"Changkong City is my territory."

"I can't know that there are Herrschers in Changkong City, but let it go."

"You seem to know me very well?"

Yae Sakura's gratitude to Yumiya will not diminish because of this.

It is true that Yu Gong gave her feathers out of his own interests.

However, this doesn't change the fact that Yumiya saved him.

"I just know the Lawyer very well."

Of course Hanamiya knows Yae Sakura.

However, it is impossible to tell the truth now.

Otherwise, the plan to attack Yae Sakura is very likely to fall short at the last minute.


Yae Sakura fell silent.

It's not that Yae Sakura doesn't want to talk to Yu Gong, it's that she is not good at communicating and doesn't know how to answer.

"Now I'm just a clone, 14 can't do much."

"If you have any doubts, you can go to my body."

"Where I live is..."

The voice fell, and Yu Gong's figure began to gradually fade.

"What I can tell you, I will tell you."

"do not go."

The front foot of Yu Gong disappeared, and the back foot Higamaru appeared.

When Yu Gong appeared in the illusion before, it sensed an unprecedented sense of crisis.

In the middle of the clear, a voice was telling Higamaru.

Don't let Yae Sakura go to Yu Gong, once they meet, it will be bad.

"No one will help strangers for no reason."

"He's diligently helping you, there must be a conspiracy."

"When you went to find him, you just fell into his trap."


Yae Sakura snorted coldly.

She got up neatly, got dressed, and went straight out of the room.

Now, the two sides have completely torn apart their faces.

She doesn't believe in Yu Gong, who saved her from danger, or in Higamaru, who almost harmed her?

Only a fool would continue to listen to Higamaru's nonsense.


The next day, early in the morning.


Yumiya, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a strange feeling coming from his mouth.

He opened his eyes, and he was greeted by a pair of familiar blue eyes.

"you're awake?"

The person who woke up Hagiya in a special way was Tobiichi Origami.

Seeing Yumiya awake, Tobiichi Origami slowly raised her head.

"Is something wrong, Origami?"

Hagiya wrapped Origami's body with both hands, making the two stick close.

Although Tobiichi Origami, who was transformed into by the shadow, has long hair, but his personality is more inclined to the "master" version with short hair, which is deeply in his mind.

"It's getting late."

Tobiichi Origami said seriously.


Tobiichi Origami is reminding herself, is it time to do morning exercises?

Morning exercise is one of Yu Gong's favorite parts.

Doing more morning exercises is good for physical and mental health.


Time, bit by bit, passed by.

"It should be right."

Near noon, a guest approached Yu Gong's residence.

Stopping on the path, Yae Sakura stared at the striking seaside villa in front of her.

Following Yu Gong's guidance, she came all the way.


Near the seaside villa, before Yae Sakura knocked on the door, the door opened first.


She was as beautiful as a Yae Sakura, and when she saw the stunning maid who opened the door, her eyes also showed surprise.

It's not that the maid's appearance is much better than her, the key lies in her temperament.

The temperament of the perfect combination of elegance and charm can be called a combination of men and women.

"Excuse me, is this the home of Hagiya Margot Royd?"

"come in."

She is also a great beauty who is not inferior to herself, Yu Gong-sama is really greedy.

Rita stepped aside and invited Yae Sakura into the house.

"Hamiya told me in the morning that there may be a guest named Yae Sakura visiting today, and it must be you."

"Uh, yes."

Rita's attitude was too polite, and Yae Sakura was at a loss.

"We made an appointment..."


The two walked and chatted and came to the living room on the first floor.

Rita asked Yae Sakura to sit in the living room for a while, while she went upstairs to invite Yumiya.

After a while, they went downstairs together.

"You're so quick, Miss Yae Sakura."

Hagiya sat opposite Yae Sakura, while Rita was by his side, perfectly assuming the role of a maid.


Yae Sakura hesitated.

With others present, she hesitated whether to say it.

"Don't worry, Rita is not an outsider."

Just now, Yae Sakura glanced at Rita secretly.

Her meaning is self-evident.

Therefore, Yu Gong took the initiative to explain to her.

"Then I'll be blunt."

It seems that Rita's identity is not just as simple as the maid of the palace.

This can't be better, save the meeting. 403

"Your Excellency Yu Gong, what are the feathers I gave me?"

What Yae Sakura cares about most is Yu Duchen.

To be able to go deep into one's own dream is obviously not an ordinary thing.

"God's key, Yu Duchen..."

Yu Duchen was not a secret, so Yu Gong told Yae Sakura directly.

"Yu Duchen?"

Yae Sakura was taken aback.

It turned out to be a super powerful tool that specializes in consciousness and can manipulate brain signals.

No wonder such outrageous things can be done easily.


The biggest doubt was resolved, and Yae Sakura asked other questions.

She has many questions and covers a wide range of issues.

For example, Hagiya's identity, purpose, Deresa's situation, etc.

Yu Gong answered them one by one, not hiding what he could say, and finding a reason to prevaricate what he couldn't say.

After chatting for about half an hour, the conversation between the two came to an end.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Yu Gong."

Yae Sakura thanked again.

Not only for Yu Gong's free help, but also for his confusion.

"It's okay."

Yu Gong shook his head, indicating that he didn't care.


The goal was achieved, and Yae Sakura said goodbye and left. .

Chapter 402

"and many more."

When Yae Sakura walked to the door of the room, Hanamiya suddenly stopped her.

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

Yae Sakura stopped and looked back.

"If you still want to see your sister, maybe I can help."

Yumiya said lightly.


Yae Sakura's brain suddenly exploded, leaving her brain blank.

"You, what did you say?"

Yae Rin is already dead. He has been dead for five hundred years. How can we see you again?

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