While Stiyl was praying, a male voice came from above: "Long time no see, Stiyl."

"Long time no see, Oreos Izzard."

Stiyl looked at the green-haired man in front of him with a low tone.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"According to the order of the city master, come and retake the vampire killer."

Oreos' face instantly turned ugly: "Stiyl! I won't give you the vampire slayer."

"Then we will use force."

Chu Tian interrupted the conversation between the two, "It's getting late, if we don't go back, it will be difficult for Miss Mu Shan to explain."


Aureos laughed, it was a disdain for the two of them. By imitating the Gregorian Chorus, he completed the ultimate gold refining of alchemy. Aureos felt that now he had the capital to deal with anyone.

"It seems that there is no use for more, I'm going!"

Stiyl radiated magic all over his body, and a large number of physical Hokage emerged from his fingers.

"Hmph, no matter how powerful magic comes to me, it's useless, put out the flames!"

Oreos' voice fell.

In the next instant, the flame in Stiyl's hand turned into foam.

"This is"

"That's right! This is the highest achievement I've been waiting for as an alchemist—gold forging! Stiyl, for the sake of you taking care of Index, leave now! Don't you understand my wish!"

For... Oreos' question, Stiyl sighed.

To be honest, this guy isn't a bad guy at all.

Oreos was the secret recorder of the former Roman Orthodox Church, and Index's partner three years ago.

After learning about Index's amnesiac, he betrayed the Roman Orthodox Church in order to save Index, abandoned his faith, and became an alchemist.

In the beginning, Oreos started to write the magic book in order to save Index, and every time he finished writing a book, he went to England. No matter how many times he failed, Oreos still didn't give up and continued to write the magic book. .

In fact, as early as the first time he saw Index, Aureos already knew that she could never be saved. Even so, he still didn't... Aureos, who gave up, just wanted to use "provide the magic book"

This name was used as an excuse to visit Index.

When Oreos realized the fact that Index could not be saved by writing the magic book, he insisted, "If God has the power to save everything, why not save the girl in front of him?"

questioned, so he chose to betray the Roman Orthodox Church and his own beliefs.

After that, Oreos retreated for three years to study alchemy, but even if he exhausted the alchemy of the Hermes School and the Zurich School, he would never be able to save Index. He gradually understood that no matter what...

Neither faith nor technology can save Index.

So, Oreos chose to rely on the power of vampires to save Index. He wanted to deal with vampires and ask them to "spell spells that can store memory without losing their own will".

tell him.

After exiting the customs, Oreos set his sights on possession in order to find the vampire.”

Blood-sucking killer "Girl of Powers, Himejin Aisa."

However, Jishen Qiusha was snatched and imprisoned by Misawa School in Academy City, so Oreos entered Misawa School with Himeshen Ayusha as the target, but instead of destroying Misawa School, he Take Misawa Juku in your own hands.

He promised to make a simple enchantment called the mobile church for Jishen Qiusha. As long as he wore it, Jishen could walk on the street without fear of attracting vampires, in exchange for Jishen Qiusha's voluntary help .

After all, this is still the pot of English Puritanism.

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Chapter 672 Gold Refinement

It's not like the Puritans come out with some idiots, there will be such a thing, but Steele didn't say that for the sake of you being a good person, let's just put down the magic circle and turn enemies into friends, but treat this poor man a little sympathetically. : "Aureios, you don't know that you have been incognito for three years after betraying the Roman Orthodox Church, Index has been rescued."

Hearing this, Oreos was instantly stunned.

"How is it possible!"

"It's not possible, it's an established fact, and the specific reason cannot be said considering the face of the Anglican Church, but there is no doubt that Index is now living happily as you wish, but she only has the memory of the last year. ."

Stiyl relentlessly stabbed Aureos in the heart again.

"Damn! This, this is impossible! You lied to me!"

The three years of being chased and killed have been proven to be useless, and the redemption once belonged to others, so what else did he have? Oreos was furious and his reason was on the verge of collapse.

"Fall down! Intruder!"

"You are not allowed to talk nonsense again! Only I can redeem Index! I am for this day! For this genius..."

Gold refining is indeed the highest masterpiece of alchemists. When the warlock was activated, Stiyl and Kamijou Touma immediately fell down, but Chutian still stood.

Another weakness of gold forging is... it can only be useful in a fixed area, so it will lose its effect on objects in... another area.

"Friend, I am very sympathetic about what happened to you, but...it's really too late, I'll quarrel with me when I go back."

"You, what have you done!"

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