
Chapter 200 Diyuan Mengjun Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Golden Light Palace, although Murong Wan'er is not proficient in illusions, Shinto is good at mental methods, and Murong Wan'er has a lot of research on witchcraft, so this Golden Light Palace is perfectly integrated with Jiang Yuanchen's Taixu Divine Realm.

King Dingxi entered the palace and saw golden phoenixes flying on the eighteen golden pillars. The entire palace was magnificent, magnificent and magnificent.

After being introduced to the Golden Light Palace by the golden boy, King Dingxi was affected by the aroma of incense surrounding him and unconsciously bowed his head to the goddess Di Yuan.

Chen Jingyuan of the Great Chen Dynasty pays homage to the goddess.

The Taixu Divine Realm has been hidden from the world for thousands of years. What is the purpose of a mortal like you here? the goddess said majestically.

The voice directly printed into the heart of King Dingxi. King Dingxi's Qi cultivation was immediately crushed. He said in panic: The little king wants to invite the empress to come out to deal with the evil god Mo Mu in the West? He didn't dare to play any tricks and took care of it all in one breath. out. Including what epidemics and white fox repays kindness.

Desert Mother? She was sealed in the desert by my father in the past, how could she suddenly be born? Goddess Earth Yuan asked out of curiosity.

This... King Dingxi hesitated: Perhaps the demons from the Roulan Kingdom tried to unblock it! Since the goddess has some entanglements with this evil god, I wonder if I can come down and lend a helping hand?

The Goddess of Earth Yuan made some calculations: When Mother Mo was born, her fate must not have been cut off. In this way, let's end the cause and effect with Father God. The goddess looked like she didn't want to take charge.

Then, the goddess said to King Dingxi: I am devoted to cultivation in order to fly to the upper world. I don't want to get involved in such worldly matters. Just go back! She was about to ask the beautiful girl and golden boy beside her to send King Dingxi away.

Lord Mengjun, why are you here? The golden boy transformed by Biwan suddenly spoke. A purple-robed god walked in. The surroundings of the gods were hazy, and there were all kinds of imaginary phenomena in the world of mortals. Jiang Yuanchen himself pretended to be a god and came to help support the scene.

Mengjun, the divine name Jiang Yuanchen prepared for himself, borrowed the southern dream sea in his heart. King Dingxi and Mengjun looked at each other and felt like they were falling into dreams and couldn't extricate themselves. Birth, old age, illness and death, love, hate, greed and delusion, all kinds of emotions confused King Dingxi's mind. Demonstrate Jiang Yuanchen's methods.

How did this mortal come to our Qingxiu Divine Realm? Meng Jun pointed at King Dingxi and said unhappily.

The Goddess of Diyuan stepped down from the cloud bed of the divine seat: Mr. Meng, this son is said to be from the Chen Dynasty in the human world, and he wants to ask me to go down the mountain to deal with Mother Mo.

Mother Mo? Hasn't that god been sealed by Duke Kunlun? Jiang Yuanchen pretended to be surprised: In that case, you can go down to earth and take a trip! Maybe you can understand the way of heaven and man, and follow me You ascended at the same time!

King Dingxi was a little disappointed at first, but after hearing Meng Jun's words, he immediately became hopeful again. And his mood was sensed by Jiang Yuanchen at the same time. Both of them are masters of playing with their minds, and of course they know how to play with King Dingxi's mind.

Earth Origin Goddess Emei frowned slightly. He shook his head and refused: Brother God, it's not like you don't know that the world of mortals is filled with the five turbid qi. How can it be the place where a pure god like me comes? Besides, it's not like you don't know the power of Da Chen's dragon qi. If so, If you have malicious intentions——

Empress! King Dingxi was about to explain. But Mengjun waved his hand: My queen, there is no need to be like this. I can see clearly what this son's character is like. He is definitely not that kind of sinister villain! When the time comes, let him build a temple for you, and you can rest in the temple. . Enjoy three sticks of fragrance every day, and in the future, if your merits are complete, you can ascend to the upper realm with me!

Finished. Meng Jun gave King Dingxi a wink, and King Dingxi came to his senses: Yes, if your Majesty can help our three armies to eliminate the epidemic, the little king is willing to honor your majesty and respect your Majesty as the righteous god of our great Chen country!

That's no need! I don't want to be tainted by the karma of the dynasty, and now Da Chen's luck is uncertain——

Ahem! Meng Jun coughed for a while, and the Earth Origin Goddess swallowed the next words.

Da Chen's luck? What happened to Da Chen’s luck? King Dingxi was startled, but seeing the inscrutable attitudes of the two gods, he couldn't continue to ask more questions.

That's all, since Brother God has said so, I will go with you for a while! You go back and prepare. I will give you a magic talisman. After you build the temple for me, you can set this talisman on the altar. I will come to the temple in the form of a statue to help you defeat the epidemic. The goddess stretched out her hand, and a yellow light talisman fell into the hands of King Dingxi. The yellow aura on the talisman is the condensation of the pure divine power of the earth. After just a few glances, you can clearly understand the virtue of thick soil for good health.

Then we should build a temple for Mengjun? King Dingxi looked at Mengjun again and had an idea in his mind.

I was born in response to the dreams of all sentient beings. I am the god who controls dreams. Why do I need the belief of all living beings? Mengjun laughed: Besides, my soul has become great and will soon ascend to the upper realm of pure spirits. Why do I need to be with the sentient beings of the Tianmen Realm again? What’s the matter? Go away, go away!”

Mengjun waved his hand and told King Dingxi to go back quickly.

The Biyan Golden Boy once again took King Dingxi away from the Golden Light Palace in Kunlun Mountain. As the two of them walked, they saw a girl-looking god talking to a young-looking god.

You said that the Yellowstone's hometown in Mingcheng County has begun to shine, and it will be born in ten years? The girl smiled and said: The Yellowstone Heavenly Book has long since disappeared from the world. Except for us and other gods who know that the Huangshi's hometown is in Mingcheng County, other mortals can It’s difficult to find one heavenly book, let alone five.”

But you also know that I am a stone-carved yellow dragon in the hometown of Huangshi, and I have a sense of nature there. The man hesitated: I was thinking, should I go back and take a look?

Don't be ridiculous! The Lord of Taixu God came down from the Qingling God Realm and opened up the Taixu God Realm for us Xiaoyao Sanshen to practice. Since you have cut off the cause and effect from your hometown of Huangshi, why bother to go to the world of mortals again? I heard that these years , it is the time when the upper realm of Kyushu is coming, and it seems that the national destiny of the Chen Dynasty is facing a disaster. When Lord Chen dies, what will be the torment in the mortal world! The two gods walked farther and farther away, but they didn't know that these words had come early. King Dingxi heard it.

The hometown of Huangshi is actually in Mingcheng County? wrong! What are you saying that my country, Chen Guo Yun, is suspected of being in turmoil? Thinking again about what Meng Jun and Diyuan Goddess said just now, King Dingxi had some doubts in his heart. Indeed, during this period of time, the evil spirits from outside the world came, and there was indeed some turmoil in Dachen. Even the King of Zhennan died!

But the Qingling Upper Realm. Could it be a place similar to our Shenxiao Upper Realm and Jiuzhou Demon Realm? I thought about it again, but I want to say His Majesty's words. Your Majesty is protected by the dragon energy of all spirits, how could something happen? King Dingxi smiled brightly and didn't care about the words of the two gods, but a seed still fell in his heart.

After leaving the divine realm, King Dingxi looked around again. The water gate above the lake began to gradually dissipate. After touching the magic talisman in his arms, he understood that what he just saw was not an illusion. He hurried back to prepare to build a temple, and invited the Earth Goddess to come.

After King Dingxi left, the two gods Diyuan and Mengjun looked at each other and smiled. The entire illusion dissipated, leaving Jiang Yuanchen and Murong Wan'er standing in the air. The golden boy turned back into the form of Bian, while the male and female spirits returned to the appearance of Yao Li and Xuan Chen.

So, the overall situation has been decided. Fellow Taoist, just prepare to play the game of left-handed versus right-handed!

What about you, fellow Taoist?

Go back and concentrate on refining my Dragon-Escape Pillar. I will come out of seclusion in a year. By then, I hope that the name of my fellow Taoist will be spread throughout the mountains and rivers of Shenzhou.

Dragon escape, this refining method can be said to be the secret of Taixu Taoism. When Baiyang Mountain founded the sect, forty-nine Dragon-Escape Pillars were used to force the Lingzhou ancestral lineage to the foot of Baiyang Mountain, making the aura of Baiyang Mountain the highest in Lingzhou.

Nowadays, Jiang Yuanchen cannot use the forty-nine Dragon-Escape Pillars to set up the Great Evolution Formation, but he can barely use the twelve Dragon-Escape Pillars to lay out the Dutian Dharma.

Jiang Yuanchen and Lin Zixuan stayed in Liuli Mountain for nearly a year. The flames of Liuli Mountain soared into the sky. In July of the following year, twelve dragon escape pillars were finally refined.

Twelve golden dragons were imprisoned in a pit in the back mountain by Jiang Yuanchen with great magic power. Lin Zixuan breathed real fire and forced them into the twelve dragon pillars. Twelve real dragons of different shapes were entangled on the brass dragon pillars.

Congratulations to the two senior brothers! Mu Qingyi stood in the distance and watched the wind, and came to congratulate after seeing the two of them refine the Dragon Escape Pillar.

The two of us have been in seclusion for a long time. Is there anything going on outside? Jiang Yuanchen wiped his sweat. Ask Mu Qingyi.

Ouyang Yu from the Jingyang Taoist Sect and Master Yunmen from the Tianmen Taoist School sent a letter, seeming to summon all visitors from Kyushu to Liuli Mountain to discuss a major matter.

oh? Jiang Yuanchen and Lin Zixuan looked at each other. Jiang Yuanchen asked: Do you know the time?

They said, please two people to decide.

Then three days later! Lin Zixuan took Jiang Yuanchen's handkerchief, wiped his sweat and said to Mu Qingyi: Get ready, let's meet all our colleagues, don't lose the name of our Taixu Taoist Sect.

When did Jingyang Taoism and Tianmen Taoism get mixed up? Jiang Yuanchen thought for a long time and finally got the answer three days later.

Although it was said that the Nine Immortals Sect met together, the only people who came were the leaders of the Nine Immortals Sect such as Yunmen, Ouyang Yu, Yi Wei, Ding Kai, Du Xinzhen, Qian Zhengyu, Gong Yuer, Zangyuan, and the rest. Two casual practitioners, Murong Wan'er and Xu Muhua.

Brother Yunmen Daoist invites you all to come to my Liuli Mountain. What's the important matter? Jiang Yuanchen asked curiously: Is this the same thing that we said before about killing Daochen Daosi together?

It's almost the same, except that Fellow Taoist Ouyang seems to be more ambitious and wants to force Chen to change his dynasty in one fell swoop, so I think we should discuss it with everyone.

Change of dynasty! Want to kill Emperor Chen? Jiang Yuanchen and Lin Zixuan looked at each other, and Jiang Yuanchen said displeasedly: Fellow Daoist Ouyang, you have seen what master Chen's cultivation is like. The palace of Chen is protected by all spirits, and it is very difficult to succeed with one strike. And you have Da Chen's final trump card. You should know that too, right?”

Are you referring to the heroic spirits of past generations? Ouyang Yu said contemptuously: It would be fine if it was in the past, but now we have a Shinto monk here. If Miss Murong helps to suppress it, those heroic spirits may not be able to come out!

Da Chen's dragon energy was so strong that a lot of it was used to enshrine ancestral spirits. This was also the true combat power that killed the gods in the first place, but these ancestral spirits did not survive much after the gods were destroyed.

According to Taoist Fellow Yunmen's estimation, there should be seven emperors, thirty-two Confucian officials, and seventy-two generals among the ancestors of Da Chen.

According to Da Chen's rules, after an emperor dies, he must be protected by dragon energy and sleep in the land of the ancestral dragon. Then, if the ministers of his dynasty were canonized by the new emperor, they could also enter the Land of the Ancestral Dragon to accompany the late emperor.

But there are very few courtiers who enter the Land of the Ancestral Dragon with great merit. As for those concubines and queens who did not have combat power, Yunmen's statistics did not include those people.

ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon cakes are indeed the best with five kernels!

The first update today, and two more updates in the afternoon.

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