Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1566: Liquid Oxygen-Kerosene

It's no wonder that old man Tian Changmao would be so surprised. There are more than a dozen rocket engines behind Zhuang Jianye, who is really a casual outfit. That's all, the key is that old man Tian has never seen the style of those rocket engines.

The shiny pipeline, even the outer wall of the tail nozzle of the bell mouth is shiny with metallic luster.

That's all, the key is that there is a small nozzle next to the tail nozzle, which looks a bit nondescript, but it is a whole body.

Not to mention the compact structure of the entire rocket engine, the more important thing is that it should be very light, because dozens of them are put together, and they are easily lifted to the other end of the plant by a 20-ton gantry crane. Obviously its lightness is. Reached an amazing point.

It is necessary to know that the same number of rocket engines produced by other domestic aerospace directors requires at least a 50-ton gantry crane to barely lift them.

However, this is not the focus of Mr. Tian's attention. The main reason for his surprise is the fact that Xikang Plant produces the rocket engine itself.

It should be understood that although China Ascendas is involved in aerospace business, its scope of business is limited to the missile bodies and fuel tanks of some carrier rockets and long-range missiles. Even if it undertakes the development of solid carrier rockets, the core solid rocket motor and overall control system are other Provided by aerospace system manufacturers.

This is not to say that China Ascendas does not want to do this business, but it involves troops. The barriers to entry are very high. With China Ascendas' background, the hardware is not up to the standard. Because of this, it is still today. The domestic rocket engine is still controlled by several large factories in the system.

And this is also an important reason why Zhuang Jianye will set aside China's soaring aerospace business and start a new venture to create the ZTM-NB space exploration company.

If you want to do it or not, just throw off the burden and do it yourself.

Isn't it because the entry barriers for troops are high, then ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company has completely cut off the business of the troops and entered the head office as a purely civilian aerospace startup company.

Of course, with the support of China Ascendas, the purely civilian aerospace entry barrier is still well surpassed. However, in addition to crossing this minimum threshold, the industry is engaged in this kind of whole industry chain operation for ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company. The model is not optimistic.

It is important to know that the technical difficulty of aerospace is not much lower than that of aviation, especially a few key components, which are the optimal solutions accumulated by mankind in the past half a century.

If China wants to take off on its own, it is ready to complete the journey of more than half a century of the domestic aerospace giants. It is a joke in every way.

What's more, the input-output ratio of aerospace is notoriously low. Often more than 90% of the weight of a carrier rocket is fuel and oxidant, and less than 10% is used for payload. It can be said that spacecraft It is true that every cubic centimeter exudes the taste of money.

Because of this, ordinary space launches can make a profit as long as the balance of payments can be ensured. If the spacecraft can achieve the design level, it will be considered a profit. As for the cost of the research and development, manufacturing and launch of the launch vehicle, it is a mess. There is no way to calculate it at all.

If this is not the case, why is the aerospace industry operated by the national team personally, there is no way, only the country, and a powerful country can play such a national weapon, the average enterprise does not say normal aerospace launch, just get it. It is estimated that all sounding rockets will soon be worn down by huge investment.

When Ke Zhuang Jianye founded the ZTM-NB space exploration company, it issued the launch of the first launch vehicle within 5 years, profitable within 8 and a half years, and reduced the current domestic space launch cost by 50% within 10 years.

This is extremely proud to say, but the industry has sneered at it. It should be known that the domestic aerospace production cost is already the lowest in the world. On this basis, it is reduced by 50%. Not to mention it is a fantasy, it is almost nothing. Possibly, you have to know which space-grade products are not piled up with money. ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company can keep the existing cost from rising, it is already great, and still want to reduce it?

Either Zhuang Jianye is dreaming, or Zhuang Jianye is making models, otherwise there is no possibility at all.

It is precisely because of the dissatisfaction of the ZTM-NB space exploration company that a group of old leaders and authoritative experts in the aerospace field, including Tian Changmao, did not pay much attention to the establishment of the Xikang plant.

Later, I heard people say that the management of Xikang Factory is chaotic and the organization is loose, and Tian Changmao and others are even more indifferent.

However, when Tian Changmao and others were about to forget Xikang Factory, this CCTV live broadcast event not only brought it back to people’s sight, but more importantly, it was discovered that Xikang Factory had actually used the most important rocket of the launch vehicle. The engine got out.

How many years is this?

It seems that in about 3 years, Xikang factory will build its own rocket engine?

Other than that, this speed alone was enough to shock Tian Changmao.


Just as Tian Changmao was stunned, Tian Lu on the side suddenly called out a few times, pulling Tian Changmao's thoughts back to reality: "I think Zhuang Jianye’s ZTM-NB space exploration company still has something, after all, not every spaceflight company Companies in this area are capable of producing rocket engines, even if it is just a low-end engine for small launch vehicles, that is a great breakthrough."

Hearing what his grandson said, Tian Changmao stunned, then squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the rocket engine being hoisted behind Zhuang Jianye. In terms of size and weight, it is indeed not a powerful commodity, so he nodded: "Indeed, it can be taken out in three years. A small thrust rocket engine is already a miracle. It can be seen that Zhuang Jianye is still very capable, but small thrust is simple, and it is difficult to go up. After all, the greater the thrust of the rocket engine, the more difficult it is, except for Russia and the United States. In addition, no one in the world can produce a large thrust rocket engine of more than 300 tons. Even the 50-ton world has four or five countries with such capabilities. They are all countries, Zhuang Jianye’s enterprises..."

Father Tian didn't go on, UU read www.uukanshu.com but shook his head slightly. Obviously, he is still not optimistic about the follow-up development of ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company.

However, just as Mr. Tian sighed and was about to say something more, in the live show that had become a one-man show by Zhuang Jianye, after Zhuang Jianye gave a general introduction to the Xikang factory, he suddenly beckoned to a forklift master not far away. The forklift master immediately drove the loaded rocket engine along with the forklift.

And Zhuang Jianye pointed to the nearly 3-meter-high rocket engine just packed, took a picture of the extremely brilliance tail nozzle below, smiled and said to the camera: "This is what our ZTM-NB space exploration company developed. The first practical rocket engine, the DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine, has a total weight of 547 kg, a sea-level thrust of 66.5 tons, a sea-level specific impulse of 282 seconds, and a thrust-to-weight ratio of 150..."

Before Zhuang Jianye's words were finished, the old man Tian in front of the TV bounced off the sofa. His old eyes stared at the DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine in the TV, whispering incredibly. Said: "Liquid oxygen-kerosene... 66.5 tons of thrust, how is this possible, how is it possible..."

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