The fact is, Yu Gong's movements slowed down at least four or five and disappeared, and he also came to Changkong City in person.

This kind of thing is not in line with common sense.

Apart from Yu Gong's other intentions, Theresa couldn't think of any other reasonable explanation.

"You're right, I really don't have any intentions."


Yu Gong suddenly stopped and turned to look behind.


Theresa was full of doubts, and followed Hagiya's line of sight.

Along the trail, there are several trees for greening.

What Yu Gong was looking at was the tree in the front.


"After following us for so long, he still refuses to come out."

Theresa was about to ask the question, when Yu Gong's voice rang in her ear first.


Theresa's complexion changed drastically, and her vigilance was immediately raised to the highest level.

Is someone following them? And for a long time?

Who is the stalker? You didn't even notice it?

"Don't worry, I have no malice."

From the direction of the big tree, a soft and clear female voice floated.

The next second, a figure walked out from behind the tree trunk.

Sakura-colored long hair, blue pupils, red and white strapless witch costume.

Gorgeous looks, tall and perfect...  

"You are?"

Teresa did not expect that the stalker was actually a super beautiful girl.

No matter what kind of aesthetics, there is no denying the beauty of girls.

However, when people see a girl for the first time, the first thing they pay attention to is not where she is and how she looks.

Because the girl's body has features that are more eye-catching than her stunning beauty.

her ears.

The girl's ears are not human ears, but a pair of slender fox ears.

"Theresa, you may not know that there are two Herrschers in Sky City."

"One is Yuno and the other is her."

Han Gong and the others finally appeared.

Yae Sakura.

He did not deal with Yuno immediately, but enclosed him at the location of the incident, which Yu Gong deliberately ordered.

Yuno was immortal, so that Theresa could come to Sky City.

When Theresa came to Changkong City, Yae Sakura would appear.

"She is a lawyer?"

Theresa's hand unconsciously held the chain wrapped around her chest, ready to take off the Judas oath on her back at any time.

No wonder he couldn't find Yae Sakura's trace, it turned out to be the Herrscher.


Seeing Deresa's defensive attitude, Yae Sakura immediately panicked.

"You, don't take Judas without any hesitation."

Without waiting for Yae Sakura to explain, Hanamiya raised his hand and pressed Deresa 5.5's shoulder.

Strictly speaking, Yae Sakura and Yu are of the same kind, and they are both simulacrums.

As a Herrscher, she may hurt anyone, except Teresa.


Theresa doubtfully released her hand holding the chain and lowered her guard a little.

She raised her head and looked at Yu Gong.

Yae Sakura is a Herrscher, is there any problem with using Judas' oath?

"You'll understand later."

It's a long story, and it can't be clear in just a few words.

Hamiya comforted Theresa first, then turned his attention to the nervous Yae Sakura.

"Are you interested in chatting with us? I believe you won't be disappointed."

"Let's talk?"

Yu Palace's invitation made Yae Sakura hesitate. .

Chapter 396

As Hagiya said, Yae Sakura has been following Hagiya and Theresa for a long time.

As early as when Teresa entered Changkong City, she caught Yae Sakura's attention.

There was an air of acquaintance on Teresa's body.

Yae Sakura followed her breath and searched all the way.

Finally, she found Theresa in the collapsed community.

At that time, Teresa had just met Yuno and was about to end her.

Later, Theresa was attacked by Yuno, and Yae Sakura came up with the idea of ​​saving her.

Fortunately, Yugiya took the shot in time and saved Teresa.

Yae Sakura, who was hiding in the dark, watched the whole process of Yu Gong's actions and knew that he was not a simple person.

Yu Gong's invitation is really just to have a chat, or...

"Ha ha."

Yae Sakura was silent, and Yumiya did not urge him.

With Theresa present, she wasn't worried about Yae Sakura's rejection.

Yu Gong's hand was removed from De 14 Liza's shoulder and placed on her head, as if loving her sister, she gently stroked her.

You have to wait for Yae Sakura's reply, so it's better to get close to Theresa and cultivate feelings.

"Hamiya Margot Royd!"

Theresa suddenly froze.

What is Yumiya doing? Treat yourself like a child?

Without the slightest hesitation, Theresa raised her hand and slapped Yu Gong's wolf claws impolitely.


Theresa's reaction seemed to have been expected by Hagiya.

Just as she raised her hand, before she could pat it down, Yu Gong held it firmly.

"What are you doing, let me go."

The hand was held, and Theresa's face flushed slightly.

Although he is quite old, this is the first time he has had intimate contact with the opposite sex.

She immediately increased her strength and struggled hard.

"Theresa is so cute, I can't help but want to tease."

Hagiya took advantage of the situation to let go of her hand and temporarily let Theresa go.

Proper teasing is not a big problem, overdoing it will arouse Teresa's disgust, which is not worth the harm.


Theresa glared at Yumiya angrily, and immediately began to straighten her hair that was ruffled by Yumiya.

Are you cute? Of course.

But, is this the reason for Yumiya to tease him?

Yae Sakura looked at Yumiya and Theresa who were playful and playful, with a touch of nostalgia and envy in her eyes.

After Deresa finished her hair, she spoke again in silence.

"I promise."

After thinking about it for a moment, Yae Sakura's choice was to accept Hamiya's invitation.

Intuition told Yae Sakura that Yu Gong did not deceive her.

Talk to Yu Gong, and you will get unexpected results.


Yae Sakura's words attracted the attention of Hagiya and Theresa to her.

"What is this guy thinking?"

If it weren't for the lack of indifference that ignores life and treats human life like a mustard, Theresa would have regarded Yu Palace as the second Otto.

"Wise choice."

Yumiya knew that Yae Sakura would agree.

"Where I live is nearby."

Leaving such a sentence, Yae Sakura turned around and walked towards the distance.

Her intention was quite obvious, and asked Hagiya and Theresa to follow her.

"Let's go, Theresa."

"Hmph, you don't need to remind me."

"Are you acting like a baby?"

"If you think too much, who will be spoiled for you."


Hagiya and Theresa were noisy and followed Yae Sakura closely.


Yae Sakura's residence is indeed close, so close that you don't have to go through the avenues of people coming and going.

This saves a lot of "trouble".

After all, Teresa's Judas oath and Yae Sakura's fox ears are all things that are different from ordinary people and easy to attract attention.

Yae Sakura's residence, the living room.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

After greeting Hamiya and Theresa to sit down, Yae Sakura couldn't wait to ask questions.

"You two, do you want to hear a story from me?"

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