Panic spread in the heart of Oreos, without gold, he was just an ordinary alchemist, and he couldn't even beat Stiyl.

Chu Tian did not answer, although he could use various means to directly blow up the magician in front of him, but it is better to use it sparingly, after all, it will cause damage to the building, and if it hits the rescue target, it will be troublesome.

When he came to Aureos, Chu Tian was about to slash with his sword. Originally Aureos could resist, but he saw something that made him fear.

Made of gold, a great art that makes people's dreams come true, as long as it is completed, all people with firm will can well control their thinking and control this art well with a little exercise.

Oreos is a strong-willed person, yes, if not, then how did he resolutely betray the Roman Orthodox Church for Index and completed the gold forging technique by himself, but he still had to rely on steel needles, Why because Oreos is born with a strong ability of vision, he always sees the essential concept of some things.

At this moment, Chutian, in the perspective of Aureos, is an endless dark vortex, as if it is a death vortex that is going to devour everything.

Then, the Chu Tianjian slashed down, and Aureos.

Chutian didn't keep his hand, for those who have the intention to kill don't have to stay for a few minutes, the two found Jishen Qiusha, a girl with long black hair and a traditional Japanese witch costume.

For the girl in front of her who was black and straight but endured endless pain, Chu Tian didn't have any thoughts to talk nonsense.

"You were rescued,"

He put the cross that was handed over to him by the seeds of the wonderful frog and put it on the chest of Jishen Qiusha, "Your ability has also been sealed, now you are free, don't think about helping Aureos, he is dead."

In fact, this cross is not just for viewing, it has a magical barrier sealed inside, and its main function is to seal the power of Jishen "Vampire Slayer"


"Is that so, so the scream just now was...he made it..."

Jishen Qiusha's eyes fluttered, as if he had something on his mind.

"Tell me if you have anything to do."

Chu Tian also saw the thoughts of the three no girls and asked kindly.

"Can you help me contact the rescue station, I have nowhere to go."

"What kind of rescue station? We don't have a rescue station here."

Kamijou Touma with soy sauce on the side immediately.


Academy City is a high-end site that has been ahead of the outside world for [-] to [-] years. The students sent in are all for the development of superpowers, so there is no need to say much about the family conditions.

In this place, there is no so-called rescue station, because everyone is a rich second-generation, and they are all people who come in after strict screening. If you have difficulty, just swipe your student ID at the checkpoint and you can get a room There is no such thing as a temporary residence, a place where you eat and drink for a long time.

"Is that so..."

Jishen Qiusha's eyes dimmed, to be honest, he was trapped by an evil magician before, at least he still had food and a place to live, and his life was not a problem.

But this group of people killed people without saying anything, and now they are in a state of homelessness.

"If that's the case, then come back with me."

Jishen Qiusha glanced at it: "Uncle wretched, go back with you, do you want me to do some strange things?"

"I don't understand what weird thing you're talking about"

"That's it...that's it...Uncles will do things like this. This is the common sense I learned from books recently."

Chu Tian didn't know what book Jishen Qiusha had read, but why did this guy call him uncle because he didn't shave for a few days? , unless the other party takes the initiative."

Jishen Qiusha: "......"

"Don't worry, uncle has a sister at home, you should feel at ease with her there."

In fact, Jishen Qiusha was really at ease behind him.

Because after Chutian took her back, Mu Shan Chunsheng had a fight with him, and in the end he wouldn't even let him sleep in the bed. a corner of the Seventh School District, a windowless building.

It is hard to imagine that the official residence of the general chairman Aleister, who is the true ruler of Academy City, lives here.

In the quiet interior space, there is no sound of any living creatures, only the slight mechanical sound is constantly turning. There are countless tubes on the ground that are enough to frighten intensive phobias. At the center of the tube is a huge transparent tube. The glass column, the interior of the glass column is filled with a light red liquid, and in the center of the liquid, the white figure dances slowly.

Suddenly, two figures appeared here, one of them was a girl with red double ponytails, her body was sparsely clothed, only a pink bandage wrapped around her upper body, wearing black shorts, and also covered with fog. The girl of Qiu Academy, uniform, the girl was slightly panting, she let go of the hand holding the man's shoulder.

"Sorry, thank you for always bothering you!"

Chapter 673 Magicians line up to deliver?

The environment is dark now, but the blond boy still wearing sunglasses said to the girl next to him, "This boy in a beach suit is not Yuanchun Tuyumen who skipped class and didn't come, and who is the short blond hair like a hedgehog. Dressed up like a bad boy, it seems that it has become the standard of Tsuchimikado.


Yubiao Danxi nodded. As a 'leader', she naturally knew what she should do. With a flash of her figure, the girl disappeared in place.

After seeing Yubiao Danxi leaving, Tsuchimikado Yuanchun took two steps forward, and he got closer to the figure in green surgical gown hanging upside down in the tempered glass column.

"Hey, what's going on now, is it so easy for mages to invade Academy City?"

What Tsuchimikado Motoharu said was the figure of the magician that he found in Academy City two hours ago.

Of course, it wasn't the one that Chu Tian killed.

"It doesn't matter, I'm also tracking the intruder's location."

Aleister said, this time it wasn't with the help of equipment, he really spoke, because things were changing too fast, and it was already beyond Aleister's expectations. The state woke up and dealt with these... accidental events in person.

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