Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1224: ZSNB—666 Reverse Engineering Scanner

Before the head of the headquarters had finished speaking, Makarov glanced at it before drawing it.

Fortunately, the health workers from the headquarters came in time, CPR, and pinch, finally awakened Makarov who had passed out.

But the first sentence Makarov asked when he woke up was: "My dear Chinese comrade, do you really imitate a purely domestic heavy fighter?"

Seeing Makarov's excitement, the head of the headquarters drew it directly, and it was not easy to say clearly, but he couldn't stand Makarov's constant pleading.

There is really no way. Who makes the many supporting enterprises in Russia really can't afford it? Because of this, even if he can't bear it in his heart, Markrov has to figure out the actual situation.

The head of the headquarters had no choice but to take out the video data of the purely-made heavy fighter flight test flight not long ago and show it to Makarov and others.

Watching the heavy fighter jets that are the same as the original Russian models fly into the blue sky and fly into the sky, the Russian aviation industry, including Makarov, have their faces ashamed.

China has turned the impossible into possible. This is not only unexpected, but more importantly, all their previous expectations have failed. Without China's supplies, whether the Russian aviation industry can recover is really an unknown answer.

But at this moment, no one, including Makarov, cares about the future impact, because they care more about how China does it.

We must know that according to Makarov and others’ expectations, China, which is almost the same as New Delhi’s technical level, will never be able to rely on its own capabilities to imitate a complete Soviet heavy fighter, but now...

"In fact, we completed the imitation work after completing the surveying and surveying of nearly 10 million parts and components of the Su-27 fighter plane by relying on a brand-new equipment. This is called the ZSNB-666 reverse engineering scanner. Now we are in our National Aeronautical Technology Laboratory on the outskirts of Beijing. Would you like to take a look together?"

Makarov was already overwhelmed by the test flight of the purely domestically produced Su-27 in China, and almost subconsciously agreed to the invitation of the head of the headquarters. As for the unit price of 60 million US dollars per unit, he purchased 6 from Ascendas Group. Taiwan's ZSNB-666 reverse engineering scanner is the result of Macrov's uncompromising push.

As he described in his memoirs 20 years later, at that time, including my good friend Lipinski, strongly opposed, because the price of 60 million U.S. dollars per unit of Ascendas Group was too expensive, and more importantly, many people were here. There is no oil or water to take in a transaction.

And the most unacceptable thing is the feelings. We must know that for the past half a century, we in Russia have been the tutors in Chinese industrial technology, but now tutors have to ask students for their equipment to make up for their gaps.

This is like a man who beats his wife every day, and suddenly finds that he can't get into the house, and has to beg for mercy at the door. It is really unacceptable.

To be honest, I was the same at the time, but compared to feelings, I finally obeyed the rationality of my mind. History has proved that my decision was quite correct at that time. Six ZSNB-666 reverse engineering scanners will be used for Russia’s military industry in the future. High-end manufacturing has played an important and irreplaceable role.

Of course, due to the principle of confidentiality, Makarov's memoirs did not explain the specific application fields and important details of the six ZSNB-666 reverse engineering scanners.

But Makarov does not say that it does not mean that Zhuang Jianye, who dominates all of this, does not know. After all, the basic algorithm and underlying logic of the ZSNB-666 reverse engineering scanner needs to rely on the Ascendas JSNB aviation and aerospace industry data professional processing system to complete.

Even if Russia stores these six devices separately and disconnects the network, every time Ascendas Group engineers regularly maintain and upgrade the six devices, they can still recover the Russian data from the application data deliberately destroyed by the Russians. Many application scenarios.

Among them, there are only two that are more important to Ascendas Group. One is that Russia uses the ZSNB-666 reverse engineering scanner to conduct reverse mapping of important key components of the 160 strategic bomber; the other is that the Russian aerospace department uses this equipment to conduct a survey of the Soviet Union. Many wave-riding body gliding warheads left over from the times have been copied and studied.

Among them, the data integrity of the reverse mapping of the Tu-160 strategic bomber is very high, involving almost all aspects of the entire bomber. According to the assessment of the Northwest Aviation Plant, if possible, according to these data, it has been able to make the equivalent of 80 % Of the detailed structure.

This is tantamount to a huge wealth for a country where there are only all kinds of changes.

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye is extremely generous in selling the ZSNB-666 reverse engineering scanner, because this kind of thing that masters the core manufacturing data of the other party is really good, especially the former competitor, the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Group, Zhuang Jianye naturally It is impossible to be generous enough to allow it to develop at will, and some control methods are always necessary.

The ZSNB-666 reverse engineering scanner is the core trump card of this invisible restraint method.

Wahid was vaguely aware that Zhuang Jianye was so kind to provide the ZSNB-666C reverse engineering scanner with X-ray and laser three-dimensional scanning capabilities to Indonesia. There must be no new style that Zhuang Jianye is not humane in it. Kwahi However, De didn't have the ability to refuse at all.

Let’s not say that this time they were eaten to death by the Ascendas Group. They have no capital to contend. Personally, Wahid also completely opposed the Ascendas Group’s thoughts, because the conditions set by Zhuang Jianye just now were too great. Alluring, so tempting that Wahid couldn't refuse at all.

That is, after the merger of the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Group, Ascendas Group will fully support Wahid's entry into Indonesian politics, and provide various resources and channels that Wahid needs for this purpose.

As an elite class, Wahid is certainly not satisfied to be just a corporate leader or a diplomat. The problem is that non-military personnel like him have a natural ceiling in Indonesian politics. This is why he spares no effort to help the Indonesian Air Force lower the Soviet Union. The maintenance cost of 30 is just to get the support of the military so as to step into the political circle smoothly.

Unfortunately, just getting some accessories can not fundamentally solve the actual problem of the high maintenance cost of the Su-30. However, after obtaining the ZSNB-666 reverse engineering scanner and the overhaul technology of other Soviet heavy fighters of Ascendas Group~www.ltnovel.com~ Wahid believes that his relationship with the military will go further.

After entering the political world, there will naturally be no obstacles. Based on this, what is there to oppose Ascendas Group's merger with Indonesia's National Aviation Industry Group?

As long as one day I can lead Indonesia, is there any other way to lead this country to realize the dream of a developed country?

Even Wahid, the trader, gave up the set tone and began to embrace the Ascendas Group, not to mention Suharto, just like the little wife, what Wahid said and what.

Now that the general direction was finalized, Zhuang Jianye gave full responsibility to Gu Jingyou for the following details. He found an excuse to get out of the office. After passing through the two workshops and entering the office building, Zhuang Jianye asked with a gloomy expression. Next to him, Xiao Lu, who has been promoted to the administrative director of the group by an assistant, said: "What did the Chief Master on the 10th call just now?"

"The engine suddenly stopped during the pre-production test flight of the No. 10 project. Fortunately, the test pilots handled it properly and glide and landed, but it still scared the No. 10 project team into a cold sweat. So the No. 10 chief engineer asks you whether our backup plan is possible. Go on top?"

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