Yu Gong's answer was very unexpected.


There was a big question mark above Teresa's head.

What medicine is being sold in Yu Palace's gourd?

Yae Sakura didn't say a word, waiting for Yumiya's next words.

Yu Gong definitely didn't tell the story out of boredom, and there must be a deep meaning in it.

"Yes, the story, the story of the love between humans and fox demons."

An inexplicable look appeared on Hagiya's face.

"The beginning of the story begins five hundred years ago..."

Of course, what Hamiya wants to tell is the story of Yae Sakura and Karen.

Although it can't be 100% retelling, it is possible to restore 70% to 80%.


Yae Sakura's complexion kept changing while Hamiya was telling the story.

Time, space, characters, experiences...

Everything is exactly the same as what she and Karen experienced five hundred years ago.

If it weren't for the lack of details, Yae Sakura would have wondered if Yumiya was hiding somewhere to peep.


"Hamiya, can you make it clearer?"

By the end of the story, Theresa couldn't wait to ask questions.

Yae Sakura's mood swings are quite obvious, she can see clearly.

She became more and more puzzled.

What exactly does the story Yu Gong told represent?

Why did Yae Sakura react so strongly after hearing the story?

"The protagonist of the story is Karen Kaslana, the most powerful Valkyrie five hundred years ago."

"The fox demon Yae Sakura who fell in love with her is the person in front of you."

"Theresa, you probably don't know."

"Your blueprint is Karen Kaslana."

After going around in a big circle, Yu Gong finally revealed the answer.


At this moment, Theresa doubted that she was really listening to the story.

What Yumiya meant was that Yae Sakura followed them because she saw the shadow of an acquaintance on her body?

"Can I ask?"

Thick doubts swirled in Yae Sakura's heart.

Now, five hundred years have passed.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for anyone to understand the past.

Not to mention knowing it in such detail, it's like having experienced it firsthand. .

Chapter 397

Yu Gong's knowledge level is unusually high.

Yae Sakura even wondered if Hagiya was an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years.

"How did I know?"

No need to guess, Hanamiya also knows what Yae Sakura wants to ask.


Yae Sakura nodded, acknowledging that what Yumiya said was correct.

"For some reason, I lived through that era."

Yugiya randomly found a reason.

To be honest, it's not a complete lie.

I have played the plot of Yae Village in the Honkai Impact 3RD game, so I guess I have experienced it.

"Have you experienced it? It turned out to be like this."

Yae Sakura pondered.

Hagiya's response was vague, but she believed it.

It is human nature for Yu Gong to conceal the real situation, and it is more logical.

After all, this may be a secret that Yumiya cannot tell.

"I've finished what I have to say."

Yu Gong stood up and looked like he was about to leave.

"I'm leaving, Theresa, how about you?"

"I'm going back to St. Freya Academy too."

The specific situation, Theresa already understands, there is no need to continue to stay.


Step, step, step.

Theresa and Yumiya teamed up and walked towards the gate together.


Yae Sakura remained silent and did not speak to hold back.

Her mind was chaotic, there were countless questions to think about, and she couldn't care about Yu Gong and Theresa.

"There is one more thing."

When he reached the door, Yu Gong suddenly stopped.


Theresa and Yae Sakura turned their suspicious gazes to Hanamiya at the same time.

"It is fate to meet."

Yu Gong spread out his palms, and pointed them upwards.

A faint red light condensed on Yumiya's outstretched hand, transforming into the shape of a feather.

The feather was suspended in mid-air, almost one centimeter away from Yumiya's hand.

Crystal clear and beautiful.

It is absolutely not an exaggeration to describe it as "good art".

"This feather can be used as my welcome gift."

Yu Gong waved his hand gently, and the feather floated in front of Yae Sakura following his movements.

"This is?"

Yae Sakura stretched out her hand and caught Yu Gong,

Because she didn't perceive Yu Gong's malice, she did not reject Yu Gong's gift.

"What can help you, you will use."


Yumiya opened the door and walked out of the house.

"Yae Sakura, Karen Kaslana's lover?"

After taking a last look at Yae Sakura and taking her face to heart, Theresa followed Hagiya.


Yae Sakura casually put away her feathers and whispered to herself.

Her eyes gradually faded, apparently lost in thought.


Outside Yae Sakura's residence.

Yumiya and Theresa, who had left, set foot on the trail again.

"I always feel that you are hiding something from me and Yae Sakura."

With suspicious eyes, Theresa looked up and down the palace.

The guess that Yumiya concealed came from intuition and was baseless.

But for some reason, she decided that her guess was correct.

"It seems that you are just pure and not stupid."

Yumiya laughed and teased.

Did he hide something? Yes.

What Yugiya told was only the second half of the story.

In the first half of the story, he didn't mention it at all.

For example, what did Karen come to Yae Village?

Another example is how Yae Sakura became a fox demon.

"Huh? Simple?"

Hanamiya's evaluation, Teresa is really unacceptable.

"I'm the principal of St. Freya College, the S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Hagiya nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Theresa.

"Who was the one who was deceived by the performance like the Herrscher and was almost attacked?"


Theresa was speechless, unable to find any words to refute Yumiya.

No way, who made her careless?

"Speaking of which, you haven't thanked me yet."

Hagiya looked at Theresa with a very serious expression.

It seems that Teresa's thanks are extremely important to him.

"Hmph, unless you tell me all."

Theresa arrogantly turned her head away.

Yu Gong rescued her, she should really be grateful.

However, Yumiya was so annoying, and there was no mood to thank him for doing it.

"Theresa, it's not that I refuse to tell you, it's that it's not good to tell you."

Yu Gong shrugged, pretending to be helpless.

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