
Kiana held a teacup in one hand and a snack in the other, eating and drinking happily.

"Stupid Kiana, this is mine."

"What does it matter?"


The tense smell dissipated, and the atmosphere gradually became relaxed.

"Hamiya Margot Royd is not an ordinary person."

On the surface, Fu Hua was drinking tea, but in fact she was secretly observing everyone present.

The foreign aid, Yugiya, is the focus of attention.

Because, Hagiya's eyes are always on her intentionally or unintentionally.

The meaning in the eyes is intriguing.

"I look like Chiyuan, or is it some other reason?"


Time, bit by bit, passed by.

Four hours later, at a pier by the sea in GZ City.

"We are going to take a speedboat to Jiuyou?"

Looking at the speedboat in front of her, Kiana asked.

"That's right."

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Ji Zi stepped forward and walked towards the speedboat first.

"During the delivery of the speedboat, I asked the intelligence department to help us search the nearby waters."

"Fortunately, they discovered a strange cave in the high seas west of Xiachuan Island."

"In that cave, the Honkai Energy reaction was detected."

"Our first step is to confirm whether it is Jiuyou or not."

"So fast."

The efficiency of the intelligence department was somewhat beyond Kiana's expectations.

"The mythical figure in the legend - the stigmata of the Yellow Emperor, the branch should pay attention to it."

Fu Hua expressed his understanding.

"Bronya's opinion is the same as that of the squad leader."


Bronya also expressed her opinion.

"Hehe, Jiuyou?"

Kiana felt that her blood seemed to be boiling.

This is his first mission, and it is related to the legendary place, the natural stigmata.

No matter what, you can't fail.



The speedboat that Yugiya and his party took arrived at the predetermined location.

"According to the information provided by the intelligence department, the cave is in this area."

Jizi, who had changed into her diving suit, stuck her head out from the side of the speedboat and looked at the calm sea.

"Let's go?"

Kiana asked Himeko for her opinion.

"Wait for Mr. Hanamiya to change into his diving suit."

Fu Hua suggested to wait for a while.

Jizi, Kiana, Bronya and her all changed into their diving suits in advance, but Yumiya did not.

"Just follow your pace."

The diving suit is uncomfortable, and Yumiya likes to be more comfortable.

Besides, he doesn't need that.

"Don't worry about Yu Gong, Fu Hua."

Ji Zi stopped the speedboat and jumped.

Puff puff.

The sound of falling water sounded one after another.

Jizi, Kiana, and Bronya jumped into the sea one after another.


Fu Hua silently glanced at Yu Gong and followed closely behind. Death.

Chapter 418

Under the sea.

"Hamiya, can you do this kind of thing too?"

Kiana came to Yugiya's side and looked at him in surprise.

In the sea, wearing a diving suit.

When she, Fu Hua, Ji Zi, and Bronya moved, it was a little inconvenient.

However, Yu Gong, who is usually dressed in normal clothes, can come and go freely in the sea, as if he is completely unaffected.

"Brother Yugiya, there is a powerful energy shield around him."

"This shield isolates the surrounding seawater from the outside."

Bronya was also quite curious about Yu Gong's magical ability, and she even checked it out.

"It's just sea water, nothing more."

"Even in the center of the earth or outer space, I would have no problem."

Yumiya said with a smile.

Four-One-Three, "Are you a monster?"

Kiana couldn't help but wonder about Hagiya's true body.

No matter how strong Rao is, can human beings survive in extreme environments such as the deep sea, the center of the earth, and space without protective equipment?

"What you should be concerned about now is whether I am a human or a monster?"

Yu Gong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

If the current situation was not right, he would definitely "punish" Kiana well.

"Hamiya is right, Kiana."

Ji Zi reminded at the right time.

"What you should care about now is our current mission."

"Although Yugiya was invited, I discussed it with him."

"Until it is absolutely necessary, he will not take action."

"Do not worry,"

Kiana slowly gained confidence.

She never thought of asking Yumiya to help, after all, this is the mission of St. Freya Academy.


The group continued to dive into the ocean.

Not long after, they saw the cave that was suspected to be Jiuyou in the intelligence.

The cave is in a dark trench, very hidden.

With the help of superhuman eyesight and Valkyrie armor, Hagiya, Himeko and others can see.

"Sister Jizi, I detected a strong Honkai energy reaction in the cave."

Approaching the target location, the girls immediately entered the mission state.

The first to act was Bronya, who was positioned to support and assist.

She activated the scan function of the Valkyrie armor and scanned the entire cave.

"The location and shape are consistent with the information provided by the intelligence department."

"Bronya speculates that there is a 34.2% chance that this is Jiuyou."

"Okay, let's go in..."

Beep beep.

Ji Zi was about to give new instructions, when the women's Valkyrie armor suddenly sounded an alarm.

Houkai can react abnormally and is rapidly rising.


The expressions of Jizi, Kiana and the others all changed.

This reaction represents the Honkai Beast.


Sure enough, the detector showed that there was a large movement in the sea below.

A few people can't create such a dynamic zone, it can only be triggered by a large number of creatures moving at the same time.

"Back up and retreat to a safe location."

Without hesitation, Himeko gave the order to retreat.

If they are on land, they are not afraid of destroying the herd.

But in the sea, their movement was restricted.

Fighting against a large number of Honkai Beasts is definitely an unwise choice.


Kiana, Fu Hua, and Bronya responded quickly.

By coincidence, they activated their own propulsion devices.


Almost at the same time that the propulsion device was activated, an incalculable number of Honkai beasts rushed out from the shadow of the trench.

These Honkai Beasts look like sharks, terrifying and fierce.

The moment they appeared, the Honkai Beasts surrounded the four Jizi.

Their target is extremely clear, these uninvited guests.

"It really is a beast of destruction."

"Is this amount a little too much?"

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