
Chapter 201 The Overall Situation of Dragon Slaying

Each of the seven former emperors can use the dragon energy to possess the combat power of the elixir formation stage. Therefore, if you want to defeat the enemy, you can only kill Lord Chen with one strike. But when Ouyang Yu tried it out at the beginning, he had no chance to take action, and even if he did, he had no chance of survival. Even Yao Li, after killing Emperor Chen with one blow, was unable to escape from the palace due to the backlash of dragon energy.

So, at this time, the power of Shinto is needed to suppress the dragon energy! Compared with our immortal way, Miss Murong's Shinto should be more effective. This was Ouyang Yu's idea.

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Yuanchen asked: Murong, if you use divine power to suppress it, how long can you interfere with Da Chen's dragon energy?

Half an hour! Murong Wan'er smiled: Chang Ming, I know what you mean, don't worry, I won't give in to myself. Half an hour is just to consume the incense of faith so far and let the incarnation of Mo Mu carry out the process. A year of slumber will not destroy my foundation.

But in this case, the price is also high. For half an hour, there was no dragon energy to protect Dachen Palace, but those ancestral spirits were also very difficult to deal with, and there were also those martial arts monks.

Hang! Very suspenseful! Jiang Yuanchen frowned, as if he didn't want to do this.

What does Taoist Brother Yunmen mean? Lin Zixuan understood Jiang Yuanchen's concerns and said to Taoist Yunmen: Does fellow Taoist think this is good too?

The nine immortal sects are united. If the majority of everyone wants to slay the dragon, then I can only support it. As expected of Tianmen Dao, who has always been neutral, what he said is the same as what he didn't say.

Jiang Yuanchen looked at the other sects, and Gong Yu'er spoke first: Senior Brother Jiang. Although Brother Ouyang's dragon-slaying plan is risky, if it succeeds, at least half of Da Chen's national fortune will be lost! In this way, the Southern Shu Kingdom will inevitably lose. Profit.

Hanyue Palace seconded the proposal! Yi Wei and Gong Yu'er's relationship was not good, and they were in conflict with each other, but at this time it was rare that they agreed to Gong Yu'er's plan. When Emperor Chen dies, both the north and the south will get an excellent fighter opportunity.

Qingli Guan seconded the proposal! Qingli Guan, Jingyang Taoist Sect and Hanyue Palace still have a certain comradeship in the north, so they naturally support the two allies.

In this way, this is the stance of the four sects.

Ding Kai and Zang Yuan looked at each other and nodded silently: Being able to kill Emperor Chen will be good for us, and even for your future plans, right? The twelve Dragon Escape Pillars have been made and buried while Da Chen was in chaos. It’s impossible to say that we can directly force the dragon veins out!”

Several immortal sects generally had this idea, and even Murong Wan'er also intended to use this to trick Da Chen. Only when the dragon's energy was broken would the gods have a chance to intervene.

Jiang Yuanchen and Lin Zixuan discussed secretly.

Then agree! But let's take action against the Taoist priest! Lin Zixuan sent a message: Let them go to the palace to explore the way first.

Brother Ouyang's plan is too simple. It's just that Fellow Daoist Murong wants to suppress the dragon energy. It also requires a certain amount of time to prepare. Jiang Yuanchen thought for a while and had a calculation in his mind: I have a secret, in the next month There will be a court meeting in Da Chen in the middle of the year, and it seems that other princes will also come to the royal city to see Emperor Chen. By then, I will find a way to lead a rebellion, and you can take the opportunity to take advantage of the division of dragon energy to attack Emperor Chen.

Dynasty rebellion? Ouyang Yu was stunned: When did you have such an arrangement in Dachenliu?

It's not that I have any arrangements. It's some internal problems within the Chen Dynasty. The relationship between the King of Peking and Emperor Chen is not harmonious. I'll find a way to stir up trouble. Jiang Yuanchen shook his head and said to Murong Wan'er: What about King Dingxi? You should also be prepared. It’s best if you can force him to take action. If that doesn’t work, you can also make him remain neutral.”

I understand. Murong Wan'er also used this time to establish the title of Earthly Goddess. Although I can't influence King Xi's thoughts, I can just let the advisers around him persuade me.

Jiang Yuanchen calculated for a while. Then he said: Since we are going to take action against the Great Chen Palace, we must make a set of rules. Those fellow disciples from the Jade Liquid Stage should not participate. How about we, a group of monks from the Pill Formation Stage, join forces?

There are quite a few monks in the Dan-formation stage who have come from the Kyushu Realm. Lin Zixuan, Jiang Yuanchen, Ouyang Yu, Shan Zhao, Ding Kai, Zang Yuan, Murong Wan'er, Xu Muhua, plus the newly promoted Yi Wei and Duan Jing, as well as the sealed cultivation Yao Li, eleven people are enough.

On August 15th, Emperor Chen will host a banquet for the clan. King Sifang and the five princes will be there. You guys will attack the palace. Yao Li and I will go over to help after we finish dealing with the Taoist monks. How about that? Jiang Yuanchen licked Licking his lips: Although I don't like to cause evil, the Taoist monks can be left to the two of us. Since Jiang Yuanchen said this, he naturally showed that he would not hold back.

There seem to be nine alchemy monks at the Taoist side. As for the two of you - Taoist Yunmen was a little worried: How about asking Fellow Taoist Lin to help you?

No need! Jiang Yuanchen shook his head: There is no danger on my side. Murong built an altar outside the city and used the will of the people to suppress the dragon energy of Dachen. It is not dangerous. On the contrary, everyone who enters the palace of Dachen needs to be careful. After all, that is The base camp that the Chen Dynasty has operated for countless years.”

Now that everyone has approved the so-called dragon-slaying plan, the next thing to do is much simpler. One person was planning the shortcomings and two were planning the strengths. More than a dozen monks gathered together to discuss the plan. A big net was quietly cast against Emperor Chen.

On Da Chen's side, there were also some spies sent by Sanyi. Coupled with the magical powers of the monks, they also dug out information about the Dachen Palace bit by bit, and even planned to poison and kill people. For this reason, Ouyang Yu personally transformed into the royal chef of the palace and quietly waited for the opportunity with the poison given to him by Jiang Yuanchen. There are also Yili and Ding Kai who entered the palace through various relationships as guards or maids.

The people outside were not idle either. Jiang Yuanchen contacted Wei Gong and suggested that the Prince of Peiping could rebel to save his father during the family banquet on August 15th. After receiving Murong Wan'er's divine revelation, King Dingxi learned that he would soon... If there is a big chaos, he will not go to the capital because of illness. As for the new King of Zhennan, he is still young and has a shallow foundation, so there is nothing to fear. Only King Yongdong worried Jiang Yuanchen the most.

There are also five princes from the royal family, and the monks also use their own methods. They even assassinated a prince alone and took over the daily actions of that prince.

August 14th night. All plans have been arranged. Jiang Yuanchen greeted Wei Gong and Li Wen back, and several fellow disciples of Taixu Dao Sect gathered at Liuli Mountain.

Is there anything unexpected on Chen Mu's side? Jiang Yuanchen asked Wei Gong. It seems that this junior brother has not been treated unfairly. But why did the imprinted energy that he left on Chen Mu also appear on Wei Gong? Have their breaths blended?

There is no problem. Although that person is a little resistant to me, in order to save his father and for their Peking Palace, he will definitely take action. Wei Gong said calmly: Emperor Chen's suppression of the Peking Prince's family has become more and more severe. , after I handed him the talisman you gave me. He promised to bury it in the palace and temporarily broke the feng shui of the palace.

Jiang Yuanchen nodded, in this way, with Murong Wan'er outside helping to suppress the dragon energy with the power of faith, and if there is another dynasty turmoil inside, it should be able to sustain it for an hour.

Mu Qingyi came over holding a jade plate: Okay, this is the pie made according to the method taught by senior brother.

On a jade plate, there are seven or eight yellow and orange round pies. There are fillings made from melon seeds, peanuts and other nuts.

Senior sister really doesn't look like she was born as a princess! Li Wen smiled and reached for a round cake: Compared to my junior sister, my senior sister is proficient in various skills. I wonder which one will be cheaper in the future!

Mu Qingyi glanced at Jiang Yuanchen, laughed and scolded: I was enlightened by others, and I asked questions in this life. It's different from you, a brat with unresolved mortal aspirations.

If you don't become an immortal, you will always be a mortal. Instead of practicing hard in the mountains for a thousand years, why not live happily for three hundred years! Li Wen disagreed. He didn't have a strong Taoist heart in the first place. He was forced to come here by his elders when he first started. He is the kind of optimist who just wants to live happily.

Jiang Yuanchen smiled lightly: Everyone has his own way of living. As long as it doesn't go against his own heart, he won't regret it in the future! Jiang Yuanchen seemed to have something to say. Wei Gong thought about it and nodded in agreement.

On the top of the glazed mountaintop, under the full moon, five figures in white were chatting and laughing with each other. The five of them are all dressed in plain clothes, but the clothes they wear have different tastes depending on their temperament.

Although Li Wen put on a layer of white clothes, the same joy and joy as Chu Chaoyun in his bones would not be covered by the white clothes. The white clothes on his body were sloppy, and he looked like a libertine.

Lin Zixuan was dressed in white clothes, with a solemn and neat look on his face. The heroic spirit in this senior brother's bones gave him a sense of majesty against the plain white clothes.

Mu Qingyi was wearing white clothes, which gave off a sense of coldness and loneliness. Although she was laughing and cursing in her words, she still couldn't hide the coldness in her bones. This junior sister is a lonely woman.

Emiya was wearing white clothes and looked like a rich man.

When Jiang Yuanchen put on his white clothes, he gave people a warm feeling, neither cold nor hot, neither eager nor alienated. He looked like a humble gentleman as calm as water.

I wonder how Yang Ling is doing! Looking at the bright moon in the sky, Jiang Yuanchen couldn't help but think of the other of the two gentlemen recognized by Taixu Dao Sect. Of course, these two are the kind of guys who are modest on the outside but sinister on the inside.

But in Jiang Yuanchen's eyes, Yang Ling is definitely worse than himself! Therefore, what people don’t have is self-consciousness.

Jiuzhou Realm, Taixu Taoist Sect. Such a long time has passed in the Tianmen Realm, but it is only a few months in the Jiuzhou Realm.

As Jiang Yuanchen said, Yang Ling is actually the best candidate to be the chief disciple of any sect. Under his care, Tiancang Peak was in perfect order, even Lingyun Peak was the same.

I don't know what's going on with Senior Brother Lin. I hope nothing happens to the five true disciples. After Yang Ling finished making arrangements for this month, he unconsciously looked at the bright moon in the sky.

The two worlds flow at different speeds. Although Jiang Yuanchen and Yang Ling are looking at the same night sky, Yang Ling's side is seeing the waning moon, while Jiang Yuanchen's side is approaching the full moon.

At the top of Liuli Mountain, at Lin Zixuan's suggestion, Jiang Yuanchen held up the Taiyin Spirit Flag.

The spiritual flags were fluttering, a moon girl danced gracefully in the spiritual flags, and silver lotuses scattered in the night sky.

Jiang Yuanchen raised his wine glass: This time the five of us came down, and now no one has died. I am very happy in my heart. I can also explain to my elders when I return in the future.

Junior Brother Wei, I won't interfere too much in your affairs, but you must remember your true intentions and don't forget why you went up the mountain in the first place.

Junior brother Li, although you and Gong Yu'er are in love, but if you want to truly get married, you must report it to the master after you return. You must not damage Yuanyang before Jin Dan.

Junior Sister Mu, you cultivated in Liuli Mountain, and now your results are visible. If something unexpected happens to the two of us, you have to take them back to Kyushu.

Jiang Yuanchen chatted quietly and explained the following events one by one.

Mu Qingyi frowned: Senior brother is a little drunk. The two senior brothers have incredible magical powers. It is enough to conquer the Tianmen world. It is not necessary to go to the palace.

Jiang Yuanchen looked up at the full moon in the sky: The two of us are 70% sure of our trip, but 30% is still left to God's will! It's better to prepare these things earlier!

ps: I am a five-nut mooncake pie!

The third update is around ten o'clock.

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