Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 102: Make a fan

Listening to Master Cen’s apparently mocking tone of the two fools, Zhuang Jianye’s face couldn’t help but flicked twice, saying that Ning Xiaodong had been calculated, which meant he was talking about himself, or if he hadn’t taken a fancy to this set of equipment, borrowed it. Ning Xiaodong's two hundred guts couldn't decide whether it was good or not.

   But I can’t say this clearly, otherwise Ning Xiaodong, a flexible and mobile helper, will not be able to do it in the future, so he can only say vaguely: "Uh...My old husband beat him eight times in the past few days."

Master Cen nodded in agreement: "Minister Ning is finally cruel, but it's not enough. Change me, just like your eldest brother, who is wearing a green hat and is stupid as a stupid idiot. Beat him sixteen times without getting rid of his hatred."

   Now Zhuang Jianye is not embarrassed, but surprised. He said that this is the top secret of the Lao Ning family. How did Master Cen know?

"Hey~~ Don’t look at me like that. Sin Chew’s fart is a bit bigger. Who can she hide from the little girl who gave birth to a monster with yellow hair and blue eyes in the hospital? The big guys are not stupid. The kid Dong was fooled."

Seeing Zhuang Jianye’s weird look, Master Cen quickly explained that Zhuang Jianye only smiled bitterly after hearing this. Master Cen was right. Ning Xiaodong was indeed tricked by someone, and he was tricked into the detention center. Up.

   The reason is very simple. The child in the belly of the junior girl is not Ning Xiaodong's at all, but Ning Xiaodong knows how and thinks it is his own, and he will never give up the vow to marry other people.

The girl had a ghost in her heart, how could she agree to it, so she offered countless conditions to let Ning Xiaodong get out of trouble. Ning Xiaodong was in scum, and she knew that she could not make fun of the child in her stomach, and she still surreptitiously. I set up a translation agency with my two buddies, just to make more money so that my wife can live better.

   When the girl saw that Ning Xiaodong, a scumbag, was really moving, she was finally anxious, because she knew very well that once the child was born, Ning Xiaodong would definitely be able to chop him with a knife.

   As the saying goes, the most poisonous thing is not a woman's heart. The girl simply went to the Public Security Bureau to report Ning Xiaodong in. At the same time, she released rumors that Ning Xiaodong was a scumbag.

If Ning Xiaodong behaves like a good person on weekdays, it might not be believed. The problem is that Ning Xiaodong is so close to sticking the word scumbag on his forehead, so that other people will check in without even thinking about it. .

Of course, Ning Xiaodong didn’t want to explain at all. In his opinion, no matter how unauthentic the girl is, the child in her belly is also good. Just for this, let alone being aggrieved, she won’t frown even if she goes up and down the fire. .

   So Ning Xiaodong went in. It didn't take long for the girl to give birth. Ning Zhishan, who knew the truth, was still happy to think that he could carry his grandson. He happily ran to the hospital and almost fell on the hospital bed.

The girl was born, but she gave birth to a foreign species with yellow hair and blue eyes. That's fine. On the day of delivery, two foreigners came to the hospital. As soon as the baby was born, the two foreigners were holding the baby and the other. The girl drove away in the car.

  Ning Xiaodong worked hard for other girls, earning money to support people, and would suffer from jail, and lost serious work. Except for one life, he was reincarnated as a Wu Dalang.

   Originally, this ugly family was sealed by Ning Zhishan's three orders and five applications. As for all that caused, the old Ning family knocked out his teeth and swallowed it in his stomach, but he didn't expect the incident to spread.

  Think about that Ning Xiaodong had to be pointed and pointed at his back during this period of time, and that he was used as a target by this guy to play tricks.

Master Cen didn’t know what Zhuang Jianye was thinking. His face was always volatile, and he thought he had touched the pain of others by telling the truth. He couldn’t help but looked a little embarrassed. He confided and said: "Xiao Zhuang, don’t forget your heart. Before, we thought that Lao Ning’s family really fell down like this. How could you think that your son-in-law is the most compelling. In the first half of the first half of the year, the effectiveness of the branches of your 23 branches ranked ninth, and those factory leaders are all You were surprised. You didn't see it. Now the people in the factory have met Minister Ning and praised him for finding a good son-in-law. His appearance is more beautiful than when he was in office!"

This can’t be said wrong, after all, now Ning Zhishan has long lost the pair of parents and children. Whenever he meets someone who doesn’t leave the child, the pioneering and enterprising image of Xiaozhuang will be infinitely elevated within five sentences. , And then turn the child of the other party's age into a scum, and then walk away contentedly.

   But if you really believe in Master Cen's words, then Zhuang Jianye would not be as good as hitting the wall directly, even better than in office. If that is the case, Zhuang Jianye would like to change with the current head of the organization so that he can enjoy the glory of the elderly and suffer the crime without hesitation.

Master Cen estimated that he also felt a little bit of flattering, and his face blushed, but fortunately people are mature. This little embarrassment is not a big deal, and the topic turned back to the device: "Anyway, this set of equipment is flashy. At present, the main cold beverage processing equipment in the factory. The set of equipment provided by the Jiu Branch is all professional equipment for fan blade processing. The applicability is not strong. According to my opinion, if you have a chance, you can sell it. Lose less."

   "If you don't sell it ~www.ltnovel.com~, just leave it in the factory, so that our fans will fall." Zhuang Jianye shook his head.

Master Cen frowned when he heard the words: "I said Xiaozhuang, fans don’t even understand the main factory, what do you do? Relying on the 23rd branch factory? It’s not that I look down on it, this small temple. I can't even install the fan blades."

   "Who said that he wants to engage in turbofans? Isn't the electric fan just touched?"

  Master Cen didn’t respond to these words for a while. He was stunned for a minute before digesting Zhuang Jianye’s words. He pointed to the equipment and asked, “You want to use this thing as an electric fan?”

Zhuang Jianye nodded without hesitation: "Of course, aviation technology, military quality, I have even thought about the advertising words, so the top priority is to help me dig a few people who understand this set of equipment at the Yonghong factory. I won't let you vain. Busy, as long as I think it's suitable, the two hundred labor fee is not lost.

   "Hey, look at what you said, what your manager ordered, my Lao Cen who didn't do it beautifully, you still be polite to my Lao Cen."

A moment ago, Master Cen, who had persuaded Zhuang Jianye to sell the machine, heard that there was a two-hundred yuan labor fee, and his old face suddenly laughed like a chrysanthemum and sold equipment. At this moment, he wanted to rush to kiss him, two hundred yuan, and dig a few helpers. , It’s so easy, so without thinking about it, he patted his chest and promised: “Don’t worry, Mr. Zhuang, Lao Cen, I don’t have any other skills. I’m just an old qualified and well-known master. The expert who operated this set of equipment back then, I will look for him, even if I kneel, I will kneel down with his old man out of the mountain.

   Before the words fell, I didn't wait for Zhuang Jian to reply. He turned around and left the warehouse, found his bicycle from the carport beside it, rode it on and lighted a cigarette, and walked away in a hurry.

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