It’s been a long time since I had a single chapter, so let’s talk about it today. You should know that the mother of pomelo was diagnosed with cancer before the Chinese New Year, and then a series of treatments such as admission, surgery and chemotherapy. Pomelo was in the hospital ward throughout the year. However, I have sent a few leave notices during the period, but I try to keep up to date and try my best to adjust my mood and keep my state.

However, after more than a month of busy work, Yuzu was really exhausted. At this time, the Indonesian plot conceived by Yuzu encountered some force majeure and was unable to proceed. In addition, the mother’s condition was too old. There was a small real situation, the mentality at that time collapsed, and the state instantly fell to the bottom.

So I made a narrative treatment. I wanted to avoid the Indonesian plot and reorganized my thinking by the way, but I didn't expect to cause the story to appear twisted.

I’m sorry for the pomelo here. I hope you will lose time for the pomelo, adjust the state, and get around this period as soon as possible. From now on, the pomelo will try to avoid stepping on the pit, alas~~~ I can’t afford to hurt, um, that’s it. Right~~~

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