Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1187: Do whatever you want

It stands to reason that Lockheed Martin is not like this. After all, Ascendas Group is not large in the world. Let alone compared with giants in Europe and the United States, it is far behind some Japanese and Korean companies, so Ascendas Group To come forward and make peace, Lockheed Martin can completely ignore it.

Even conversely, you can teach Ascendas Group a good lesson, so that this Chinese company, who doesn't know the sky and earth, understands that the world is not so beautiful.

But what is surprising is that Lockheed Martin not only accepted the mediation of Ascendas Group, but also gave it great respect.

This not only shocked the Russian aviation industry including Yakovlev, but also the entire global aviation industry.

How can Ascendas Group? Can Lockheed Martin be so respected?

You must know that it is the prime contractor of Lockheed Martin, F-22, and JSF Joint Strike Fighter, two of the only two next-generation combat aircraft in the world, such as a fake replacement aviation giant. The humble Ascendas Group gives respect!

Suddenly, Ascendas Group immediately became famous in the international aviation industry, so that people in the world are also speculating about what method Ascendas Group uses to solve the urgent needs of Yakovlev Design Bureau.

But no matter what method or method they used, they didn't hear any news, so that the incident seemed to have never happened before so quickly.

However, people in the industry know that it must be the Ascendas Group and Lockheed Martin who have finalized the details of the transaction in private. Otherwise, why the big brother and the younger brother are so busy? Obviously Ascendas Group has come up with something good enough to make giants like Lockheed.

Similarly, if Lockheed Martin's payment for exchange is not small, let alone other things, the Yakovlev-41M from the Yakovlev Design Bureau is a thorn in Lockhart’s eyes. Just let Yakovlev forever. The design bureau Xianyu turned over, made a comeback, and then made a comeback. If you have to use the Jacques-41M and JSF joint attack fighter, you can touch it head-on in the international market.

Regardless of how Lockheed Martin finally rubbed his head on the ground according to the Yakovlev Design Bureau, as long as the Yak-41M could be sold, it would be a loss for Lockheed Martin. In this case, Lockheed Martin had let it go. It can be seen that Ascendas Group’s things are obvious. It is much more important than Jacques-41M.

In fact, it is true. If you want Lockheed to bow his head and gain respect, ordinary things are really not good. Does Lockheed have anything? If nothing else, a skunk factory can already dominate the world.

Tengfei Group’s possessions can hit friends and businessmen in the country, pretending to be coercive in front of the leader, and put it in front of Ren Luoma Company. It is a big knife in front of Guan Gong, which is simply a laugh.

There is no way that many things are left over from the Lockheed Martin Company ten or twenty years ago. You take these things and negotiate terms with others, which is purely whimsical.

However, the Ascendas Group as a whole is far inferior to Lockheed Martin, but in some segments, let alone Lockheed Martin, all the aviation giants in the world are not as good as a single Ascendas group.

For example, the satellite cooling system has been monopolized by Ascendas Group.

There is also a final assembly line for the Pulse III aircraft that is now used in the production of the Zhenlong V vertical take-off and landing verification aircraft, and will later play a vital role in the production of the Yun-18NB transport aircraft.

In the current final assembly line of the Pulse III aircraft in the 1990s, it can no longer be said to be the world leader, but it should be said that it is the only one of the proper Scorpion Baba!

Of course, in the eyes of the international media, or more accurately, in the eyes of the American media, Ascendas Group’s workshop No. 0 is not the first application place of the Pulse III aircraft assembly line.

Because in their report, Boeing is the first company in the world to use the Pulse III aircraft assembly line.

These media reports are not wrong. Boeing is indeed the first company to install the Pulsating III aircraft final assembly line and has invested in the production of Boeing Boeing 777 long-range passenger aircraft.

Due to the excellent performance of the Pulse III aircraft assembly line in the production of Boeing 777 passenger aircraft, Boeing plans to apply the production line to Boeing’s explosive models, a profit cow, and the assembly and production of Boeing 737 passenger aircraft.

But the problem is that the next phase of cooperation between Boeing and Ascendas Group on the final assembly line of the Pulse III aircraft has not been negotiated.

The reason is simple. Ascendas Group hopes to exchange the Pulsating III aircraft assembly line for Boeing’s civil aviation technology and relax the approval of the U.S. Airworthiness Certificate of Ascendas’ various aircraft types.

But Boeing does not want to give Ascendas Group technology, let alone relax the restrictions on the approval of Ascendas Group’s airworthiness certificate. It only wants to use green U.S. dollars to do so-called pure commercial transactions.

Due to the great differences between the two parties, the agreement on the second Pulse III aircraft assembly line was delayed.

For this reason, Boeing was so anxious to get angry, but there was nothing to do, because the Pulse III aircraft assembly line was available and only the Ascendas Group could integrate it.

And Boeing’s current Pulsating Ⅲ aircraft assembly line is not a collaboration between Boeing and Ascendas Group before they cooperated with each other, but the cooperation between Ascendas Group and McDonnell Douglas to prepare for the production of MD-11 long-range wide A new production assembly structure specially developed for the passenger aircraft.

As a result, before this matter was discussed by Boeing, McDougin's belt was swallowed.

So the contract was transferred to Boeing, which is regarded as one of the merger dividends obtained by Boeing after acquiring McDonnell Douglas.

As a result, Boeing, who saw this contract, was both scared and excited. On average, it would be able to produce a large passenger plane in three to five days. If McDonnell Douglas really did it, it would be an unprecedented adjustment for Boeing.

But now, this pair of Boeing, who has just merged with McDonnell Douglas and is about to compete with Airbus, is just as powerful as a tiger. Therefore, this contract with Ascendas Group has been retained intact and won quickly. Implementation, and bring huge benefits to Boeing.

Because Boeing promised to deliver Boeing 777 aircraft within five years, due to the establishment of the Pulse III aircraft assembly line, it only takes two years to deliver to global airlines in large quantities. On this basis, Boeing will provide the same type of Airbus A340. And A330 gave a heavy blow.

Airbus did suffer a serious setback, but what is unexpected is that Lockheed Martin in the United States also suffered a crit.

The reason is simple. The final assembly line of the Pulsation III aircraft can not only be used for the production of civil airliners~www.ltnovel.com~Military aircraft can also be used. As the world's largest military aircraft manufacturer, its biggest competitor is not Airbus. And Yakovlev is exactly Boeing, the same American aviation giant.

If one day Boeing relies on the Pulsating III aircraft final assembly line to pressure Lockheed Martin in the military aircraft bidding, the loss of Lockheed Martin will be incalculable.

You must know that Lockheed Martin's main business is military industry, while Boeing is a combination of military and civilians, and the two lines are blooming. Naturally, Lockheed Martin is more resistant to toss.

As a result, Lockheed Martin couldn't do it, and Lockheed Martin must have the final assembly line of the Pulsating III aircraft, even if it pays a higher price, they must get it.

So Lockheed Martin and its strong technical strength soon invested in the research and development of the pulsating production line, only to discover this movement. On the entire pulsating production line, even a single screw has been achieved by Ascendas Group to the extreme, and it has also formed a very strong technical barrier.

In other words, Ascendas Group has formed a de facto monopoly in this field, and monopoly means doing whatever you want!

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