In the second collapse, Benares suffered the fate of Destiny and Anti-Entropy.

And Chi You's strength is still higher than Benares.

Although Chi You was sealed by the Yellow Emperor's united comrades, it was not something that Ji Zi and the others could deal with.

Unless Fu Hua is no longer hiding and using all her strength, there is no hope of winning.

Therefore, Yu Gong has to guard against Chi You who may appear at any time.

In fact, Yu Gong can tell Ji Zi and others the existence of Chi You, and the answer of Jiuyou Agency.

This saves time and effort.

But still that sentence, this is their task.

Yumiya will help, not too much.

Presumably Jizi, Mei, and Bronya didn't want to be the ones who depended on him for everything.


"I'm the only..."

"And carve her a statue of her favorite red kite bird, and accompany her here forever."

The efficiency of Jizi, Kiana and others is very high.

In just a few minutes, they read all the stone tablets.

The translator, Fu Hua, also read all the information on the stone tablet.

The pictures and texts on the stele describe the deeds of Huang Di's husband.

The Yellow Emperor went to Jiuyou to fight Chiyou and did not return for a long time.

So, her husband went out to sea to find him, and finally returned with regret.

I can only leave a monument and a statue to express my heart.

"The red kite guides the way forward?"

"So, is it there?"

After some discussion, the women's eyes locked on a stone wall where no special place could be seen.

The head of the red kite is facing this stone wall.

According to the information on the stele, this stele may be hiding a secret.

"I gonna go see."

Ji Zi raised her guard and slowly approached the suspected stone wall.

Only through practice can the truth come out. The analysis is precise, and it is useless without action.

"Be careful, Teacher Jizi."

"The text on the stone wall is from the ancestors of the ancient land of Shenzhou, who came to seal the incantation of evil monsters."

"Perhaps, Jiuyou is not as simple as we imagined."

Fu Hua had a bad premonition in his heart.

In order to avoid accidents, she reminded Ji Zi dearly.


Jizi didn't care about the mere danger.

Valkyrie is a dangerous profession. She has taken countless risks as a Valkyrie over the years.

"and many more."

Just when Ji Zi was about to touch the stone wall, Yu Gong suddenly appeared beside her and held her.


Ji Zi turned her head and asked suspiciously.

"I'll go first."

In the game's plot, as soon as Ji Zi entered, he was controlled by Xuanyuanjian.

For safety's sake, it's better to take the lead.

Xuanyuanjian couldn't control him.

"Uh, good."

Ji Zi was stunned for a while, then showed a bright smile.

Is Yu Gong worried about her, afraid that she will be plotted by the so-called agency?

"Stay away..."

Yu Gong raised his hand and touched the stone wall that was close at hand.


In an instant, the stone wall lit up.

Before everyone could react, Yu Gong was sucked into the stone wall.


The faces of the women changed greatly, and they all fell into surprise.

Does this stone wall really have a mechanism?

"Mr. Jizi."

Kiana, Fu Hua, and Bronya all looked at Jizi and asked for her opinion.

"Shibi will **** Feather Palace, and it will **** us too."

"Come on, let's go in together."

Ji Zi calmly issued a new order.

In exchange for any of them encountering the current unknown situation, she would be worried, but Yu Gong would not.

Yu Gong is not an elder, his strength and means are unfathomable, and the chance of an accident is almost zero.


Kiana, Fu Hua, and Bronya have no opinion.

For now, this is the only way.


Inside the stone wall.

"Ji Lin, Chi You, let me meet you."

On the other side, there is still a vast space.

Unlike outside, there is no water here.

Yu Gong looked at it casually, then identified a direction and walked forward.

After walking for about two minutes, he changed direction for no reason.

Repeated, repeated several times.

This space looks like 5.5, but it actually hides a labyrinth based on the principle of Qimen Dunjia.

If you go wrong, it is very unsafe.

However, Qimen Dunjia is a pediatrician to Yu Gong, and the maze can't stop him.

Walking around, after more than ten minutes, Yu Gong came to an ancient building that resembled a shrine or a temple.


Yu Gong stopped.

In front of him, suspended in mid-air was a golden sword that was incomparably gorgeous.

"Aren't you showing up yet?"

Yu Gong didn't even look at the golden sword, but instead said something inexplicable.

"Young man, who exactly are you?"

Yu Gong's voice fell, and he immediately got a response.

At the same time, the golden sword shines brightly. .

Chapter 424

The light is exceptionally bright and covers a wide range.

Almost the entire hall was submerged in light, making it difficult to see the situation clearly.

Facing the dazzling light, Hagiya stared at the place where the golden sword was.

This light couldn't cover his sight.

Therefore, Hanamiya can see clearly.

In front of the golden sword, countless splendid light spots condensed into a figure.

It was a beautiful black-haired girl.

The girl's face is delicate and her clothes are classical and gorgeous.

She seems to be only in her teens, and they are not much different in age from Kiana, Mei and the others.

But her temperament is demure that doesn't match her appearance.

In this demure, there is also a hint of gentleness.

"The one who came to inherit your stigmata and take Xuanyuan sword."

Yumiya expressed his intentions bluntly.

The girl in front of her is the Yellow Emperor-Jilin in the myths and legends of Shenzhou.

The golden sword beside her is Xuanyuan Sword. 14

When being sucked into the wall, Hanamiya heard a strange sound.

That voice belonged to Ji Lin, so Yu Gong knew that someone was watching him secretly.

"My stigmata and Xuanyuan sword are indeed reserved for future generations to use against Chiyou."

"But their new owner shouldn't be you."

Ji Lin clearly knew that Yu Palace was not as simple as it seemed.

The previous stone walls did contain organs.

The first person to touch the stone wall and be sucked in will become Xuanyuanjian's test object.

Only by passing the test can one get the Xuanyuan Sword.

However, Yu Gong was completely unaffected by Xuanyuanjian, and found the palace directly.

"Also, I can see that you are not an ordinary person."

"My stigmata and Xuanyuan sword, you don't need them, right?"


Yu Gong did not deny Ji Lin's words.

"I really don't need it, I just help others get it."

"When you say 'others', do you mean the few people who are approaching here?"

Ji Lin glanced at the direction Yu Gong came from and asked.


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