Now that the goal has been achieved, it is time to leave.

"Remember what you said."

When Yu Gong was about to leave, Ji Zi was extremely reluctant.

Fortunately, Hagiya promised her last night that he would often come to St. Freya Academy to have a "tryst" with her.


Yu Gong will not neglect any of her partners, no matter where she is. .

Chapter 392

A month ago, after staying at the hotel for only two or three days, Yumiya and his party moved to a new place.

A luxurious seaside villa on an island near St. Freya Academy.

This place was chosen by Jizi for her painstaking efforts.

"Welcome back, Yu Gong."

Hagiya returned to the villa and was greeted by Rita.

At home, Rita put on a maid outfit and returned to her "job" job.

"Are you the only one at home? Rita."

Although it was served by Rita, it was a very wonderful event.

However, Hagiya didn't want Rita to be a maid.

However, Rita insisted that she must undertake part of the work.

Yu Gong was helpless and had no choice but to leave her alone.

"Chiyuan, what about Bianca and the others?"


Rita told Yu Gong about the girls' itinerary one by one.

Hagiya's second S-class structure, based on Tobiichi Origami, is about to be completed.

The third S-class structure, Hanamiya's plan is to refer to Bianca.

At present, the plan is already on the agenda.

So Tobiichi Origami, Bianca went to Eden Island.

Chiyuan and Cangyue went out together, not knowing what to do.

"And you."

Hagiya walked towards the sofa in the living room and waved to Rita at the same time.

Rita understood and followed behind Hagiya.

When Hagiya sat down on the sofa, Rita sat on his lap.

Except for the last step, what should be done, Yu Gong and Rita have done almost the same.

Besides, there is no one else around now.

It's okay for the two of you to be bold, even a little unscrupulous.

"Don't go back to headquarters and meet your captain?"

Although she has a mission, Rita doesn't always stay by Yumiya's side.

After all, she is the S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny. Every once in a while, she needs to go to Destiny's European headquarters to report her work.

"Lord Youlander's task is much heavier than mine."

Rita buried her head between Yu Gong's neck and spoke softly.

"The third collapse of Changkong City has affected the whole world."

"As the Valkyrie with the strongest destiny, when disaster strikes, Lord Youlander must stand up."

"So, shortly after the Honkai broke out, she entered a state of extreme busyness."

"I'm either fighting all day, or halfway to the battlefield."

"Occasionally, when we are free, we can only contact us once by newsletter."

"Otto is too good at squeezing his subordinates."

Yu Gong sighed.

"Fighting against Honkai is the responsibility of the Valkyrie."

"Cities like Changkong City are in the minority after all."

"When the collapse breaks out, most places in the world will become hell."

Speaking of Changkong City, Rita's eyes flashed with a strange brilliance.

In less than a month, Hagiya brought back the "dead" Sky City.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, and provided help to Hagiya, Rita would have been unbelievable.

"Changkong City, how's it going?"

At the beginning, the Structural Corps of Eden Island almost came out.

In just two days, the dead men and the Kokai beasts in Changkong City were completely wiped out.

After clearing the unstable factors, Yu Gong did not recall the structures, but let them hide in the sky city.

As long as a new Honkai Beast appears, kill it immediately.

"With your support, plus vigorous publicity."

"At present, the development trend of the long sky market is very good."

"Although it is far from before the collapse, it will recover sooner or later."

The splendor in Rita's eyes became brighter and brighter.

From Hanamiya, she seemed to see the future where the Honkai was destroyed.


Yu Gong stretched out comfortably.

It's very comforting that everything is going well and I'm under control.

"Ha ha."

The corners of Rita's mouth lifted slowly, and a wicked smile appeared.

She leaned forward and slowly approached Yu Palace.


Yu Gong's raised arm suddenly froze in mid-air.

Rita is really...

He lowered his head and met Rita's smiling and mischievous burgundy eyes.

"Rita, there is a price to be paid for messing around."

Yu Gong stroked Rita's head with one hand, and put the other hand on her slender waist.


Time, the passing of a minute and a second.

In the evening, St. Freya Academy, the home of Kiana and others.

"... huh?"

A week later, make up the exam?

If you don't pass, you won't be able to become a Valkyrie?

Knowing this "bad news" from Jizi's mouth, Kiana was petrified into a statue.

Her face was pale, her eyes were chaotic and dull, as if the sky was about to fall.

"Sister Jizi, what should I do?"

Mei asks Himeko for help.

It's too embarrassing to really let Qiana fail to pass the exam and thus fail to become a Valkyrie.

"Tomorrow, I'll ask Theresa."

"Let's see if we can find a suitable person to help Qiana with special training."

For a while, Ji Zi couldn't think of a good solution, so she could only give a conservative answer.


Mei, Xier, and Bronya sighed in unison.

"Special training?"

Kiana, who is always full of energy, is rarely able to laugh.

She and Theresa had an agreement.

She became an A-level Valkyrie, and Teresa told her about Siegfried.

If she doesn't become a Valkyrie, not only will she fail to fulfill her promise, she will also live up to Yu Gong's expectations.


The next day, early in the morning.

Ji Zi had a solemn expression and hurried to Theresa's office.

"Jizi, what's the matter?"

Theresa asked seriously.

Ji Zi came in such a hurry, something must have happened.

"Changkong City... Tongue"

Time was pressing, Ji Zi did not dare to delay at all, and made the report as quickly as possible.

Just now, the Science Department of St. Freya Academy detected a huge wave of Honkai energy in Changkong City.

The strength of this volatility is far greater than that of the Honkai Beast.

The staff of the Science Department unanimously identified it as the fluctuation of the Herrscher. .

Chapter 393

"The Lawyer? Impossible."

Teresa was startled at first, then shook her head again and again.

Every time there is a big collapse, only one Herrscher will be born.

And the Herrscher who was born in the third collapse is Mei.

The reason why Mei was not disciplined was thanks to Yumiya's foresight.

Nonetheless, this does not mean that Mei is divorced from the Herrscher.

Meai's will is not polluted by Honkai, the Herrscher-level Honkai Energy and the Herrscher's core - Honkai Gem all exist in her body.

"The Honkai Energy fluctuations monitored by the Science Department this time are indeed weaker than that of Mei."

It seemed that Deresa's reaction had been expected, and Jizi was not surprised by her surprise.

"They analyzed that it is possible that due to the loss of Meiyi, a large number of remaining collapses in the Sky City gathered together."

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