Yu Gong opened his palm and bent his five fingers.

The next moment, his palm lit up with a golden light similar to that in the hall.

The golden light elongated and finally changed into the shape of a sword.

"In exchange, I will kill Chi You and fulfill your wish."

"This this."

The dullness on Ji Lin's face was broken, and obvious surprise appeared.

When the golden light dissipated, she could see the whole picture of the sword.

That sword is exactly the same as Xuanyuan Sword.

Not only in appearance, but also in pretense, there is no difference in breath.

There is no doubt that this is Xuanyuan Sword.

How could Yu Gong have the Xuanyuan Sword, and where did he get his Xuanyuan Sword?

"Your friend Chiyuan is an acquaintance with me."

"Therefore, you can safely hand over the Xuanyuan Sword and Stigma to me."

"In exchange, I will get rid of Chi You and understand your wishes."

Ji Lin's expression clearly told Yu Gong what she thought, she was curious about the origin of the Xuanyuan sword in her hand.

However, Hanamiya won't tell her.


Hearing the unexpected name, Ji Lin was extremely surprised.

Yumiya and Chiyuan are familiar with each other? What era is he from?

"How about it, let's exchange it with a good deal."

Ji Lin, like Chi Yuan, made huge sacrifices to protect the land of Shenzhou.

Moreover, he bears the name of Yellow Emperor, a name with extraordinary meaning in the hearts of Shenzhou people.

Otherwise, Yu Gong wouldn't be so ink-stained and talk nonsense with Ji Lin.


Silence, long silence.

Ji Lin didn't speak, as if thinking about whether Yu Palace's value is trustworthy.

After a few minutes of silence, she spoke again.

"You, can you really kill Chi You?"

"What I say, I can do."

Sure enough, Yu Gong knew that Ji Lin would not let him down.

"Okay, I believe you."

Perhaps infected by the strong confidence contained in Yu Gong's words, Ji Lin no longer hesitated.

Intuition tells her that Yu Gong can be trusted.


After Ji Lin finished speaking, the quietness of the hall no longer existed.

Surrounded by, the head of the Jingwei bird statue with Xuanyuanjian's head aimed at it, shot a red light from the mouth.

Three rays of light from different directions intersected on Xuanyuan Sword.

Around Xuanyuanjian, several circles of mysterious runes appeared out of thin air, and at the same time, the height slowly dropped.

After a while, Xuanyuan Sword floated in front of Yu Palace, and the tip of the sword sank into the floor of the hall.

"That's all I can do."

Ji Lin's figure was illusory at the tip of the sword, and it turned into a light spot that dissipated in the sky.

"My stigmata is on the other me, she is in Chiyou's heart."

"I wish you all the best, mysterious boy."

"I am very satisfied to see my friends again before parting."


Hagiya's gaze turned to the rear.

At the entrance of the hall, Ji Zi, Fu Hua, Qiana, and Bronya walked in one after another.

Seeing Yu Palace, all the girls 417 showed their joy.

Although he believed in Yu Gong's ability, he could finally be completely relieved when he saw that he was safe and sound.


"Mr. Yumiya."

"Brother Yu Gong."

They quickened their pace and rushed to Yugiya's side as quickly as possible.



Yu Gong pulled out the Xuanyuan sword stuck in the floor, and was about to speak.

A sky-shattering beast roar shook the entire hall.


The hall collapsed and shattered in a large area, and a huge amount of sea water surged up.

Ji Zi and the others who had just arrived didn't know the situation yet. A giant beast that covered the sky and the sun rushed out of the sea.

The giant beast opened its mouth and rushed towards Yu Gong and others, as if to swallow them in one bite.


The terrifying giant beast appeared too suddenly, and the girls couldn't react at all.

They immediately lost their minds and froze at a loss.

"Are you here? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Among the people present, the only person who was not affected was Hanamiya.

Kacha Kacha.

Just as the giant beast approached and was about to swallow everyone.

A layer of black shadow covered Yu Gong and the others and most of the beasts. .

Chapter 425

Two huge pure ice palms fell from the sky and slapped the giant beast on the head.


Suffering a sudden heavy blow, the giant beast flew backwards.

In the blink of an eye, he was already tens of meters away from Yumiya and the others.

Thanks to this, their crisis was temporarily lifted.


Ji Zi, Fu Hua and the others turned their heads subconsciously.

The faces of the girls were more or less with a little doubt.

The situation was changing so fast that they couldn't understand the situation at all.


"so big."

"According to Bronya's visual estimation, the height is probably around..."


Seeing the things behind them, Ji Zi and the others fell into surprise.

It is a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara statue made of pure ice.

The Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara is so huge that it is impossible to see the whole picture when it is too close.

Rough estimate, at least 300 meters high.

"You are all right."

The Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara is naturally Yu Gong's masterpiece.

The situation was urgent just now, and Yu Gong couldn't think of a better solution for a while.

After all, Chi You's size is too big, so he can't handle it casually.


Kiana nodded dazedly.

"Uh, Yu Gong, did you make this ice statue?"

"Of course, otherwise we will all be swallowed by that big guy."

Yumiya said in a joking tone.

"Ah ha ha."

Kiana laughed dryly, not knowing how to respond.

She took her gaze away from the Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara and turned to the giant beast on the other side.


This is Kiana, the most intuitive feeling.

Rao is the height of the Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara, reaching several hundred meters, but it doesn't seem to be much bigger than the giant beast.

This is still a comparison when the giant beast is in the sea.

No one knows how many parts of the behemoth's body are hidden in the water.

In the face of such a behemoth, and still in the mood to joke, probably only Yu Gong.

"This giant beast is Chiyou, it...〃〃."

Yu Gong will tell Ji Zi and the others the information about Jiuyou one by one.

The time is right, it's time to confess.

"Huh? Are we going to Chiyou's belly?"

Kiana suspected that she had heard it wrong.

"Also, why are there two Xuanyuan swords?"

"It's okay not to go."

Yu Gong put away his Xuanyuan sword, and then handed Jizi's to Jizi.

"But you won't get Ji Lin's stigmata."

"As for this Xuanyuan sword, it's mine."

"The situation is very complicated and special, and I can't explain it in a few words."


Ji Zi, Fu Hua, Qiyana, and Bronya remained silent.

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