However, these innocent girls don't know.

The profession of Valkyrie is not as glamorous as it seems on the surface.

What is a Valkyrie?

Valkyrie is a group of people who have undergone artificial stigmata surgery, and their body's ability to adapt to the collapse of the body is far beyond ordinary people.

A girl who can withstand Honkai and use the power of Honkai for her own use.

After professional training, they can use the armor developed by Destiny to fight the dead man and Honkaikai.

Therefore, Valkyrie is a highly dangerous profession.

The average life expectancy is around 30 years old.

It is very common for Valkyries to be killed in battles against Honkai.

Besides, there are more important reasons.

The artificial stigmata is "artificial" after all, and its side effects are extremely terrifying.

The girl who was transformed into a Valkyrie, her body was mostly corroded by Honkai, and her lifespan was not long.

Ji Zi is one of the rare cases of Valkyrie. She underwent artificial stigmata surgery and became a Valkyrie at a relatively late age.

Therefore, Himeko's Honkai power adaptability is far less than that of teenage Valkyries.

Her body was particularly seriously eroded by Honkai Energy.

In addition, she has used dangerous armors such as "Nuclear Armor Crimson" that have enhanced output power, ignoring the safety of the user.

So Ji Zi's physical condition has always been very poor.

However, the results of this inspection were very different from the previous one.

Ji Zi's various physical data are above the normal level, even better than ordinary Valkyrie.

These data prove that Ji Zi's physical condition has greatly improved.

If this change is Yu Gong's "preferential treatment", then Ji Zi owes him a huge favor.

This is more than a preferential treatment, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a favor.


Changkong City.


Standing in front of a prominent building, Kiana, who was waiting for Mei, was suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

"Yi, eh? You?"

Hearing that the voice coming from behind belonged to Mei, Kiana turned back subconsciously.

The next second, her cherry lips opened slightly.

"You came to Changkong City, why didn't you contact me?"

"I remember that on the business card I gave you, there is my personal phone number."

Hanamiya admired Kiana's current expression with a smile.

He has to admit that he is used to seeing extremely beautiful girls, she is very cute.

"Uh, me."

Kiana spoke hesitantly, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

He came to Changkong City by himself, and there was indeed a reason for Yumiya.

She wouldn't tell Yu Gong about this.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・


Kiana's appearance when facing Yumiya confirmed Mei's guess.

Thinking of Bianca, and thinking that Bianca is just one of Yu Gong's companions, she sighed secretly.

Well, I am an outsider.

It's better not to participate in the private affairs of Yumiya and Kiana.

"What do you want to do when you ask each other out today?"

Yumiya promptly changed the subject.

"Of course it's playing."

Kiana answered as a matter of course.

Yu Gong's method of changing the topic worked well. She didn't involve topics that made her shy, and she regained her usual vitality.

"It's a rare holiday, shouldn't you go out and relax?"



Mei spoke up, proving that what Kiana said was true.

Relaxation is one of the goals. Besides playing, she has other plans.

Give the accessories that Yugiya gave to him and hand them over to Kiana.

"Where is your goal? Amusement park? KTV? Aquarium..."

Yumiya mentioned a series of places suitable for girls to relax.


Kiana and Mei looked at each other with embarrassed expressions.

"Not ready yet?"

Their faces told Yumiya the answer.

"Heh, heh heh."

Mei and Kiana nodded embarrassedly.

It was inconvenient to communicate on the phone, so the two of them planned to meet and talk again.

"How about this."

A gleam of light flashed in Yu Gong's eyes.

"Are you interested in going to the headquarters of Eden Technology Group? I'll show you something interesting."

"The headquarters of Eden Technology Group?"

Kiana and Mei looked at each other, and both saw the color of movement in each other's eyes.

A company founded by Yumiya? They are very interested.

"Have you had breakfast?"

On the surface, Yumiya asked two people.

Actually, what he asked was Kiana.

Ya Yi has a prominent background, and there is no shortage of servants in the family. Someone must prepare breakfast for her.

As for Kiana, not necessarily. Death.

Chapter 352

"I ate at home."

"I have not yet."

Sure enough, the facts were the same as Yumiya had guessed.

"I'll take you to breakfast first, what do you want to eat, Kiana."

Yu Gong looked around.

There is no shop for breakfast nearby, only a convenience store.

"Anything is fine, I'm not picky eaters."

Kiana is not a pampered eldest lady.

As for what to eat, she is not very demanding.

Of course the food is good, but it doesn't matter if it tastes bad, as long as it fills the stomach.

"All right."

Since Kiana said so, Nagiya intends to make the decision for her.


About fifty minutes later, the headquarters of Eden Technology Group.

"Unfortunately, it's so far from Chiba Academy."

Walking into the door of the office building, Kiana's face still had a clear unfulfilled expression.

She originally thought that Yu Gong would buy something casually and make breakfast for herself.

As a result, Yu Gong stopped a taxi and took the three people straight to the central area of ​​Changkong City.

Then, near the headquarters of Eden Technology Group, I found a large and very popular breakfast restaurant.

The food sold there is the best breakfast Kiana has ever eaten.

"It tastes really good."

Mei has silently recorded the location.

When there is time, she will come again,

"The business scope of Eden Technology Group..."

"Mr. Hagiya..."

While chatting, the three went to the top floor of the office building.

The place they are going to is the dedicated office of Hagiya.

Most of the words were said by Yu Gong. He briefly introduced Eden Technology Group to Mei and Qiana.

Mei and Kiana were listening, occasionally asking questions.

After a while, the three reached their destination.

"Are there too few people?"

Walking all the way, Kiana's biggest feeling was deserted.

According to Yu Gong himself, he rented the entire office building, and the staff in the building were all employees of Eden Technology Group.

The number of employees is actually quite large.

It can be scattered on various floors, so it appears to be relatively few.

"I recruited people who could support the normal operation of Eden Technology Group, and it started to develop."

"At present, the recruitment work is in progress. It won't take long before the internal structure of the group will be complete."

Yu Gong sat at the desk and turned on the computer on the desk.

The development of Eden Technology Group takes time to settle, not urgent.

Clap clap clap.

After the computer started up, Yu Gong didn't speak, and quickly typed on the keyboard.

Seeing that Yu Gong was doing something serious, Kiana and Mei obediently kept silent to avoid disturbing him.

The two quietly came to the back of Yu Palace, their eyes focused on the computer screen.

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