Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 101: Sorry turbofan

  Master Cen’s words are unspeakably lonely, like seeing an old man who has been with him for many years, lonely and dying. There is no misery, only sadness.

  Zhuang Jianye was a little surprised, turned off the flashlight, looked away from the device, and looked at Master Cen with a look of emotion: "Uncle Cen, what happened to you today? Don't tell me, you have used this device all the time."

Master Cen, who was feeling the words, smiled, subconsciously took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, suddenly remembered the **** rules of the 23rd branch, put it back in anguish, and immediately complained: "You share The factory is good at everything, but there are too many rules. The sixth factory is so much larger than yours, and it doesn’t say that smoking is not allowed."

Zhuang Jianye’s complaint to Master Cen should not have been heard. In the past year, Zhuang Jianye has set more rules in the 23rd branch. From the initial prohibition of urinating and defecation in the workshop, to the current quality reward and punishment system, everything will be cited. There were countless complaints. If Zhuang Jianye listened carefully, he wouldn't have to work.

Of course, it is also attributable to the weak foundation and weak courage of the 23rd branch. The workforce is generally young and lacks confidence. When encountering Zhuang Jianye, a strong factory director with strong support from Huancheng City, even if he encounters a few stings, he will use thunder. After remediation, it is basically submissive.

   As for the complaint or something, it's not without it. The problem is that the muddy hands in Huancheng are so smashing. After a lot of toss, the complainant can't stand it first, but he can only pinch his nose to recognize it.

   If you switch to the old branches directly under the Yonghong factory, Zhuang Jianye estimates that no matter how strong he is, he won’t be able to handle the old poles inside. Who is not behind a bunch of relatives and friends and wants to make rules? It's almost the same for you, my man.

Master Cen is this kind of representative who can set rules for young people at any time, and is always ready to practice your uncle's vigorous old pole, who can hold Peng Chuan to toss in the cafeteria, you can imagine this old guy. How domineering is in the sixth branch.

Fortunately, Master Cen’s dominance only belongs to the sixth branch. In the 23rd branch, the master has nothing to do with complaining and likes to kick the stupid young workers’ ass. The price Zhuang Jianye paid for this. It is the labor fee of 35 yuan per day.

   5 yuan more than the other masters, there is no way, who makes Master Cen the best casting master he can find now.

   This is not to say that the casting technology of Yonghong Factory is at the top of Master Cen's level. There are good ones. There are four eighth-level casters in the two workshops of the final assembly, all of whom are extremely skilled.

Zhuang Jianye wanted to invite it, but they didn’t come at all. It’s not that Zhuang Jianye’s money was not in place, but because they didn’t look down on the 23rd branch, the stepmother, and were afraid of passing it out. The twenty-third branch was ridiculed for engaging in ice cream and cold drink production equipment, so they would rather introduce their apprentices than come by themselves.

  Zhuang Jianye was helpless, so he could only pull up the big man and find Master Cen on his head.

Master Cen’s family has many children, and his life was not very rich. In addition, the rivet casting made a mess inside and out. He was treated coldly by Shen Jianwei, the director of the Sixth Branch, except for a certificate and a bonus of 40 yuan at the end of the year. In addition, the expected post of section chief did not even stick to the side.

Master Cen still knows this clearly. I don’t blame Peng Chuan for this, but Shen Jianwei’s small belly chicken intestines. The problem is that they are the branch factory director. Even the small belly chicken intestines, Master Cen didn’t handle it. Seeing that he is getting older, Master Cen was completely oblivious when he couldn't rise up.

   When Zhuang Jianye brought two bottles of Du Kang to the door, Master Cen agreed without any hesitation. For 35 yuan a day, he almost caught up with his salary for more than half a month, so why not do it.

   So Master Cen, who broke the jar, simply put aside the work of the sixth branch, and rode his bicycle to the 23rd branch every day.

That's fine. At the critical moment when the 23rd branch was conducting trial production of ice cream production equipment, there was a problem with the two castings, which could not be solved. The old guy took a look and ran back to the 6th branch and put him together. Tie Niu's apprentices all pulled over, working for three days day and night, and finally solved the problem.

   In the words of the old guy, we can't take the wages for nothing, we have to show some skills.

   So Zhuang Jianye didn't hesitate to give Da Liu and them 100 each, Master Cen directly stuffed 300, and the 23rd branch factory became the main factory where Master Cen and his apprentices were willing to work hard.

  Since you are willing to work hard, you have to abide by the rules, and you can deduct the labor fees if you can. Zhuang Jianye's ugly words are not to be said. Master Cen doesn't want to get along with the money. A cigarette costs ten yuan. Think about it.

   Because of this, the two complaints dispelled the depression. Seeing that Zhuang Jianye Quandang didn’t hear him, he laughed and continued: "You are really right, I have really touched this set of things..."

Without the smoke, Master Cen’s words were weak, but a little-known history still made Zhuang Jianye very interested. The original set of equipment was originally developed for trial production of turbofan 6 engine fan blades. The production equipment ~www.ltnovel.com~ The turbofan 6 of the year was a major project in the national battle. The Yonghong factory was assigned by the superior to try its best to produce the fan blades. It is a pity that the trial production of the turbofan 6 was adjusted. , FATEK was excluded from the trial production list.

But at that time, the development of related equipment was nearing completion, and so much money was spent, and no one could justify it. Northwest Aviation Plant introduced the "Speey" turbofan engine, and the superiors put forward the request for localization. Yonghong The factory's equipment came in handy, but in the end it didn't stick to it. Master Cen didn't understand the specific reason.

   Fortunately, the high-power turbofan engine of the large aircraft in the survey and mapping trial production fell into the hands of Yonghong Factory. At that time, Master Cen joined the trial production team with his master and was responsible for mixing the mold materials.

After working for less than a year, the large aircraft project was taken over by H city as a whole, and all the data was transferred to H city. Originally, this set of equipment should also be handed over, but H city said that they wanted to import more advanced equipment. The set made by Hongchang itself is left to the second assembly workshop.

"You also know that the engines in our factory are all turbojets, and we have never touched turbofans. So after a few projects were stopped, this set of equipment became a tasteless one. We can only put it on first, thinking about it. One day, the turbofan can still be used, but as a result... hey... still not left.

Speaking of the end, Master Cen meaningfully patted the thick outer wall of a machine tool, and lonely stretched out his hand to his pocket again, preparing to use nicotine to make the desolation a little deeper, and he saw Zhuang Jianye looked at him silently, Master Cen sighed helplessly and retracted his hand, turning the subject away with a straight face: "This set of equipment is really useless, Xiao Zhuang, I think your eldest brother has been treated by Liang Guodong. The kid has calculated it!"

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