"Don't talk nonsense, run quickly."


Fortunately, Jizi, Kiana and the others responded quickly enough.

The encirclement of the shark-shaped Honkai beast had not yet been completed, and the girls ran to the distance.

When he realized that the "prey" had escaped, Honkai Beast seemed to be angry.

They gathered in groups and chased after...


The previously calm sea rioted.

The high-power propellers and the swimming of groups of Honkai beasts made the water flow rapidly.

This sea area has become a little unstable.

"No, they're too fast."

"According to the calculation, it is estimated that the Houkai beast will need to catch up with us..."


It has to be said that the sea is the world of fish and other aquatic creatures after all.

Even with the help of his thrusters, Himeko and the others are not as fast as the shark-shaped Honkai beast.

If they try to break the current embarrassing situation, it will be a matter of time before they will be caught up.

"What should I do, eh?"

Ji Zi was in a hurry, trying to think of a way to turn the situation around.

When her eyes swept down by chance, her eyes lit up.

At the bottom of the trench, there is a submarine that broke off.

With the help of this broken submarine, they may have a way to ask, or even kill the Houkai herd.


the other side.

Before Jizi, Kiana and the others were about to enter the cave, Yu Gong left quietly.

He did not enter the cave ahead of time, but floated to the surface.

The mere collapse of the beast herd is only a small trouble at best, and 5.5 can't beat Ji Zi and others.

What he has to do is to solve another trouble.

"It's clear that the time is ahead, but you are still here."

Yugiya floated in mid-air, looking down at the sea.

On the vast sea, a boat is parked.

The boat is unique, its appearance is very different from ordinary boats, it looks like a duck.

This shape, to some extent, reveals the innocence and childishness of the ship owner.

"Really, it's slow to die."

"Damn old man, how long do you want me to wait?"

The small cabin door that can only carry one person opens.

Inside the cabin, a young girl sat with her legs crossed.

It seemed that someone had made the girl unhappy. Her face was full of anger, she was impatient, and she kept cursing. .

Chapter 419

Step, step, step.

The girl's bad mood was fully expressed through her body movements.

Her raised legs swayed up and down, and her toes kicked against the edge of the hatch.

One second, two seconds, five seconds...

Two minutes passed involuntarily.


The girl's slender calf kicked **** the bulkhead of the cabin.

"Smelly old man, I'm almost ten minutes late."

Light purple short hair, yellow-purple eyes.

A delicate face, a figure that is neither bad nor bad,

Originally, a girl could become a quiet and beautiful girl.

It's a pity that the cruel look and fierce temperament on her face unconsciously completely blocked the path of the quiet and beautiful girl.


In the girl's headset, a mature male's voice sounded.

"Don't you check if the communicator is turned off before you speak ill of your boss?"

Chi 14 Chi Chi Chi.

In the distance, there was the sound of water splashes.

A white speedboat broke through the sea and was approaching the duck-shaped boat the girl was riding on.


The girl hummed softly.

She stared at the fast approaching white speedboat, her expression extremely bad.

"Can you be more careful next time? At least don't be heard by me."

After a few tens of seconds, the white speedboat drove to the side of the boat and stopped.

The next second, a middle-aged man with eyes and a gentle temperament appeared beside the guardrail of the speedboat.


The girl jumped lightly and dexterously landed on the deck of the speedboat.

"I deserve it, who told you to make me wait so long."

Even though she was treating her boss, the girl's attitude was still very rude.


The middle-aged man sighed deeply.

He didn't take the girl's bad attitude to heart.

It's just a junior in the rebellious period, just a few more years older.

"Tell me, when will the next stage of the plan start, I don't like to procrastinate."

The girl said impatiently.

"The situation has changed."

When it comes to business, the middle-aged man put away his casual attitude and became much more serious.

"I got the exact news that the people of Destiny have already taken the lead and headed to Jiuyou."


The girl was stunned for a moment.

"The second half of the ancient book is in our hands. How could the people of Destiny find Jiuyou?"

"Who knows."

The middle-aged man spread out his hands helplessly.

"There are a lot of talented people in the destiny, maybe some people rely on the content of the first half to infer the location of Jiuyou."

If you look closely, you can find that the front end of the duck-shaped boat and the white speedboat has a horizontal "S" pattern.

This "S" pattern is the symbol of a large organization in the world.

Inverse entropy.

Both the girl and the middle-aged man are members of Anti-Entropy.

Their purpose is the same as Jizi, Kiana and others, and they are here for the inheritance of the Yellow Emperor.

The ancient book that recorded the transmission of the Yellow Emperor was divided into two halves for unknown reasons.

The first half was obtained by Theresa.

Due to the needs of the mission, Theresa was handed over to Himeko.

The second half fell into the hands of anti-entropy.

The second half is more important than the first half, which records a lot of chores.

For example, the detailed location of Jiuyou, and the experience of Huangdi's trip to Jiuyou.

Otherwise, the world is so big that it would be easier said than done to find a place that was more than 4,000 years ago.

Its difficulty is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Not only the girl was shocked, but also the middle-aged man couldn't believe it.

But with the facts in front of him, he couldn't help not believing it.

"What do you mean? Don't you want to give up and give up the stigmata of the Yellow Emperor and Xuanyuan sword to the destiny?"

The girl stared closely at the middle-aged man and asked in a deep voice.

Xuanyuan Sword, the God's key - the key of **** held by the Yellow Emperor at the beginning.

Its importance is no less than the stigmata of the Yellow Emperor, and it is a treasure.

In other words, there are two things that must be fought in Jiuyou.

If the middle-aged man answered "yes", the girl would shoot him without hesitation.

Choosing to retreat, isn't it the same as admitting in disguise that anti-entropy is not as good as destiny?

"Give it to destiny? Of course it's impossible."

The middle-aged man understood the girl's character and guessed her thoughts clearly.

However, he didn't care.

With her own strength, the girl couldn't hurt him.

"Although I don't like trouble, I'm not interested in being a coward."

"Since the people of Destiny are here, let's fight with them."

When the voice fell, the middle-aged man stretched out his hand and pointed to the sea.


Following the middle-aged man's fingers, the girl looked down.

Under the sea around the speedboat, some purple shadows could be vaguely seen.

From the outside, it seems to be a large robot.

"Ha ha."

The corners of the girl's mouth rose, revealing a cruel smile.

The middle-aged man's decision was exactly what she wanted.

What is even more pleasing is that in order to compete with Tianming for the stigmata of the Yellow Emperor and Xuanyuan Sword 417, the middle-aged man brought anti-entropy unique mecha troops.

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