The operation time was not long, even if it was a complicated brain, it only took more than an hour. As soon as he went out, Netherland Chasing Soul was blocked by a person.

It was a slender woman, in her twenties, wearing a white lab coat but not a doctor, Yoshikawa Kikyo.

"She, are you alright?"

Yoshikawa Kikyo looked at Accelerator with his eyes closed a little worriedly, and turned to the Netherland Chasing Soul with a questioning tone.

Frankly speaking, she is very reassured about the strength of chasing souls in the underworld. He is a guy who will never give up the patient as his life goal, even if it is a serious injury or disease, it will not be a problem. his opponent.

Sometimes, in order to treat patients, he can even do anything he can. Many new technologies and new theories have been applied, let alone the outside world, even the governing council, which uses the entire city as a testing ground, dare not approve... There was also an urban legend that his medical skills could even distort the laws of the gods. Legend has it that he used to rely on a mysterious theory to develop a special life support device that could overcome the problems of aging and the limit of lifespan.

The only extant experimental aircraft is said to be housed in a windowless building.

"It goes without saying that I don't even think about who performed the operation."

Netherland Chasing Soul never reveals the hard side in front of patients and their families..., always understates the condition, and tries to comfort as much as possible.

"To be honest, it's really a close call. If I come two minutes later, no matter how good I am, I won't be able to save the dead. This may be... the legendary life."

After Netherland Chasing Soul took a sip of tea, he continued: "Come to the office with me!"

It seems that it has become a habit, Netherland Chasing Soul put his hand into the pocket of his white coat and said to Yoshikawa Kikyo.

The two seem to be old acquaintances, so there is nothing uncomfortable about communicating.

"But to be honest, it's a little nerve-wracking for me trying to get the fragments of the skull inserted into the anterior lobes."

"Anterior cranial lobe, his brain tissue was injured"

Fang Chuan, who was walking beside Netherland Chasing Soul, heard his words, and his heart couldn't help but jump.

"I'm not going to lie to you, his anterior lobe has been destructively damaged, which may affect his language function and calculation ability in the future."

"Calculate ability......"

Yoshikawa Kikyo looked at Accelerator who had been pushed into a ward not far away by a few nurses, and for a while he didn't know what he should think about.

"The application of super power is... to map the 'reality that only belongs to oneself' to the real world through the calculation ability, if the calculation power is damaged..."

"Yes, she may not be able to use her superpowers again in the future."


Yoshikawa Kikyo is like an ice cellar. She didn't expect that just because of one mistake, she would directly kill the strongest superhuman in Academy City.

Doctor Gutai seemed to see through Yoshikawa's mind, brought himself a cup of tea, and then handed it to the hand of Yoshikawa Kikyo who had been standing for a long time.

Fangchuan Kikyo took the teacup in the hands of Netherworld Chasing Soul, thanked him and held it gently in the palm of his hand. The hot tea passed through the wall of the porcelain cup to her palm, but Fangchuan seemed to be unable to feel the temperature. Likewise, both eyes are out of focus.

"Don't worry, I've almost got an idea."

Netherland Chasing Soul also poured himself a cup of warm water. He didn't like drinks such as tea and coffee, and he thought that pure white water was the best drink.


"Yes, I have already figured out a way to restore his super powers."

Immediately afterwards, the tone of the soul chasing of the underworld returned to that...understatement tone, as if the solemnity before was an illusion.

"However, this matter requires my consent. I have made an application, but the overall council has not approved it, so I will use the things you created... troublesome. Enough."

"troublesome stuff"

Fangchuan Kikyo didn't understand, but she didn't need her question, Netherland Chasing Soul continued to explain: "If [-] brains are connected together, it can be used to supplement a person's language and computing ability, I think this should be very good. simple thing"

"You mean...'Misaka Network'"

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Chapter 662

"Yes, we took in a girl from the 'Misaka Network' a few days ago. Her number seems to be No. 100, and her name is Miss Misaka. If you add the computing power of the last work, you need to build a A super-calculated network shouldn't be difficult."

Although Yoshikawa Kikyo regretted the knowledge she had mastered, she really had enough for such an experiment.

"That's fine. After all, your actions this time have threatened the safety of Academy City. If you are found out by the upper management, you may also be implicated in an incident with an overseas organization. As a friend, I have to mention this to you. Suggest."

In a slow tone, Netherworld Chasing Soul said very indifferently: "Of course, I also understand the general situation. After the institute dismisses you, it is best to quickly take yourself out of this place. What's wrong with the noodles? Influence, by the way, Tianjing, you are the one who shot and killed you, will there be anything..."

"Thank you for your concern, but I went back to find a lawyer. I think I'm just an overly defensive person at best."

"That's good, by the way, can I borrow the training device you have here to cultivate the body of the last work? According to her current physical condition, I don't think it is enough to become a network computing center."


A happy look appeared on Yoshikawa Kikyo's face.

... When Chu Tian woke up from the bed... it was almost noon and the sun was shining.

A bunch of people slept in the room, um, although there are laws in the island country where Academy City is located, underage drinking is not allowed, but this is a shootout in America, free and open, not to mention drinking, and underage guns are all allowed. normal phenomenon.

But because they drank too much last night, nothing happened to a group of people.


Chu Tian's cell phone rang, and when he was about to leave, Mu Shan Chunsheng forcibly handed it to him, saying that he might call to check the room at night, so let him be careful.

"Hey, I'm chasing the soul from the underworld, is it Mr. Chu Tian?"

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