However, he himself is pessimistic about the outcome between humanity and Honkai.

Before the collapse completely destroys human civilization, find a way to revive the dead and resurrect Karen.

This is Otto's only purpose.

All his actions are based on this purpose.

Yu Gong knew this, but did not tell Theresa the truth.

Because it is useless to tell Teresa, it can only add to her troubles.


Today Hagiya came to see her at St. Freya Academy, and Theresa was very happy.

Now, her good mood is completely destroyed.

Teresa is very afraid that Otto will cause big trouble and affect the whole world.

"don’t worry."

Hagiya freed a hand and stroked Teresa's head comfortingly.

"The tree of imaginary numbers has stood for countless years and never falls."

"With the power of the support, it is impossible to shake it."

"That's good."

With Yumiya's comfort, Theresa felt much better.

"The reconstruction of St. Freya Academy is almost over, what are you going to do?"

For the purpose of helping Theresa to adjust her mood, Hanamiya changed the subject.

"same as before."

Theresa's answer was quite straightforward.

After the school is rebuilt, of course everything will be business as usual.

A St. Freya Academy can't play tricks.

"Speaking of which, Mei and the others have been working hard recently, and even Kiana is rarely lazy."

"Hamiya, does this have something to do with you?"

"I just talked about Hollander."

The reactions of Mei, Kiana and the others were as expected by Yumiya.

They are all strong girls and won't give up easily.

"Urandel? Oh, aren't you afraid of over-stimulating it?"

Thinking of that monster-like existence, Theresa couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"No, I know Kiana and the others."

"Pressure can't overwhelm them, it will only force them to keep growing."

Hanamiyate went around Teresa's two (beff) ribs and the bend of her legs respectively, and hugged her by the waist.

Then stood up and put Teresa on the chair.

"I am leaving, bye."

"Remember to come more, or I'll go to your house to find you."

At present, the relationship between the two is in a stage of rapid warming.

Theresa was very reluctant to part with Hagiya.

"For such a lovely Theresa, I can't help but come."

Yumiya said jokingly.

There are Theresa, Himiko, and Kiana in St. Freya Academy, and he will definitely come here often.

"Hmph, it's good to know."

Theresa hummed proudly.

She is the cutest and most invincible beautiful girl in the world.


After separating from Theresa, Hagiya returned to the seaside villa.

In fact, he had considered going to London.

After thinking about it, I decided to let it go.

Whatever Otto loves, it doesn't affect him anyway.

However, when Otto's experiments begin, he can join in the fun.



Three days later, Rita came back.

She roughly told Yu Gong about her and Hollander's experiences in England.

Overall, it's pretty much the same as the original story.

Although there were some twists and turns, Otto's goal was achieved.

Destiny successfully found and recovered the Second God's Key - One Thousand Worlds.

Knowing this, Yu Gong took action.

He would go to the Destiny headquarters from time to time to check on Otto's movements.

A few days ago, Otto didn't make any big moves.

Destiny found a piece of soul steel inside the Thousand Realms, and this piece of soul steel records information.

So, in the early days, Otto's main focus was on interpreting the information recorded in Soul Steel.

After about a week, the interpretation of Soul Steel's information was completed.

For the past 4,500 years, Chikai has been used to observe other parallel worlds on the tree of imaginary numbers.

message, that's all.

This fragmented and vague information has little effect.

Not to mention the tree of imaginary numbers, it can't even solve the mystery shrouded in the One Multiplication of Thousand Realms.

It must be said that the harvest of destiny is not big.

However, Otto was satisfied, even ecstatic.

It is enough to be sure that the Thousand Realms One Multiplication is the "key" you need.

The location of the tree of imaginary numbers, it can find it by itself.


Destiny headquarters, an experimental site on a floating island.


Upon receiving Amber's notification, Hollander rushed to the testing ground as quickly as possible.

She is wearing the Radiant Knight Moon Soul Armor, holding the Heller of Eternal Silence, and is ready to fight.

Not only that, there are several other Valkyries nearby.

These Valkyries are all members of Destiny's Strongest Valkyrie Team - Indestructible Blade.

Such a big battle proves that what they have to do next is not easy.

"The inextinguishable blade team is already in place."

"Stay vigilant."

The energy filling rate is 87%, 88%...

At this moment, Otto is on the high platform not far away.

He glanced at the data on the experimental instrument, and then turned his eyes to the middle of the test field.

There is a cable connected to many experimental instruments around, like a transparent plastic can device.

Inside the installation, there is a thing that is not small in size and looks like a locomotive.

After confirming that Chikai is the "key", Otto's experiment began.

Experiment name, the second **** key starts the experiment.

The purpose of the experiment is to open the door to the location of the tree of imaginary numbers.

This strange object like a locomotive is the core of the experiment - the second **** key,

"After the second **** key is activated, it will tear the space."

"None of us know what will emerge from the cracks in space.".

Chapter 460

"No matter what accident happens, you must protect the core of the Second God's Key."

Before the experiment began, Otto emphasized the key point one last time.


The Inextinguishable Blade team responded in unison.

"The Second God's Key is the first time to start the experiment, start."

Seeing that Hollander and the others were all ready, Otto didn't waste any more time.

Everything is in place, and it's time for the experiment to begin.


Following Otto's order to "start the experiment", a dull sound of artillery shelling resounded throughout the experimental site.

A purple beam of light shot out from the front end of Qianjie Yicheng, and it shot straight into the sky.

In an instant, the bright sky turned - dim.

The sky was penetrated by the beam, bursting into countless powders falling downward.

At first glance, it seemed like a broken mirror.

With the purple light beam as the center point, a large-scale space crack appeared in the sky.

Behind the space crack is a chaotic space.

It is like a starry sky, with dim and unknown stars rolling and twinkling inside, making people shudder.

"Starry sky?"

Hollander raised her head and looked up at Buxingchen in the chaotic space.

That star resonated with a certain power in her body.

"This feeling, it's not a star, it's..."


In the laboratory on the high platform.

"World bubble?"

The well-informed Otto also recognized the true face of the stars.

"According to the records on Soul Steel, the Second God's Key has been used to observe many parallel worlds on the Tree of Imaginary Numbers."

"If the record is true, why is there only one world bubble?"

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