"Take yourself as a learning device, how did you come up with this idea, although I admit that your ability is indeed possible, but don't forget, if you fail, you will sacrifice more than [-] sisters and Innocents, if the situation develops seriously, Academy City will be forced to become an enemy of the whole world, and the third world war may start at any time..."

"I can't manage that much, you just have to trust me."

Accelerator quickly operated on the microcomputer with one hand: "I'm Accelerator, I'm the strongest....the second strongest superpower in Academy City, there's nothing I can't do... ."

Listening to Yoshikawa Kikyo's ultimatum-like preaching, Accelerator looked at the last work with a painful expression on his face, and his voice became very strange: "The decision I made, just like Accelerator threw the phone in his hand vigorously, The barbed wire, which was used as a guardrail, was bounced back onto the asphalt road by the elastic wire and shattered into pieces.

"System reload!"

Accelerator looked at the green characters continuously flowing down the screen in front of him. The information on this was the information before the last work was infected by the virus. The memory of the virus infection is all covered... In short, it is... re-download the flash package, one-click "it doesn't matter if you forget me, just treat everything from scratch, no matter...

What, little brat, you must wake up."

Accelerator smiled self-deprecatingly, closed his eyes slightly, carefully pondered the characters he had memorized in his mind, and then opened his eyes to compare them again.

Accelerator is the one with the highest ability development in Academy City, so reciting this kind of thing should not go wrong.

However, as it concerns the safety of the final work, this matter has to be taken with care.

The tiny laptop in the 'click' hand was crushed, and the hot touch passed from the forehead of the last work to the cold palm, and it felt like a fever.

Accelerator stabilized his mind, intercepted a bioelectric current from his skin, and then activated his ability to control it in the reverse direction, like a radar invading the body of the last work.

In just a few seconds, the entire brain structure of the final work was completely presented in front of Accelerator.

This is what the person with electromagnetic ability can do. There will be a very weak current around the body surface of the human body unconsciously, and the person with electromagnetic ability can convert it into an electrical signal, and then connect to the terminal for calculation and modification.

Accelerator manipulated his abilities and began to overwrite data.

There are fifty-two seconds left before the virus starts... The red warning window appears on the screen gradually slows down... Until no more new windows are called up, and then the reverse And then, one by one, the red warning windows started to disappear, as if the Rewind: Tape button was pressed.

"Login 9 path.

Code 08 to code 72 red waveform via path substitution 8 zone blockade code 56 blue to yellow via detour waveform..."

In the last work, the speed of speech began to decrease, and gradually I could hear what she said, a mixture of Japanese and English.

Although it may sound strange to use a computer programming language to edit personality profiles, that's what the researchers at the cloning facility did.

Accelerator's entire energy was concentrated on the modification of the personality data, and even the defensive 'reflex' was turned off.

There are a total of [-] infected viruses, [-] places, in order to completely eliminate the virus, we can only cover all the program codes one by one... Through the control of neural currents, one party can Accelerator can even feel that there is a very large amount of data in constant motion, that feeling is like the ebb tide of the sea... The current signal keeps jumping in Accelerator's palm, and the last work is constantly waving He held his hands together, as if he was in the final struggle for the memories to be erased.

The red warning window kept disappearing from the screen, and between the flashing yellow exclamation marks, it could be clearly seen that the gap between the windows began to widen.

The antivirus is effective, and the reinstallation is in progress..."Success, only a little bit."

Accelerator's face showed a slightly lonely smile, but more than that, he was happy for the little girl to have a new life.


At this very critical juncture, a hoarse man's voice entered Accelerator's ears. He raised his head and saw the patio where he had fallen into a stupor because he was caught in the door. After getting into the car, it doesn't matter if it just restores the mobility, but what surprised Accelerator is that.

In the patio, in Yaxiong's hand, is holding a dark and cold pistol:  …

Chapter 659 The Last Chance

"This is my last chance, don't...get in my way..."

In the patio with spider web-like bloodshots in his eyes, Yaxiong tried his best and made a low voice.

The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at Accelerator's forehead, the distance between the two was only one person's width, and it was absolutely impossible for the bullet to miss.

In such a situation, unless Accelerator gave up the control of the last work's mind signal and turned on the reflex ability again, it was absolutely impossible to avoid the bad luck of being shot.

However, the number of remaining program codes is still 0, and I can't let go now. If the remaining program codes are left, the final work will definitely have some bad consequences. The warning of Yoshikawa Kikyo is still vaguely in my ears. [-] words, the head of the last work may be damaged because of this.

"Don't...don't force me!"

On the patio, Yaxiong spit out white spit, and his eyes were bloodshot red. Now he seems to have realized how stupid it is to hold a gun at Accelerator, as long as the gun : With a sound, the reflected bullet will be instantly reflected.

This is Tianjing, what Yaxiong thought, although he didn't understand what Accelerator... was doing, but it didn't affect his burning mood at the moment.

Once the last work is destroyed by the monster, the mission of the organization will be a complete failure! However, Accelerator now has no extra power to reflect, and the small bullets that he did not care about in the past are now only It takes a small blow, and it can easily kill him.

The instinct of survival warned Accelerator, but even so, he still maintained his original appearance, just the threat of Axiong and Yaxiong did not exist... "It's so noisy and annoying, I just want to ask you, what are you doing"

Accelerator was dragging the time, and he saw that the little girl in the car seat had gradually calmed down, and there was only one warning window left on the detection screen on the leg.

"Why are you doing anything against me"

Tianjing, Yaxiong roared up to the sky, "If the virus fails to launch, the organization will never let me go, I have fallen into a dead end now, going forward and backward are dead ends! Rather than being killed, Might as well kill yourself!"

In the mood of self-destruction, Tianjing, Yaxiong tightly closed his eyes, aimed at Accelerator's head and pulled the trigger in his hand! Bang! A strong impact hit Accelerator's forehead, and his The body flew directly, almost at the same time, accompanied by a crisp electronic sound of 'ding dong', the last red warning window carrying the life safety of the last work also disappeared on the display desktop, at the most critical juncture, The last work of the virus has been eliminated.

"This bastard..."

Accelerator knocked over the iron fence, his body was stained with dirty soil, and his consciousness gradually began to become: chaos, his body seemed to fall into a dark abyss, thinking.

The shot just now was indeed hit. Although it was not completely hit, it caused serious damage to the brain.

"I'm not dead haha, why should I die, haha...why am I still alive"

At this time, Yaxiong opened his eyes slowly, without feeling the pain in his body, his tense body relaxed after being ready for death.

He held the dark and cold automatic pistol in both hands, looking at the faint white smoke that filled the muzzle, his thoughts fell into a daze.

It stands to reason that the bullet from the pistol hit the center of Accelerator's forehead, and it would be directly rebounded and hit his forehead, but now Accelerator is lying on his back, with bright red gushing out like a fountain. The blood flowed out, and it seemed that he could not live... "Accelerator, he died"

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