Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1188: Aircraft carrier

It’s really doing whatever you want, especially in front of Lockheed Martin. Other companies and even countries can converge in the face of the world’s largest arms contractor, but Ascendas Group is an exception, because Lockheed Martin believes that The arrogant arms stick can't cure the Ascendas Group.

Want to cut off parts for combat aircraft?

China has neither equipment nor F-16, nor is it involved in the JSF Joint Strike Fighter Project.

Cut off communications satellite signals and force them to submit?

Please, the cooling systems on the satellites produced by Lockheed Martin are all produced by Ascendas Group. Would you like to cut it off? Believe it or not that Ascendas Group directly caused the US$200 million communications satellite to die?

I don’t need the arms stick, but the trade stick knocks on the head office? After all, the business income of Ascendas Group in the United States is not low, accounting for about 58% of the overall overseas income, which seems to be able to pinch the seven inches of Ascendas Group.

However, Lockheed Martin gave up after careful study.

The revenue of Ascendas Group in the United States is indeed very objective, but Lockheed Martin does not have a place to start. The reason is simple. The products sold by Ascendas Group to the United States are not only high-tech products, but basically all Form a monopolistic exclusive business.

For example, T300 and T500 carbon fiber composite materials, Ascendas Group almost swept the international market with high cost performance, so that Japan’s Toray and U.S. DuPont had to withdraw from this market, making the global T300 and T500 carbon fiber composite materials unsuitable. Don't take orders from Tengfei Group.

Not to mention that the high-end automobile manufacturing industry in the United States needs to maintain close cooperation with Ascendas Group to obtain cheap and high-quality raw materials, thus harvesting the world. Lockheed Martin also needs these low-end carbon fiber composite materials from Ascendas Group to reduce product costs. , Earn more profits.

There is also the satellite cooling system. Lockheed Martin is even more afraid to move. If you really want to touch it, let alone Boeing, Bell and other American aerospace giants who have to fight with Lockheed Martin, Lockheed Martin himself will also encounter great loss.

Of course, the most important thing for Lockheed Martin to invest in rats is the final assembly line of the Pulse III aircraft. This is the high-end production line that has been adopted by Boeing that has almost subverted the aviation manufacturing industry. The annual maintenance, maintenance and upgrade costs account for the take-off. 67.5% of the group’s total revenue in the United States.

It doesn’t matter if Lockheed Martin uses the relationship to beat Ascendas Group. Ascendas earns a little less dollars at most, but it is terrible for Boeing, because almost all Boeing 777 models rely on this Pulsating III aircraft assembly line for production. If Loma ignores it, Boeing can fight him desperately.

So Lockheed Martin looked at the cards in hand blankly, and actually found that it didn’t even have a door to restrain the Ascendas Group. Since it couldn’t restrict others, it could only let the other party adjust the asking price slowly, but in some sensitive technologies. Lockheed Martin and Boeing. Is wearing a pair of pants.

It is always possible to ask for money, and technology is absolutely impossible. I just don't give it an attitude. Therefore, the cooperation between Ascendas Group and Luoma is similar to Boeing's follow-up cooperation, and it soon reached a deadlock.

In fact, the asking price of Ascendas Group is not high, nothing more than 500 million US dollars, in addition to the overall structural layout of the C-2 "Greyhound" carrier-borne transport aircraft that Lockheed Martin just acquired from Northrop Grumman Corporation and the design sample of the landing system.

If you talk about sensitive technology, you can talk about it, but you can say how many, it is really not enough. After all, the C-2 "Greyhound" carrier transport aircraft is an old model equipped in the 70s. It is tall and tall. Can't get up

However, such an old model, Lockheed Martin, still refuses to hand it over to Ascendas Group, even if it pays an extra 300 million US dollars for this, it flatly refuses.

The reason is very simple. The C-2 "Greyhound" carrier-borne transport aircraft does not have a large amount of equipment and its various performances are also very general, but it is a modified basic model of the famous E-2 "Eagle Eye" carrier-borne early warning aircraft.

In other words, without the C-2 "Greyhound" carrier-borne transport aircraft, there would be no so-called carrier eye!

Ascendas Group seeks the relevant technology of the C-2 "Greyhound" carrier-borne transport aircraft for the simple reason that it is hope. Use it on its own 15plus. light transport aircraft of the same level to explore the feasibility of domestic carrier-based transport aircraft and even ship-based early warning aircraft.

The reason for this idea is that, apart from Zhuang Jianye’s complex of carrier-based aircraft since Yonghong Factory, the main reason is that it will not be long before the country has a large displacement of more than 60,000. aircraft carrier.

This is quite magical.

One day, Ning Xiaodong suddenly called Zhuang Jianye and said that when he was buying and selling industrial materials left over from the Soviet Union in Ukraine, he suddenly heard that the Ukrainian Black Sea Shipyard was preparing to put 65% of its completed construction, but had to be idle because of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Large aircraft carriers are auctioned as scrap steel.

Ning Xiaodong estimated that if more than 60,000 tons of scrap steel is dismantled, it will indeed make a lot of money, but he does not know much about military ships, and is not sure how profitable this thing can be, so he called To Zhuang Jianye, want to ask his brother-in-law to ask, if it works, he will spend money to win.

It just so happened that Zhuang Jianye was having dinner with a few navy leaders in order to promote the ship-borne version of Zhi-12. He answered the phone call from Ning Xiaodong and didn’t know how to answer. After all, he was not a professional in this area, so he asked the table. A navy leader on board.

When the navy leader heard, what? aircraft carrier? Can that thing be taken apart? How nice to drag it back to do research!

But when it came to his lips, the leader was surprised to say it or not. After all, Ning Xiaodong is a businessman, he is a business man, and he makes money. You said that you dragged people back, and it happened during the period. What can I do with the fee?

Does your navy bear it?

If the navy is not short of money, the problem is that the domestic navy at this moment is still in a dilemma that only one or two new ships can be built.

The nice thing is to keep the technology advancing with small steps and fast running~www.ltnovel.com~ The ugly thing is that it is a temporary measure because there is no money.

In such a situation, why does it mean that people will be dragged back? It is important to know that an aircraft carrier, even if it is just an abandoned old aircraft carrier, is not affordable for ordinary people. Otherwise, Ukraine is anxious to sell it. It is not that the maintenance cost of this guy is too high and it is really not affordable.

But it would be a pity to miss it this way, can there be a way to get the best of both worlds?

So the navy leader turned his eyes and said: “It’s not cost-effective to dismantle it too much. How good is it to pull it back as a luxury cruise ship at sea?” Immediately, bewitched Zhuang Jianye and said, “You told Mr. Ning that an aircraft carrier was converted into a sea. The cruise ship, how can it be luxurious, put it off the coast of Hong Kong Island, not to mention other domineering levels, how many people can it attract? Then cooperate with the helicopter produced by your Ascendas Group to descend directly from Hong Kong Island to the deck of the aircraft carrier, you Speaking of attracting the rich?"

At that time, Zhuang Jianye was drinking with the leaders of the navy in order to promote the Zhi-12 carrier helicopter. How could he have so much thinking ability. It would be great to be able to answer Ning Xiaodong’s phone calls. Such a complicated matter. I really didn't bother to talk about it, so you simply turned on the speakerphone and yelled: "Chief, you can talk to Lao Ning yourself. It's up to your old man."

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