service almost did not collapse.

No way, although Southwestern Medical was separated from the soaring mother of China, the thing called the umbilical cord has never been broken. If the brash man can't see it and cut it off with a click, the loss of China's take-off is only a few dollars. My child, but Southwestern Medical has no other way to go except rushing to the street.

And if Southwestern Medical is on the street, half of the sky will collapse in the entire Huancheng city, and employment, people's livelihood, finances, and political achievements will all be in vain.

But if CDB is asked to rebuild the supply chain, it can be done in theory, but in reality it is very difficult to complete. The reason is simple, because there are many parts and design data that only China Ascendas has, and they can't be found elsewhere.

For example, the carbon fiber composite materials used in various multi-function shelters developed by Southwest Medical have been used all over the world, and only China Ascendas has the most complete models and the best quality.

There are also high-performance turbo pumps used in ventilators, high-speed medical turbo pumps that can reach more than 10,000 revolutions per minute, and only China Ascendas can make them in the world.

There is also a half-life scanner on MRI. It is also the only one in China that takes off in China, and there is no semicolon.

There are similar products abroad. The problem is that the expensive ones will die. If they are really adopted, the cost of the entire MRI will increase several times. At that time, the hospital procurement cost will increase, which indirectly equals the increase in the cost of patients’ visits, and the change in direction will increase the cost of patients. burden.

Since we can't build our own supply chain, then this mess is better for China to take off. It's good to pay a little dividend every year. So China Development Bank begged grandpa and grandma, and forced Southwest Medical Care to take off in China.

Similar situations include the Yuanli Power Equipment Co., Ltd. (Group) Co., Ltd. which belongs to CITIC Group; the aluminum-lithium alloy smelting company which belongs to the metallurgical industry; and the Zero Degree Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. which belongs to a Chinese prefix enterprise...

All in all, many manufacturing companies that have invested in Ascendas have been replaced by new owners for one reason or another.

The general situation is similar to that of China Development Bank, but the supply chain cannot solve it. Corporate profits are declining, and local blows are beginning to put pressure on them. The entity has no choice but to spin off the entity again.

Zhuang Jianye was also worried. The bits and pieces that were finally pushed out are all piled back now. What else can I do? I can only help the brothers accept it with difficulty, and give some encouragement.

However, Zhuang Jianye still had three chapters with the brothers with the initials in the middle. It was no problem for him to leave the entity. However, he resolutely avoided real estate, commodity transactions, and financial services, because he was limited because of his limited ability and he was really busy. But come.

In fact, it is not necessary for Zhuang Jianye to say that it is impossible for these Chinese-speaking companies to return these industries that really make money.

They just really don't have the energy and ability to manage the entity. How much can they make in the end?

How can it be easy to make a large sum of money with a double tap on the keyboard?

So at the end of February, China Ascendas was reorganized into China Ascendas Group, and before May, various entities returned to the Ascendas system one after another.

It's just that there are a few things that are empty and brainless. From the perspective of the growth of assets, it seems that there is not much potential. However, those who really know the industry know that Zhuang Jianye removes all the fat from his body through this entry and exit. All the meat is lean and dried tendon.

Makes the entire Ascendas system healthier and stronger!

The most typical is the debt ratio, which dropped from 68.7% before to 42.6% at this stage.

No way, real estate, commodity trading, and financial services are all highly leveraged and highly indebted businesses. Even for a seemingly good investment, you need to increase the high leverage several times or even more than ten times, which immediately pushed up China. Soaring debt ratio.

That's all, the point is that most of China's total assets in the hands of Ascendas are good assets in the eyes of banks or credit institutions, so there are very reasons why it lends money to China Ascendas' investment institutions for operation.

Because they are not afraid even if they lose money. Any aircraft manufacturer or aerospace manufacturer can make up for the loss, especially some foreign banks headquartered on Hong Kong Island. Not only do they give great incentives, but also corresponding policies. It is also very loose.

This led to the temptation of some people in China's Ascendas investment department at that time, and began to have a tendency to "runaway" in this regard.

In an internal investigation, Zhuang Jianye discovered that an investment department leader in charge of financial services actually has more than 200 million US dollars in financial credit from HSBC and Barclays Bank.

In other words, the two banks will provide a loan of US$200 million only with the signature of the leader’s credit.

In the face of this situation, Zhuang Jianye cannot be vigilant, so the divestiture of such highly debt and highly leveraged assets is not a temporary intention, but is already in the plan.

It's just that listing them separately would be too personal, so the entire Ascendas investment was divested, split, and handed over to major and medium-sized enterprises.

However, at that time, Zhuang Jianye was still under a lot of pressure. After all, many real companies are high-end industries supported by China's take-off.

Even companies such as Southwestern Medical, which are just like China's take-off, have developed from the 23 branch factories.

If the assets are insolvent, most people understand that China Ascendas divested a few and exchanged some liquid funds. The problem is that China Ascendas’ business conditions are all normal nowadays, and it is inevitable that some people will speculate about the divestiture.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye's prestige is still there. com can be suppressed, which makes many companies just guessing, instead of jumping up and fighting.

But don't understand it is in the majority.

In fact, Zhuang Jianye is also gambling. Zhuang Jianye has to admit that the gambling component is very large. It is not so easy to bet that the industrial chain built by himself is not so easy to become a piece of sand because of simple equity changes.

But there are also many uncertainties. In case the Chinese prefix enterprise finds another way and integrates its own industrial chain, Zhuang Jianye has no choice but to watch the spin-off enterprise merge with other people. One.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye won the bet. The industrial chain layout that took 20 years to complete has not been broken because of this, but has become stronger because of this.

Of course, in the face of the outside world, Zhuang Jianye could not say that. Instead, he kept refusing, and he just came up with three resignations and three compromises. Only then did he accept a bunch of "mess" and fully demonstrated his nobleness. The quality and fearlessness of responsibility, especially the high-minded attitude of helping the poor and the poor, really convinced the big bosses of the big and medium-sized enterprises!

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