Doctor Frog's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What do you have to say, I have a headache here..."

"Actually, there is something I would like to ask for your help, about the means of human recovery and so on..."

......The final work is placed in a dedicated room on the top floor of the Frog Hospital, where there is a large cylindrical culture tank that looks like a transparent glass bottle.

Yoshikawa Kikyo stood on the console of the cultivation tank and began to repair the body of the girl in the bottle according to the data sheet on the information.

Because she came out in the middle, Pei couldn't make the body of the final signal continue to grow again, she could only maintain the shape of a child around 10 years old.

After pressing the last command button, the physical recovery work of the final signal is starting, and a lot of indicator lights are flashing, just glance at it, and this irritating feeling is transmitted to my heart.

Although the virus of the last work is gone, she herself is an incomplete body with many flaws.

A normal Misaka Mikoto clone has a fate of only about two years: and a flawed product... how long she can live, it's hard to say.

Yoshikawa Kikyo looked at the girl in the bottle with a worried look on his face.

"Where is the road you are going to take in the future?"

It seemed to be a murmur-like voice, and it floated out from the lips of Yoshikawa Kikyo. She seemed to be talking about the last work in the cultivation tank, but it was obvious that the girl in the bottle could not hear her voice. of.

"There is no road in the world, but the more people walk, the road becomes."

Very abruptly, a man's voice reached the ears of Fangchuan Kikyo. It seemed that he was touched by this sentence. Fangchuan Kikyo's eyes showed a look of recalling the distant past.

Yes, if the path I chose at the beginning was just to find a school and be a kind teacher... Then my life would be completely different from what it is now.

It is really a longing path. The ideal beauty deeply attracts Yoshikawa Kikyo, and the woman can't help showing her smile to the air ahead.

Wait... On the fifth floor of the hospital, few people come here, because most of the valuable experimental equipment is concentrated in this place.

Fangchuan Kikyo turned around abruptly and saw a strange man.


Yoshikawa Kikyo stopped the man who was walking towards him.

"What's your business"

Fang Chuan Kikyo walked quickly to the guy.


Chu Tian pointed to his nose, and after hearing Fang Chuan's answer in the affirmative, Chu Tian shook his head gently and said.

"Didn't Doctor Frog called me here? He didn't tell you that"

Chu Tian walked to the petri dish and looked up and down... the little loli inside: "Doctor Frog told me that the final signal is adjusting my body, so let me come over and take a look."

"Dr. Frog, do you mean chasing souls in the underworld..."

Fangchuan Kikyo heard that it was Netherland Chasing Soul that sent him over, so he let go of his guard.

"Yeah, I had a good vacation, but it came out suddenly, and several other good guys couldn't sit still and follow after hearing the news."

In the doctor's office downstairs, Misaka Mikoto and Saten Leiko sat respectfully in front of Netherworld Chasing Soul, their faces very anxious.

"Although I don't want to admit it, that child is not something I can treat."

Netherland Chasing Soul walked back and forth in the office, and through the wall clock hanging on the wall, it could be seen that the current time had pointed to eleven o'clock.

"How come, aren't you the authority of the academy's urban medicine? You..."

Misaka Mikoto suddenly said anxiously, after all, this last work is also her clone, she is her youngest sister, and she must not be let go easily.

"The scope of my abilities is limited to human beings, that... the child named Last Work... She is an immature android with many physical flaws. According to my current methods, at most... let She will live another half a year, so I called Mr. Chu Tian back..."

Chapter 663

While speaking, Chu Tian had already walked down from the laboratory.

"Yo, we're talking."

Seeing Chu Tian coming down, Misaka Mikoto immediately.

He rushed forward and asked, "How is it, have you cured her?"

"Nonsense, who do you think I am injured as badly as her, just snap my fingers and it's over."

On the other side, in the bright and clean hospital ward, just after lunch time, Accelerator was leaning on the back of the bed, and a pair of dead eyes looked at the outside world along the window.

The hospital, in his memory, was probably the first time he came here because of an injury, excluding the accident of the ability development course.

There was a knock on the door.


A thin figure walked in.

"Misaka Misaka is here to see you!"

Accelerator was taken aback by the sudden arrival.

"you're all right"

Accelerator was surprised that the last game was able to recover so well. It took a long time for him to recover even though he possessed super powers and used the ability of vector manipulation to speed up the healing of wounds.

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