Although I don't know why, Accelerator didn't turn on the reflex as he expected when he fired the gun just now. If that's the case, there's no reason for him to survive being hit by a special nine-centimeter bullet in the head. .

"Ha! Hahahaha! Accelerator who can fight against the entire world's armies at the same time without losing the wind...Actually, actually died in my hands...haha!"

"The superior order was terminated due to incorrect processing procedures, and No. 200 will be restarted according to normal procedures."

Suddenly, Misaka's muttering interrupted Tianjing, Axiong's thoughts, his eyes turned from the body lying on the side of the road to the unconscious girl.

"What! It failed!"

On the patio, Yaxiong was stunned.

Misaka's personality has been restored, which means that she has been liberated from the virus.

"Bastard! What if Accelerator is killed, the virus has already failed, and is being hunted down by the Academy City and outside organizations... Ha, do I still have a way to live?"

One step, two steps, three steps, Tianjing, Yaxiong stumbled back a few steps as if he had been drained of his strength.

"Die, die, all die for me, I can't survive, you all have to be buried with me!"

The fear of death completely overwhelmed Tianjing, Yaxiong's heart, he thought he could accept the fate of death smoothly, but the real self couldn't accept it at all... crazy, crazy.

Tianjing, Yaxiong raised the muzzle, tremblingly aimed at the initiator who made his life into hell, that... the last work sleeping on the seat! Tianjing, Yaxiong pointed the gun at her slightly undulating chest, right The position of the heart was aligned, and when the trembling fingers were in the heart, the trigger was pulled.

Gunshots sounded, but the bullet did not penetrate the girl's body.

"Are you really looking for death, bastard!"

Accelerator on the ground was like a demon returning from hell, struggling to get up.

The reflected bullets were precisely followed: the original route was re-turned, and the impact force caused the pistol to explode from the inside... blown.

The huge impact generated by the blasting chamber directly blew the patio, and half of Yaxiong's palm was drooping, leaving only a piece of flesh and blood connecting... "Ah... ah ah. …”

On the patio, Yaxiong quickly reconnected the disconnected right hand with his left hand, jumped back, and quickly pulled away from her.

"Coco... evil! How could you be okay..."

On the patio covered in cold sweat, Yaxiong struggled to look at himself, covering his head in front of him, but at this moment Accelerator's face was as terrifying as Sadako Gaya in a horror movie.

"You are so, disgusting."

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Chapter 660 You are on the road to Huangquan

On the patio, Yaxiong moved his body in horror, trying to get away from the pair of hands that could easily take people's lives... The way back was blocked by barbed wire, and he could no longer escape... Getting closer, getting closer, his body was stiff like the one in the movie... Accelerator, like a living dead called a zombie, slowly approached the patio, Yaxiong's body... "How am I going to torture you?"

"Will I tear you apart and feed the dog, or leave you with no residue left?"

"Come on, you choose..."

Accelerator, who had finished speaking in a roaring tone, exhausted his last strength, and then pushed the golden mountain to the level of a jade pillar and fell heavily to the ground.

The coercion failed.

The bullet in the brain just now has seriously interfered with his ability to walk, and what he said so nicely was just to cover up.

"Ha, ha ha! It turned out to be not completely dodged... Haha!"

On the patio, Yaxiong breathed a sigh of relief, one shoe stepped on the back of Accelerator's head, his cheek twitched and he let go of his severed palm. A black pistol was aimed at the head of the person who was trampled under his feet.

"Will you survive this time..."


At the critical moment, a blocking voice came from a distance.

On the patio, Yaxiong raised his head diligently, and through the blurred scabs sticking to his eyes, he vaguely saw a woman's face... An old station wagon was parked behind the woman. , The woman is wearing blue shabby jeans and is tall and thin, but this is not the point, the real point is... The woman holds a toy in her hand that can only hold two bullets. Woman with pistol for body protection.

The dark muzzle has been aimed at the patio, Yaxiong's forehead.

Is this retribution? "Yangcheon... Kikyo"

On the patio, Yaxiong's head was tightly attached to the woman's skin, the muzzle of the body pistol came out, and the hoarse vocal cords tried several times, and finally managed to squeeze out a little sound.

Looking at Tianjing Yaxiong's miserable appearance, the woman in the white coat showed no emotion at all, her indifferent eyes, as if she was looking at a dead man.

If at this moment, Yaxiong, a little reckless, shoots directly, then nothing will happen.

But when all villains are caught, they will be forcibly demoted.

It is obvious that he can kill the strongest student with just a touch of his finger, but this idiot is just standing there, wanting to confront people.

"How did did you find this place."

On the patio, Yaxiong felt that his body was like a frozen wax statue, and the blood in his body was almost frozen together. For some reason, he has now lost his last resistance..." Very simple satellite, positioning function, you really think that you can avoid the satellite, monitoring above Academy City.”

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......"

On the patio, Yaxiong couldn't remember how many times he changed his mood. He looked at the cold face of Fangchuan Kikyo, and after all, he lost all his strength.

"Tianjing, Yaxiong, I used to admire you so much, but I didn't expect you to have contact with those... foreign organizations trying to destroy the world."

Tianjing, Yaxiong is only [-] years old, and he can control and implement the mass-produced superpower plan by himself. As a scientific researcher, there is no doubt that he is a successful guy.

On the patio, Yaxiong's hands trembled more and more, the warm blood slowly drained along with the broken palm, the feeling of... numbness gradually spread to his entire body.

Messy hair, a beard that hasn't been shaved for a long time, and now Tianjing, Yaxiong, is really just... a sloppy guy, a poor loser.

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