"Don't doubt my words, Miss Yae Sakura."

Yumiya is full of confidence.

"Since I can go once, it's not impossible to go twice or three times."


Yae Sakura stood still, her eyes fixed on Yu Gong.

What Yugiya means is that he has the ability to travel through time and space and can take him back to the time before Yae Rin died?

No, how is this possible?

But what if it was true?

Even if it's not as exaggerated as he imagined, Yumiya must have other ways.

After all, he should have no reason to deceive himself.

Yae Sakura's complexion changed uncertainly, and the brilliance in her eyes also flickered.

"You don't have to worry, think about it slowly. The most important thing I don't lack is time."

Hanamiya was not in a hurry to ask Yae Sakura to answer him.

403 Anyway, the ending is doomed.

"Don't think about it."

To save Yae Rin, this may be the only chance.

As long as there is a little hope, Yae Sakura will not give up.

"At the same time tomorrow, you come to me."

A trip to Yae Village five hundred years ago must have taken more than a day or two.

Before leaving, Yu Gong had to make arrangements here.


After staring deeply at Yu Palace for a moment, Yae Sakura left the villa.

"A pure girl who is about to fall into the devil's claws, Yumiya-sama."

After Yae Sakura left, Rita instantly switched modes.

From an elegant and dignified maid to a charming and seductive fairy.

She sat on the other end of the sofa, and then (beff) asked Yumiya to lie down with her head resting on her delicate jade legs.

"Just like me back then."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not a devil."

Yu Gong found a comfortable place to lie down and enjoy it with peace of mind.

"Yes, yes, hehe."

Rita chuckled.

Of course Yumiya is not a devil, she was just making a little joke.

"Can you tell me about Miss Yae Sakura?"

"Just now, you guys seemed to be talking about something very interesting."

Rita was on the sidelines of the conversation between Hanamiya and Yae Sakura.

She couldn't understand most of the content.

However, the amount of information contained in the part that Rita could understand was amazing enough.

For example, Yu Gong holds one of the keys of God - Yu Duchen.

If this news spreads, it will definitely cause huge turmoil.

"It's a long story, going back five hundred years..."

Yumiya explained in detail.

Unlike Theresa, Yumiya told Rita all about the future.

From the tragedy of the sacrifice in Yae Village to the time when Karen sealed Yae Sakura and Higamaru together.

"The location of Yae Village coincides with Changkong City."

"Due to the third collapse of Changkong City, the seal was loosened, and Yae Sakura and Higamaru were freed again."

"Two days ago, I went to Changkong City to deal with the Herrscher-like thing, and I met her and Theresa."

"At that time, we briefly talked."

"Before parting, I gave Yae Sakura a feather of Yuduchen."

"You, do you really want to go five hundred years ago with Miss Yae Sakura to save her sister?"

Surprised, unbelievable...

Rita looked down at Hagiya, who was enjoying her lap comfortably, and her mood was extremely complicated.

If the words didn't come from Yu Gong's mouth, she would never believe it.

Travel through time and space.

This is the ability that many people hope to have, but dare not expect.

"Do you suspect I can't do it? Rita."

Yumiya joked.

"No, I, I..."

Of course, Rita is not doubting Hagiya's ability.

It's just that this kind of thing is really incredible.

"Don't worry, I won't blame you."

How could Yumiya not guess what Rita was thinking.

She grabbed Rita's little hand and held it softly.

"I don't care about other things, only my ability to travel through time and space, you must remember to hide Otto."

"Oh why."

Reversely holding Yu Gong's hand, Rita and his fingers intertwined.

Rita was just asking casually, and Hagiya explained it on purpose. Of course, she wouldn't talk nonsense.

He can even travel through time and space. Obviously, the depth of the water in Yugiya is beyond everyone's imagination.

Including himself, Bianca, Chi Yuan and others, I am afraid no one knows his details.

What if Otto finds out? Will Yumiya be afraid of Otto? not necessarily.


For the sake of this, Yumiya simply revealed more secrets to Rita.

"Karen and Otto..."

"You don't want me to destroy the destiny in the future."


Rita's heart was surging, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

It turns out that there is a wonderful story behind it.

What she could not have imagined was that the ultimate goal of everything Otto did was to revive Karen?

What are the Valkyries who died in battle for the long-term efforts of Destiny to fight Honkai?

No wonder Yumiya asked her to hide it from Otto.

If Otto finds out, I am afraid he will do whatever it takes to get another chance to travel through time and space.

If the negotiation fails, it is an inducement.

If the inducement fails, it is a threat.

If the threat is not successful, it is a calculation.


It is conceivable that a conflict between the two sides is almost a certainty.

"do not think too much."

Rita's body trembled, Yumiya clearly felt it.

Her own words seemed to have had a strong impact on her beliefs.

"Otto has another purpose, and I can't agree with his behavior."

Chapter 403

"But Otto's achievements against Honkai cannot be erased."

"I create a structure to fight against the collapse, and the purpose is not to protect human beings."

"In the world, there is indeed a Virgin Mary who is merciful."

"But me and Otto, no."

"Rita, you just need to be yourself. The sky is falling and someone is tall."

Hagiya has no intention of defending Otto and speaking nicely.

He simply didn't want Rita to be affected.

"Yugong, your ability to deceive girls is really brilliant."

The trembling of Rita's delicate body gradually stopped.

The haze dissipated, and a soft smile bloomed on Rita's face again.

Now, unlike before, I have a solid foundation to rely on.

Rita believed that Yugiya would protect her well and prevent herself from being hurt.

She had already thought about Otto's report.

Apart from Yu Duchen, the rest are not mentioned at all.

The most important thing is to have self-knowledge. Obviously, some things cannot be randomly involved.

"Did you deceive you?"

Rita Bingxue is smart, experienced and capable.

Yu Gong is not afraid that Rita cannot handle her mentality and the balance between herself and destiny.

"Ha ha."

Rita released Yumiya and reached for the button on Yumiya's shirt collar.

"What do you think, Yumiya-sama~."


the next day.

Earlier than the appointed time, Yae Sakura came to Yumiya's residence.

Seaside villa, in the courtyard.


Hanamiya confirms with Yae Sakura.


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