Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1220: What are the qualifications to annex you?

Isn't the world as dark as crows!

With the current level of Ascendas Group, no matter how it is, it is impossible to compete head-on with Airbus and Boeing.

First, strength is not allowed; second, too restrictive.

After all, the negotiations of the World Trade Organization have not ended yet, so how can we have to go through it? In that case, the idea of ​​Ascendas Group is very simple, just continue to grow awkwardly!

Anyway, the foreign stone army and the like have long been qualitative for Ascendas Group, at best it is a sweatshop with fake counterfeit goods.

Even if there is technical content, it is a copy of Western technology, not original creation, and then squeezing the surplus value of workers and government subsidies to make profits.

All in all, the model of Ascendas Group was criticized by Shi Jun for nothing.

In this regard, the Western world is convinced, and the Ascendas Group does not explain it.

As a result, the attitude of all walks of life towards Shi Jun is very subtle, just like the beauties I know in a nightclub. Different people bring back racing, and they can always reach different speeds. The adaptability is called a strong!

Of course, putting aside the public opinion level, Ascendas Group has its own unique skills in the industry, and the more aviation giants, the more they can’t stop: one is the dominating Pulsating 3 aircraft assembly line; the other is unique in the world. Electron beam texturing technology.

With these two items in hand, even the noble aviation giants can no longer refuse the Ascendas Group.

Therefore, even if the Ascendas Group does something extraordinary, as long as it does not touch the red lines of these real bosses, there is no danger for the Ascendas Group.

Based on this, the so-called contact between Ascendas Group and Indonesia's National Aviation Industry Corporation was that the weasel gave the rooster a New Year greeting, and it was absolutely uneasy.

More importantly, no matter what Ascenda Group does, domestic and foreign aviation giants will be the same as if they hadn't seen it.

In other words, the Ascendas team treats the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation as they want, and they can change their positions whenever they want.

In the process, the National Aviation Industry Corporation of Indonesia can scream, cry, shout, or even scream, but even if the throat breaks, it is impossible for anyone to come to rescue them.

Because compared to the dying state of the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation, it is worthless; Ascendas Group is the sweet pastry in the eyes of those aviation giants.

Some people say that the entertainment industry is reality, why is it not the case in the international aviation manufacturing industry?

So this time the so-called "peaceful ferry" of Ascendas Group

Action is not so much like a declaration of war by the giants, more so as to show a gesture to the giants.

That is to let all the big guys have money to join the money market, and if there is no money, they quickly pay for the money to join the market again, so that our Ascendas Group can live well.

In this way, the Ascendas Group will not fight or grab, and be good little brothers for you big brothers.

But, but, once you don’t feed the little brother, the brother has no choice but to start anew. We can afford to play with a large plane of hundreds of tons; we can also do it with professional helicopters.

All in all, you can figure it out by yourself!

Of course, the big guys are going to feed the little brother of the Tengfei group, not only to give, but also to give a lot.

In this case, Ascendas Group wants to eat Indonesia's National Aviation Industry Corporation, it is not like playing.

Who will stop? No one came!

Not only did no one stop it, but there were even people behind it.

Thinking of this, Wahid regretted coming to the Wing Fei Group.

But it's too late to regret.

In fact, it is true, because just when Wahid realized that he might have made a mistake in judgment and completely fell into the trap of the Ascendas Group, a hearty smile suddenly came from the door of the new factory’s display workshop, "Oh yeah, ahhh, Wahid Mr. De, Mr. Suharto, really admired him for a long time.

You two have come from afar. It really makes our Ascendas Group prosperous. "

Before the voice fell, a handsome man about thirty or so, with a calm expression and a calm temperament walked in quickly.

Seeing the people coming, Gu Jingyou hurriedly greeted him and said politely: "Mr. Zhuang, I didn't expect you to come back so soon."

Zhuang Jianye hurriedly waved his hand: "How far is the Phoenix Airport in Qiongzhou from here? It takes only two and a half hours to ride our tnb-18f...oh, yes..."

Speaking of Zhuang Jianye, he pointed to Wahid and Suharto: "Are you neglecting these two distinguished guests? I can tell you that the performance of your department this year refers to these two people!"

Gu Jingyou nodded quickly: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhuang, I really care about the two Indonesian guests, but..."

Before he finished his words, Gu Jingyou appeared embarrassed, then leaned to Zhuang Jianye's ear and whispered in a low voice: "I'm almost done talking about my saliva here, but these Indonesians don't even mean the least... "

Zhuang Jianye was taken aback, and then looked at Wahid and Suharto in surprise and said: "Invite you to serve as the president and vice president of Ascendas Group in Indonesia. Are you two unwilling?

If this is the case, then I can’t help it. Our Ascendas Group’s greatest sincerity is these two positions. If the two of you don’t accept..."

As he said, Zhuang Jianye shrugged: "Then I can only say that it is too regretful. If the two of you accepted it, I would also like to set up an overhaul line for the Su series heavy fighter in Indonesia, but now..."

Before Zhuang Jianye finished speaking, he shook his head helplessly, then raised his wrist to look at his watch: "Okay, you guys have a good chat, we can't cooperate with each other, and we will still be good friends from now on."

After saying this, Zhuang Jianye turned and left without looking back.

See this situation. Suharto was furious, and had never seen such an arrogant person in the industry for so many years.

We are here to talk about cooperation, and no matter how bad we are, we will come to purchase technology and equipment!

How come you give us a president and vice president of the Indonesian branch office? What do you Zhuang Jianye want to do? This is to annex our Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation?

Who do you think you are? Can you just open your mouth? Don't take a **** and take a picture of yourself!

However, before Suharto’s breath soared to the top~www.ltnovel.com~, Wahid on the side suddenly stopped Zhuang Jianye under Suharto’s dumbfounded gaze: "Zhuang, wait a moment, I can talk to you. Talk about it alone?"

Zhuang Jianye, who had already reached the door, suddenly smiled and then raised his hand to look at his watch again: "I only have fifteen minutes."

"Okay, no problem." Wahid nodded.

For the next fifteen minutes, Suharto seemed to know that he was green, suffering, helpless, and at a loss.

As for what the two talked about in fifteen minutes, no one knows. It’s just that when Wahid and Zhuang Jianye appeared in front of everyone again, they were talking and laughing, like an old friend who hadn’t seen for many years, until they approached everyone , Wahid said: "Mr. Zhuang, will you really give us the technique of getting pregnant at a glance?"

Zhuang Jianye chuckled: “I’m treating you badly if the electron beam texturing technology cannot be given to you; if you are not willing to even reverse engineering this little thing, then what qualifications do we have for China to take off and merge with your Indonesian national aviation industry? group?"

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