Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1567: Gas turbine pump

In fact, it wasn't just Tian Changmao. Father Tian was surprised by the series of parameters Zhuang Jianye said. Tian Lu, who was next to him, didn't get well there, so he opened his mouth wide and couldn't say a word.

No way, it is that the parameters of the DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine are too scary.

It is important to know that the weight of the domestic liquid rocket engine of the same level is at least 1.8 tons, and usually around 2.5 tons is considered a normal level. A thrust-to-weight ratio of more than 60 is considered a remarkable achievement, and the specific impulse can reach 200 seconds to participate in the country. Class awards.

However, all of this is not enough for the DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine, except that the thrust is slightly close, and the domestic aerospace department imported the RD-120 liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket from Russia in the early 1990s. The engine is roughly equivalent in performance.

You must know that the sea level thrust of the RD-120 liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine is only 74 tons, and the specific impulse is 320 seconds. It seems to exceed the DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine by a large amount in data, but if it is Counting the total weight of the RD-120 liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine of 3.4 tons, the thrust and specific impulse beyond that are really nothing.

After all, the benefits of lighter rocket engines can directly reflect the load, and the amount of load is the most critical indicator in the aerospace field.

Of course, this is only one of the points. As the veterans in the industry, the grandparents and grandchildren see it more deeply than the average person.

To have such a powerful thrust-to-weight ratio, the size of the rocket engine is not the point. The key is that the power of the core gas turbine pump must be large.

In this way, the fuel from the rocket fuel tank can be poured into the combustion chamber at the fastest speed and in the most bursting way, and then mixed and burned to finally form the desired thrust.

Therefore, the greater the pressure of the gas turbine pump, the more fully the combustion of the rocket engine, and the greater the thrust provided.

To increase the pressure of the gas turbine pump, it is necessary to increase the power of the gas turbine pump.

Usually the ultimate domestic level in this regard is about 15 MPa. No matter how high it is, the blades of the gas turbine pump cannot withstand the high temperature, high pressure, and low temperature fuel corrosion inside the rocket engine.

Because of this, it has entered the 21st century. Domestic liquid carrier rockets still use old-fashioned propellants such as unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and dinitrogen tetroxide that have been used since the 1950s and 1960s.

Especially the unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine itself is a very strong toxic substance, so that when this substance is so expensive, the staff must wear protective clothing all the way.

In addition, the combustion of this type of propellant will cause different degrees of pollution to the air and water, especially when the rocket wreckage is landed, if it is not handled in time, it is likely to cause irreversible damage to the surrounding area.

That's all, the most important thing is the cost. Whether it is unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine or dinitrogen tetroxide, they are extremely scarce chemical products. Whether it is preparation or storage, almost all of them are piled up step by step with money.

There are so many drawbacks, don't the people in the domestic aerospace industry know?

Of course I know, but there is no way. The propellant composed of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and dinitrogen tetroxide has a large combustion value, and the pressure requirements of most gas turbine pumps are not high. The rocket engine manufacturing of this type of propellant can be easily completed in China.

If it is replaced with a liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine, since the combustion value is reduced by more than half, the fuel turbine pump needs to provide greater pressure to achieve the same thrust. However, several domestic aerospace production plants do not have the production and processing capabilities of such complex products .

Because of this, even if it is known that kerosene is cheaper, has fewer residues after combustion and is more environmentally friendly, because of technical problems, it can only continue to use the previous generation of propellant.

The same is true of similar liquid hydrogen-liquid oxygen rocket engines, which are also stuck on the core component of the high-power gas turbine pump.

In this regard, the former Soviet Union and the United States are the leaders on the entire planet. Because of breakthroughs in related technologies, the former Soviet Union can be said to be the best on the technical route of liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engines. Nowadays, the thrust reaches 700 tons. The RD-170 rocket engine has almost become a special product for the US liquid oxygen-kerosene carrier rocket.

The United States' own RS-25 liquid hydrogen-liquid oxygen rocket engine has been developed from the space shuttle, and now it has become the main power of the Delta series of heavy-duty launch vehicles and the main force of the United States to conquer the sea of ​​stars.

Regardless of whether it is Europe, Japan, or China, the gap between these two countries is really not one and a half.

More precisely, if it were not for the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which led to a large number of space technology spillovers, it would be hard to say whether these places in Europe have the ability to launch large guys with a low-Earth orbit carrying capacity of more than 10 tons.

However, even if the aerospace technology of the former Soviet Union spilled over, no one could fully grasp the high-performance liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine technology, especially the high-power gas turbine pump. In the early 1990s, some people in Russia took advantage of the country’s chaos. Did not take this thing out to exchange money.

There are a lot of people who buy it, but outside the United States, even if you get the drawings and parameters, you can’t make half of the yarn.

It's like the scumbag holding the answer from the scholastic master and failing to copy a passing test paper. It's not that the scumbag doesn't work hard.

Imagine how many years the Soviet Union has studied liquid carrier rockets and missiles, and how long other talents have been tossing about it.

Needless to say, the former Soviet Union’s SS-18 "Satan" super-heavy ballistic missile is a typical liquid fuel ballistic missile, and the R-29 series of submarine-launched ballistic missiles equipped by the Soviet Navy are also equipped with liquid fuel.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Soviets have already spent money on liquid fuel, and the related rocket engines are naturally not a problem.

Therefore, without the solid material science, fluid mechanics, production technology, and manufacturing experience of the Soviet Union, even if there are blueprints and experts, it will be effective.

So whether it is in Europe, Persia or South Korea, after some research, in the end, they have no choice but to pay for the original Russian goods. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

The country is no exception. Taking advantage of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the country has obtained samples of several RD-120 liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engines and some technical data. Products still cannot be imitated based on the domestic technology level at that time.

Regardless of what the dark gray coating on the gas turbine pump on the RD-120 actually was, the aerospace experts at that time were confused. In the end, they could only study the samples carefully while importing Russian products at a high price.

It was with such an unbearable experience that Tian Changmao was shocked by the DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine on the TV. He only found it unbelievable and unbelievable.

Just as Tian Changmao was thinking about how Zhuang Jianye would do it, Tian Luyi, who was always surprised with his big mouth open, just like a corpse, yelling: "I know... it's an engine, aero engine... a gas turbine... yes, no Wrong, this is how the technical barriers of aviation and aerospace are opened...Grandpa~~~Grandpa~~~What's wrong with you? Don't scare me~~~"

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