"What I told you just now is the basic business of Eden Technology Group."

"It's more appropriate to describe it as a business, using camouflage."

Many unknown pop-up boxes popped up one after another on the screen, and finally they were frozen on a video.

"My real goal is to develop construct technology."

"Construction technology?"

Mei and Kiana's hands clenched slightly.

They had never heard of constructs, let alone what the technology related to them was used for.

The two of them kept their eyes fixed on the video played on the computer.

If you guessed correctly, the video Yumiya showed him must have something to do with "structural technology".

"D-Class Construct..."

With the black screen on, the video officially started.



After watching for a few seconds, Mei and Kiana widened their eyes in surprise at the same time.

The "construction technology" they imagined belongs to the scientific research category.

Therefore, the content of the video should be a large amount of data, countless obscure professional terms and so on.

Even though all aspects are explained in detail, I am still ignorant and half-understood.

As a result, the so-called constructs are weapons of war.

After a while, the short video of a few minutes finished playing.

Mei and Kiana didn't speak for a long time, obviously their hearts were greatly impacted...

The two girls didn't speak, and Yu Gong didn't speak either.

He knows how shocking this video is.

Mei and Kiana were shocked and needed time to accept and digest, which is completely understandable.

"Mr. Hagiya, why do you study structures, that kind of thing is too dangerous."

In the end, Mei was the first to break the silence.

Yes, dangerous.

Mei can't find a more suitable word to describe the structure.

"Because of need."

Yumiya's answer was succinct and clear.


Mei didn't understand what Yumiya meant.

The content of the video is to briefly introduce what a structure is and its function.

From the lowest D-level structure, to C-level, then to B-level, A-level, S-level.

In addition to the introduction, the video also includes a real machine disguise.

The power of the D-, C-, and B-level structures is still within the acceptable range of Mei.

The A-level and S-level structures were completely beyond her imagination.

Is that kind of power that collapses buildings, shatters streets, and even turns an entire city into **** with just a wave of hands?

"Is his purpose also to fight against the collapse?"

Also shocked, Kiana is much better than Mei.

Kiana is a person from the dark side of the world, and she also saw the strength of Yu Gong with her own eyes when she was in New Zealand.

She is well aware that although the power of the structure is strong, it is not an exaggeration.

"In the world, there is a catastrophe called Honkai..."

Yu Gong eloquently explained the knowledge about the collapse of Yayi's popular science.

It was not far from the third Kokai breakout, so he gave Mei a preventive shot first.


Ya Yi was terrified when she heard this.

It turns out that the peace of the world is just an illusion. In fact, it is always facing the threat of collapse, is it extremely dangerous?

Is Yumiya researching structural technology in order to fight against the collapse when it breaks out?

PS: I'm really sorry for the delay, I hope everyone understands.

Chapter 353

"Mr. Yu Gong, is it really okay for you to tell me this?"

She had never heard of Honkai before Yumiya told it.

From this, it can be seen that the collapse is an unknown secret.

There is a saying that the more you know, the quicker you die.

Mei doesn't think that the collapsed world is something that an ordinary little girl is qualified to set foot in.

"It doesn't matter, you will come into contact with Kokai sooner or later."

Yumiya said meaningfully.

"Gulu, what do you mean?"

Mei swallowed hard and became nervous.

Could it be that he will be involved in the collapse.

"There are several confrontational large organizations in the world, and one of them is called Anti-Entropy."

"Your father, Thunderbolt Ryoma, is a member of Anti-Entropy."

Yumiya revealed a little bit of information.

"Anti-entropy? My father never mentioned it to me."

Because she was too surprised before, and heard that Thunderbolt Ryoma has another identity, Mei's reaction was not very strong.

"Maybe Mr. Ryoma thinks it's useless to tell you, it can only add unnecessary trouble to you."

Unfortunately, his strength is too weak.

In his heart, Yu Gong added the last half of the sentence.



Yayi was silent.

She understands the painstaking efforts of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma.

"Hugiya, can I call you that?"

Beside him, Kiana, who remained silent uncharacteristically, spoke up at this time.

"Of course you can, call it according to your habit."

The question of the name, Yumiya doesn't care much.

"You just said that there are organizations in the world that fight against the collapse."

"One is anti-entropy, what about the other organizations?"

The reason why Kiana traveled to Europe, Asia and other places to investigate the collapse is to find her father.

Against the broken organization.

Could her father, like Raiden Ryoma, be a member of one of these organizations?

"Destiny, the world snake."

Bring Mei and Qiana to the headquarters of Eden Technology Group, show them the introduction video of the structure, and explain the collapse for Mei.

Yu Gong did all this to 'pave the way'.

Paving the way for her relationship with Kiana and Mei, and paving the way for a series of events that follow.

He guessed that Kiana would take the opportunity to inquire about Siegfried's news, and he had already made up his mind.

"Destiny, is it the world snake?"

Kiana silently wrote down the names of these two organizations.

When there is a chance, she will conduct an in-depth investigation.


Kiana is thinking about whether to ask Yumiya for more information about Destiny and the World Snake, so as to facilitate investigation.

A large warm hand was placed on her head.


Kiana raised her head and looked at Hagiya.

"Destiny and World Snake are quite dangerous organizations. If you touch them rashly, you will burn yourself out."

"Don't be brave. If you need my help, let me know as soon as possible."

"Thank you, thank you."

The warmth in Hagiya's eyes made Kiana feel as if she was about to be melted.

She shyly lowered her head and responded in a low voice.

He clearly knew that he was going to get involved in danger, but he did not stop him. Instead, he chose to support and help.

Could it be that Yu Gong is not afraid of getting into trouble because of this?

For many years, she has not felt such care and love.

"Mr. Hagiya, he really likes Kiana."

In Mei's eyes, there is a color of envy.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Yu Gong cared about Kiana.

If someone cared about her so much, Mei felt that she would be very happy.

"Miss Yayi, you too."

Hagiya, who interacted closely with Kiana, turned to look at Mei without warning.

"If you have something difficult to say to Mr. Ryoma, you can tell me."


Mei, like a frightened little animal, quickly looked away.

"Thank you, Mr. Hagiya."


After Yu Gong's hard work, the relationship between the three has become much closer.

The goal was achieved perfectly, and Yumiya said goodbye to Mei and Kiana.

He has inspected the situation of Eden Technology Group, but Eden Island has not.

The first floor of the office building.


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