Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1214: It’s not a rare item, but the Air Force’s Su-30

In the follow-up words, Wahid didn’t listen completely. His head was dizzy and he went directly into a downtime. He negotiated a $2.8 billion business for $20 million, a difference of more than a hundred times between the top and bottom. There is no one. .

The problem is that this is the case, people may not be willing to continue talking to them.

We must know that the moment the planes of the Ascendas Rescue Team hovered over East Timor, the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation’s tricks all failed. Since they recognized the European and American countries that can extend their power to East Timor, they certainly did the same to China. In this way, the initiative is in the hands of the Ascendas Group.

Because of this, in the eyes of ordinary people like Suharto, Indonesia's National Aviation Industry Corporation is completely overwhelmed this time.

Now that you have the initiative, what are you doing with the National Aviation Industry Corporation of Indonesia? Isn't it good to stand aside and wait for the death of the National Aviation Industry Corporation of Indonesia, and then join other friends to become a vulture that eats the National Aviation Industry Corporation of Indonesia?

It saves time and effort, and it is not troublesome, so why not do it!

However, Wahid has caught a deeper level of things from all the signs, which can be summed up in two points:

First, Zhuang Jianye is indeed a typical stinky mouth in front of the European and American media, and he can be called the king of the aviation industry. However, this kind of unthinkable show operation is basically concentrated on small issues that the aviation giants don’t care about, and even some of Zhuang Jianye’s remarks Their care is in their interest.

However, this press conference is clear that Zhuang Jianye did not take care of the face of those European and American aviation giants. Not only did he take out the TBN-18F, a large transport aircraft under the banner of a cargo plane, but he also sent a 6.5-ton medium-sized professional rescue helicopter. .

To be honest, if it weren’t for this rescue operation, even Wahid, an old opponent who had been fighting with Ascendas Group in Southeast Asia for a few years, would not have known that Ascendas’s business actually started from drones, small fixed-wing aircraft, and regional airliners. With supporting facilities, it has risen to the point where it can develop and produce large transport aircraft and helicopters.

Even the competitors were taken aback, not to mention those aviation giants who regard Ascendas Group as senior workers and suppliers. Not to mention the shock that their jaws are about to fall, it is estimated that the difference is not too much.

We must know that there is an unwritten iron law in the international aviation industry. If an enterprise has the ability to develop and produce large fixed-wing aircraft with a take-off weight of more than 80 tons, the prospect of this enterprise is bound to die.

Because international aviation manufacturing giants such as Boeing and Airbus will never allow C, D, and E to appear after A and B to maintain their monopoly in the large narrow-body and wide-body aircraft market.

Why is Russia's picture-204 broken down into the sand? Why did Brazil's large aircraft project abort halfway? Why did the domestically-made large aircraft collapse in the middle? The root is here.

However, there is such an iron rule. The head of the Ascendas Group should know better than anyone else. As a result, he generously admitted that the TNB-18F cargo aircraft with a take-off weight of 80 tons was produced by them. This is not obvious. Tell those giants, is your iron law a shit?

That's all, the key is helicopters. This field is more closed and more concentrated. However, if Zhuang Jianye has the ability, you also send rescue helicopters. Isn't it just to hit those helicopter giants in the face?

So blatant, can Tengfei Group really have it, ready to find its own way of death?

Of course not. That is the second reason involved. That is the news that Wahid recently heard using the status of Indonesian Commercial Counselor in China. China takes off in the two major business sectors of aviation and aerospace.

Such an act, in addition to fulfilling the commitments made during the WTO negotiations, that is, to increase the domestic market competition mechanism; but more importantly, to better participate in the industry competition in the larger global market after joining the WTO.

In other words, it is Boeing and Airbus that China takes off directly.

Wahid, who just heard the news, just felt that he didn't care at all. He just felt that it was nonsense. How can you China want to compete with Boeing and Airbus? Know how Boeing and Airbus exist? Believe it or not, people can crush your Chinese aviation industry with just a finger?

As a result, this seemingly joke of nonsense, after Wahid watched the live broadcast of East Timor and the press conference of Zhuang Jianye, even if he did not believe it, he had to bite the bullet and believe it.

The Chinese really want to add their own C behind A and B!

In addition to his shock, Wahid admired the courage and will of the Chinese, but also saw an opportunity for the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation to turn the crisis into peace and survive.

Since China Ascendas wants to face Boeing and Airbus directly, what he needs most is a broader market. As far as China is today, Southeast Asia is the most natural source of raw materials and product dumping.

As the sphere of influence for China to take off, it can be said to be doing my part.

It is the Indonesian National Aeronautics Industry Group that has worked the most in the field of Southeast Asian aviation manufacturing. Whether it is explicit or implicit, the Indonesian National Aeronautics Industry Group can be said to have channels all over Southeast Asia.

If it can give China Ascendas full support in this regard, then China Ascendas can also provide necessary assistance to the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation. At least it will not cut their throats to kill things like the giants in Europe and the United States, and at least it can leave them. A chance to breathe.

Wahid did not expect anything, as long as it could leave Indonesia with a flame of industrial modernization, otherwise Indonesia would really lose sight of the least bit of hope.

Because of this, even if Wahid was half-dead by Gu Jingyou’s words, he calmly said, “It doesn’t matter how much money is. This time, the National Aviation Industry Corporation of Indonesia came with sincerity. I I believe that your group is also sincere, how about it? Mr. Gu, should we continue to sit down and talk?"

As soon as he said this, Gu Jingyou on the other end of the phone was also taken aback. He immediately admired that Zhuang Jianye was just like a god, and then he lamented, when can I have the vision and industry judgment of these big guys?

But regardless of admiration or lament, Gu Jingyou has no right to refuse Wahid’s request, so after a moment of silence, Gu Jingyou cleared his throat: "No problem, but we don’t have time to go to the capital. Recently, there are a lot of group affairs, or else Come to the new factory in the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains, let’s talk about it here."

When I heard it was going to the new factory of Ascendas Group~www.ltnovel.com~ Wahid immediately lit up and nodded quickly: "No problem, no problem, I will arrange the itinerary..."


I have to say that Wahid’s efficiency is still very fast. I arrived at Ascendas Group’s new aircraft manufacturing plant at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains in the morning of the third day. However, Wahid who came to the new plant did not even enter the door because The huge factory area of ​​the new factory is occupied by several tightly wrapped aircraft sections, so that Gu Jingyou who came to meet him can only rush over in circles. Sorry: "Mr. Wahid, please forgive me, we just picked up here. An urgent order was placed, and the logistics was not well-ordered for a while, making it a bit messy."

Wahid nodded thoughtfully, then glanced at the canvas-covered body segments fixed on five or six large flatbed trucks in the clearing, pointed to one of them and asked, "What model is this?"

"Oh, it's not a rare item, it's the Su-30MKK of the Air Force. They have some troubles and don't understand, so they will send us to deal with it!" Gu Jingyou said it was as simple as giving him a double blow to the neighbor's wooden stool. , I heard that Wahid’s ears were like a thunderstorm, and his hairs stood upright!

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