The nickname "Stupid Goose" was not taken by him, but by the majority of Honkai 3RD players.

"Okay, hee hee."


Ever since she became a Valkyrie, Hollander has always been strict with herself.

Even on vacation, you won't be too relaxed.

Therefore, after only staying in the extreme east for three or four days, she said goodbye to Yu Gong and Rita and returned to the Destiny headquarters.

The next day, Destiny headquarters, the main classroom.

"Has Hollander returned to the headquarters?"

Otto turned the chair to face Amber behind him.


Amber paused for a moment, organized the language, and reported to Otto in detail.

"The specific time is yesterday afternoon."

"Currently, Lord Hollander is exercising in the gym."

"Hey, there are enough hardworking people."

Otto didn't know whether he was complaining or complimenting.

Hollander has always been like this. Her powerful strength is not something that came out of thin air.

The hard work behind it is unimaginable for ordinary people.

"Same, but also different."

Amber said something inexplicable. .

Chapter 458


Otto showed interest and waited for Amber's next statement.

"Lord Hollander's habit is the same as usual. When he has free time, he will soak in the gym."

"However, after returning from the extreme east this time, her training intensity has increased significantly by a notch."

"It seems, it seems..."

At the end, Amber hesitated.

"What do you think, let's talk about it."

According to Amber's few words, Otto already had a calculation in his mind.

He wanted to see if Amber thought the same as himself.


Since Otto wanted to speak for himself, Amber had to speak bluntly.

"Urandel's current state seems to be stimulated by something."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Otto laughed.

Amber's guess was consistent with what he thought.

I heard that Hollander went to the far east in order to meet Rita.

Then, this matter must have something to do with Yu Gong again.

"Let's not talk about Hollander, has the information about the Second God's Key been sorted out?"

"It's all sorted out..."

When it comes to business affairs, Amber put away unnecessary thoughts and went to work.

Most of the technologies of Destiny originate from the heritage of the pre-civilization era excavated from all over the world.

And the most important thing in the legacy of the pre-civilization era is the God Key.

Some time ago, Destiny made a new breakthrough in the study of the ancient ruins where the information of the Second God's Key was discovered.

Otto immediately ordered Amber to follow up and pick out useful information.

"The message of the Second God's Key is closely related to the myths and legends of King Arthur in England."

"If the information is true, there is a very high possibility that the Second God's Key is in the UK 〃〃."


Dragging his chin and pondering for a moment, Otto made a decision.

"Rita is from England, and she is the most suitable for this task."

"In order to make sure nothing goes wrong, let Hollander and Rita go together."

"Understood, Bishop, I will contact them immediately."

Amber took the order and exited the main classroom.


St. Freya Academy, the principal's office.

"Are you going to England?"

Hearing Rita's words on the other side of the phone, Hanamiya was a little surprised.

"Yes, in addition to me, Lord Hollander will also go."

Not long ago, Amber got in touch with Rita and gave her the task of finding clues about the Second God's Key.

After the communication between the two ended, Rita immediately called Yu Gong to inform him of the mission.

"I heard that the mission is related to the key to the second god. As for the specific content, I don't know for the time being."

"Okay, I know."

Indeed, Rita should do something else.

Yu Gong never thought of restricting Rita's freedom, let alone tying her to his side.

"When performing tasks, pay attention to safety."

"rest assured."

The two S-rank Valkyries of Destiny perform a mission at the same time, and the possibility of an accident is very low.

Not to mention, one of them is still Horandelle.

Even if the unexpected happens, Rita thinks they have enough ability to deal with it.



After a few simple chats, the phone hangs up.

"Second God's Key? I always feel that the headquarters is going to make a big move."

In the office, the seat belonging to Theresa is now occupied by Hagiya.

And the original owner Teresa was sitting on Yu Gong's body and was hugged by him from behind.

Whether it's Hagiya or Theresa, this kind of zishi is the favorite.

One is comfortable to hold, the other is comfortable to be hugged.

Therefore, Teresa could hear the content of the conversation between Hagiya and Rita just now.

After the call between the two ended, she expressed her opinion.

"You're right."

Hagiya hugged Teresa tightly, resting her chin on her shoulder.

"The Second God's Key is very important to Otto."

"Perhaps in his heart, all the other God keys combined are not as heavy as this one."


Theresa's eyes clearly revealed doubts.

Compared with other God keys, is there anything special about the Second God Key? Worthy of Otto's attention.

"Do you know the tree of imaginary numbers?"

Facing Teresa's suspicious gaze, Hanamiya's words seemed to deviate from the theme.


Theresa shook her head honestly.

The tree of imaginary numbers? She had never heard of it.

"To some extent, the tree of imaginary numbers is a god."

"It is the birthplace of all truths and laws, and the origin of the world."

"The tree of imaginary numbers is rooted in the sea of ​​quantum, and it competes with the sea of ​​quantum all the time and never stops."

"Time flows on the trunk of the tree of imaginary numbers, forming countless branches like a canopy."

"Every tree trunk contains a world."

"In most of these worlds, there is no life, which is called imaginary space."

"Corresponding to the imaginary number space, the world where life exists is the real number world."

"The world we live in is one of many real worlds."

Hagiya explained the definition of the imaginary number tree for Teresa Chan, and said it in great detail.

"Could it be, Grandpa, he..."

Theresa isn't stupid. Yu Gong said so much, how could she not understand it?

The key of the second **** must have a great connection with the tree of imaginary numbers.

Otto Drunkard's intention is not to drink wine, his real goal is the tree of imaginary numbers.

"so smart."

Yu Gong tilted her head and took a light bite on Teresa's delicate face.

"Otto's goal is the tree of imaginary numbers, and the key of the second **** is the key to open the door to the location of the tree of imaginary numbers."

Judging from the timeline, now Otto doesn't know that the key of the second **** is the "key" and is still in the stage of doubt.

Later, his suspicions came true.

"He, what does he want to create?"

Teresa's heart was up and down, and she was extremely nervous. .

Chapter 459

Yu Gong's words were silently telling a truth.

The tree of imaginary numbers is crucial.

What did Otto touch such a dangerous thing for?

"Who knows?"

Although Otto is the bishop of destiny, he is the leader of the Honkai faction.

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