"These Houkai energy are trying to spawn new Herrschers."

"After analysis by the Science Department, it is judged that the amount of these Honkai energies is not enough to form the core of the New Herrscher."

"Therefore, the birth rate of the Herrscher is very slow, and there is a high probability that it will not be born."

"However, if you leave it alone, it will one day pose a threat to the world."

"That's it."

Theresa dragged her chin with one hand, lost in thought.

It is suspected that 400 new Herrschers will be born in Changkong City, which is a major crisis.

It stands to reason that St. Freya College should immediately dispatch competent personnel to the Sky City to deal with it.

But, there is a problem.

It is no secret that Changkong City is Yu Palace's "turf".

With his ability, solving the problem is no problem at all. Does St. Freya Academy need to intervene?

"Do you want me to go?"

Jizi suggested.

Theresa's consideration, she guessed seven or eight, so she recommended herself.

"No, I'll go."

Theresa rejected Jizi's proposal.

She is not worried about the situation escalating, because Yu Gong will definitely handle it.

So, just go to a person to find out what's true.

Ji Zi has no time to teach the students.

I happen to have free time right now, so I just went there.

"it is good."

Normally, Himeko would not refute Teresa's decision.

"Right, there is one more thing."


"Huh? Just Fu Hua."


Looking for someone to give Kiana a special training?

Yes, this is very necessary.

After thinking for a moment, Theresa selected Fu Hua, the top student in the class.


Theresa jumped out of her chair and walked towards the door of the office.

"About Qiana, you should be fully responsible."

"Don't let her really not be a Valkyrie, it will be a joke."



Six hours later, the sky city.

In a completely closed, empty community.

Theresa, dressed as a nun, with a huge cross on her back, stood silently at the top of a low building.

She looked beyond the window of the house in front of her, staring at the situation inside.

In the cluttered room, a Moyo high school girl was half-kneeling on the ground.

The dense thorns spread in all directions with her location as the center.

The end of the thorns wrapped around a person who fell to the ground and was motionless.

Close to the maiden, that is, the roots of the thorns are green like ordinary plants.

A little further away, the color of the thorns began to develop towards red.

The further out, the brighter the red.

The thorns near the person whose life and death are unknown are most conspicuous in red.

The colors are incomparably bright, and there is a sense of sight that is poured out of blood.

This scene, no matter how you look at it, is not right.

"Is she the New Herrscher mentioned in the intelligence?"

Theresa jumped lightly and jumped off the roof.

She slowly approached the girl, her heart filled with surprise.

Surprisingly, the new Herrscher did not have the demeanor of a Herrscher at all, and was almost indistinguishable from a weak little girl.

What is suspicious is that the people in the community have obviously been evacuated, and the location of the incident has also been blocked.

Why did Yugiya only leave the girl who was rhythmized and did not take action against her?


"You're still in the Sky City, Theresa, should it be said that it is the guidance of the great will of the universe?"

Unbeknownst to Teresa, there are a pair of eyes watching her in the dark all the time.

These "eyes" are Yu Gong.

As early as the moment Teresa stepped into the community, she was discovered by Chichimora, who was monitoring the area at all times.

When Kikimora reported Theresa's whereabouts to Yu Gong, Yu Gong rushed over immediately.

"You're here, she must be showing up soon."


Inside the residence.


The girl's body was severely eroded by the Honkai Energy, but there was still a little bit of consciousness left.

Seeing his body covered in sweat, his mouth continued to let out a painful whimper.

As if unwilling, the poor girl who was struggling to fight Honkai, Teresa felt pity.

She took off the cross behind her back, the key of God named "The Oath of Judas", ready to send the **** the road.

Two lines of tears overflowed from the girl's eyes. She closed her eyes, as if appointed.

"Let me end your pain."

Just as Theresa waving the restraint chain spear that came with Judas' Oath to penetrate the girl's body, a sudden change occurred.

From the blind spot of Delisha's sight, a vine man shot like lightning, pointing directly at her abdomen.



The sound of glass breaking sounded, followed by the sound of wall breaking.

The restraint chain gun that stabbed the "poor" girl was tightly entangled by Tengman.

stagnant in the place close to the chest, unable to enter an inch.

And Tengman, who attacked Theresa by surprise, was nailed to the wall by a sharp ice pick.

"Is she pretending?"

Theresa lightly stepped on the ground, slid back with her strength, and distanced herself from the girl.

She looked solemn and secretly blamed herself for being careless.

If it hadn't been for the mysterious action, she would have been deceived by the girl's superb performance and capsized in the gutter.


The sneer of the girl's successful conspiracy froze on her face. .

Chapter 394

Ferocious and vicious, Chu Chu, who replaced the girl, was pitiful.

She was extremely angry when the well-planned sneak attack was sabotaged.

"who is it."

At the same time, Theresa and the girl turned their eyes to the window next to them.

The window was closed, and there was a small hole in it.

Apparently, the hole was caused by an ice pick that had nailed thorns to the wall.

Outside the window, Yu Gong floated in mid-air, looking at the girl and Theresa with a half-smile.

"Theresa, you were too careless."

"The mistake just now is not something that the S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny should have."


Yu Gong opened the window and floated into the house.


Theresa snorted softly and turned her head away in embarrassment.

"I, I was just careless, how could a mere quasi-herrscher be my opponent."

"Even if I get attacked, I won't lose."


Theresa's strength, of course, is stronger than that of a girl.

But combat is an esoteric knowledge, and strength or weakness is not the only factor that determines the outcome of a battle.

Hagiya looked away from Theresa and fell on the girl.

As if realizing that Yu Gong was an extremely dangerous person, she glared at Yu Gong, but did not act rashly.

"Some plants are highly poisonous."

"What? Poisonous?"

Theresa's face was gloomy.

The implication of Hamiya's words should not be too obvious. The vine man manipulated by the girl is poisonous.

Although she is Otto's granddaughter, she has no blood relationship with Otto.

She is a clone created by Otto based on Karen Kaslana and mixed with the genes of the emperor-level Honkai beast Vishnu.

The bloodline of the Kaslana family endowed Teresa with extraordinary resistance to Honkai Impact and strange power.

The genes of the emperor-level Honkai beast Vishnu brought her powerful strength and resilience.

These two things are not weak.

However, the anti-drug awakening is very low.

In order to verify Hamiya's words, Theresa observed the girl.

"Damn, how does he know that my thorns are poisonous?"

The girl gritted her teeth, and her breath gradually became fierce.

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