Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1213: This may be life

He was so stunned that Heli almost squirted out without a mouthful of old blood.

This NM is too shameless, admitting that the double standard is not mentioned, and actually said, "You have the ability to send a rescue helicopter"? Is this showing off? The head of a Chinese company actually showed off to their Australians, this...this...this is simply...

"Since Mr. Zhuang admits that it is a double standard, does that mean that China is the same as you on this issue, and this will be the code of conduct in the future?"

The angry Hei Li naturally refused to show weakness, she directly picked a very tricky angle, and secretly replaced a corporate concept with a national concept. It has to be said that Hei Li is an excellent and experienced reporter in this respect, but the problem is that Zhuang Jianye is also an excellent journalist. It's not the junior brother. For the media, especially the Western media, which relies on brain to supplement the pen, the experience in dealing with it can be said to be a leverage.

"What you mean is that after you have a passionate party with the Middle Eastern tyrants in Dubai at night, you can immediately put on professional attire and lie in the arms of a bad old man and ask him how much money he has made this year? Don't you think you did it like this? Is pie a split personality? My dear Ms. Haley?

Don’t be angry, my beautiful journalist lady, if you want live video, I don’t mind calling you here for free. You should know that the hobby of His Highness Abdullah in the UAE is that he likes to arrange different machines in the house. Bit..."

Hearing Zhuang Jianye’s seemingly slanderous remarks, Heili was really anxious, and she was ready to refute it, and then gave Zhuang Jianye a big hat of disrespect for women, but when Zhuang Jianye said the name Abdullah, she wan Heily, who was like a wild cat protecting a cub, suddenly felt like a frustrated ball. Not to mention, the aura was completely gone, and the whole person was unconsciously slumped.

Because she really didn't expect that Zhuang Jianye would be able to grasp her unbearable past, and it would still be exposed under such a large crowd.

But Heili didn’t want to think that Zhuang Jianye was able to come to this day without relying on a cheeky, so how could he not prepare for this press conference, so he touched the reporters inside and out at the conference earlier. all over.

Anyway, if anyone doesn’t open their eyes, wouldn’t they just shake each other out, how many of the urine of Western journalists are clean? Zhuang Jianye is afraid of being a hairy man.

As a result, the expected large Western media organizations did not collide. On the contrary, it was the charge of the small Australian clerk who clawed his teeth and danced his claws. Zhuang Jianye naturally couldn't get used to it, and he directly exploded Heili's expectation.

Where did Heili experience this, a trace of panic, and finally she could only weakly rebutted: "You are slander!"

"Then I also said that you are slandering our extremely sacred business principles." Zhuang Jianye did not show weakness, directly shouted: "Why should we provide free services to people holding Chinese passports? Because relevant domestic departments have already paid huge service fees. , We follow the business principles and act according to the rules, and we don’t favor anyone, let alone treat anyone, everyone, please see..."

As he said, Zhuang Jianye pressed the remote control in his hand, and a sample of the contract appeared on the big screen immediately, and then pointed to the screen to continue saying: "This is the rescue contract we signed with the relevant domestic departments. The black and white letters are clearly written. , We are doing things with money. What double standards are there? Since some Fakenews insists on saying that, then I admit that our Ascendas Group is a double standard. We give the money, and we will treat it with all our heart. If there is no money, we will have it as soon as possible. Roll as far as you can."

Zhuang Jianye's words are eloquent, and the image of a shameless businessman who protects business interests and capital as the highest goal is vividly expressed. If this is in European and American countries, the image of Zhuang Jianye will not be more stalwart, because he is the actual embodiment of commercial interests.

But the question is, isn't it in China at the moment, and the Ascendas Group is not a large state-owned backbone enterprise, so what I said just now is a bit of a suspicion of taking off my pants and farting.

Your major shareholder is the state, so what is it that you ask you to do? What kind of contract and what commercial principles are you talking about? I oh~~~ I believe you a ghost, you are a black heart, you are really bad!

But this is one thing to understand, and it is another to say it clearly. Is it true that a large group of journalists from Western countries have to question business principles? That is not the same as planing their own ancestral graves!

What's more, Zhuang Jianye is famous in the Western media circle for having a stinky mouth. In case of hitting a gun, few people can stand it. Heili’s lessons for the past are there, so no one really dares to say Zhuang Jianye. Hypocritical. In the end, only a Singaporean reporter who had just been in the industry raised his hand and asked: "What about the serious injury of the Australian pilot? Why don't you just die?"

"Then I can only say whether he or the entity he works for can provide 20 million U.S. dollars, otherwise even my CEO would be incapable as an example. Perhaps the poor Australian pilot will suffer a blow because of this. After all, 20 million U.S. dollars is There is no way for him to earn wealth that he has been unable to earn for several lifetimes. Maybe this is life!"

After speaking, Zhuang Jianye looked straight, and then said: "Of course, I think the Australian government and people will sincerely thank me and the Ascendas Group under my leadership, because we let them discover loopholes that they have not taken seriously for a long time. I believe that in the future, Australia will establish a more evening relief system, and it will not be embarrassed because of the mere US$20 million as it has been recently. What do you say? My dear Ms. Hailey?"

After speaking, Zhuang Jianye smiled meaningfully at Heili, who was still buzzing in his head, and then turned around and left the press conference. The press conference was ended immediately, and a lot of reporters were ready to ask questions. At a loss, he hurriedly got up and chased after Zhuang Jianye had left and rushed over.


"It seems we still have hope!"

After watching the full press conference, Wahid's originally lonely look suddenly showed a gleam, as if the drowning man had finally caught the last straw.

However, Suharto beside him was stunned. Don't say he saw any hope, his despair was almost the same. What's more, what did the press conference just now follow?

It’s called the press conference~www.ltnovel.com~ which sounds good, and it’s no different from cursing the street.

Of course, Zhuang Jianye's cheeky is so full of expressions, what he said may be life, and Australia must thank him. I really don't know what kind of shame he can say.

"I can't see this? The National Aviation Industry Corporation of Indonesia will be defeated by you sooner or later! It is a rift, the rift between Ascendas Group and Western aviation giants!"

Wahid said with a hate for iron and steel, and then ignored Suharto, who was even more daunting. He picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number. After he was connected, he said politely: "Is it Mr. Gu? This is Wahid. We have carefully considered your proposal yesterday, and 85% of the shares of 2.8 billion US dollars are no problem..."

"You may not know that, just now, our CEO, Jianye Zhuang, called us and criticized us, saying that US$2.8 billion was too much, and the thing that 20 million US dollars could win, he almost lost more than ten times, so..."

Gu Jingyou said apologetically on the other end of the phone, but he almost didn't let the old man spit out a mouthful of blood in Wahid's ears...

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