"Hey, what did you just say?"

Shokuhou Caoqi was unhappy after hearing that, she was no longer a beautiful girl, but her appearance was one of the best among her peers in Academy City, "Okay, don't worry about those details, the idea of ​​resetting your memory is possible. , but it's cowardly behavior, and you can't change anything, it's just a temporary escape."

When Chu Tian said the central matter directly, Shokuhou Caoqi was a little annoyed and a little surprised.

"Who the hell are you..."

Chapter 665 Uncle, I will protect you

"Don't worry about my identity, but Shokuhou-san, please don't make such a dangerous move next time, making people worry for nothing."

Chu Tian's intention was to ask Shokuhou Cao Qi not to misunderstand him, he was just a passerby, that's all.

But at this time, Shokuhou Caoqi was thinking a little too much. She was already exhausted because of some things. The misunderstood words in Chutian dialect made Shokuhou Caoqi think for a long time.


It's a pity that this guy is caring about me, if Shokuhou Caoqi can use her abilities to investigate Chutian's thoughts, she should be able to find out, but unfortunately, I don't know why, her abilities don't work for Chutian.

"Well then, next time I do something like this, I'll find a place where no one is."

Shokuhou Caoqi patted his clothes and stood up, just as he was about to walk away, suddenly the soles of his feet slipped and he fell directly into the artificial lake behind.


Chu Tian's speed exploded in an instant, and when he pulled his hand, he pulled Shokuhou Cao Qi back, but he didn't have a good grasp of his strength, and by the way, he pulled the person into his arms.

"I said, don't be in such a dangerous position."

Complain softly.

At this moment, Shokuhou Caoqi ignored Chutian, she must know that she is a sports idiot and can't swim. At that time, she was really scared to death. When she realized that she was already in Chutian's arms, she felt the warmth of Chutian. In his arms, Shokuhou Shiki was very embarrassed.

"Hey! You, you let go...!"

As a result, Chu Tian let go like this, and this simple operation made Shokuhou feel resentful.

Just let it go... Are you so unattractive? "What's your name?"

After slowing down, I don't know why, but Shokuhou Caoqi took the initiative to ask Chu Tian's name.


"I'm Shikibee, a first-level student at Tokiwatai Middle School. Please give me more advice."

"Please advise."

Shokuhou Caoqi blushed a little, because she found that Chu Tian was quite handsome.

Well, as expected, uncles in their twenties are more secure, much more stable than those middle and high school students.

"Why did you want to reset your memory just now? Are you confused about the future?"

Chu Tian looked at Shokuhou and prayed, and there was a hint of doubt in his heart.

He knows the ability of the other party, the remote control can control the heart, and can even make a pause function similar to the Platinum Star.

"Yeah, what should I do, it would be great to just erase my memory like that, so I don't have to worry about everything."

Seeing Chu Tian in front of him still: caring about himself, Cao Qi felt a burst of warmth in his chest.

"How can you say that, memory is the most beautiful thing, after those...sad or good memories, are you still you?"

"Yeah, if I change my memory, it seems that I will lose some precious things..."

Shokuhou Caoqi was already reluctant to erase her memory, because she found that it seemed that the world was not too bad, at least there were uncles who came to care about her.

"That... Uncle, are you free?"

Shokuhou Caoqi looked at Chu Tian and said with tenderness in his eyes.

"Everyone said I'm not an uncle."

Chu Tian sighed helplessly, now the little girl is becoming more and more impolite.

"Hey, what I said is..., in the face of my 15's mind manipulation, you are not afraid, but I may change your memory at any time, tamper with your personality, and turn you into a real uncle."

"Didn't you just try and fail?"

"So you know!"

Shokuhou Caoqi was amazed, she thought that there was a problem with her super power, but she didn't expect that the problem really came from Chutian.

She became more and more interested in this man.

"Uncle, go shopping with me"

"don't want."

"If you don't accompany me, I'll be on my own"


Unable to beat Shokuhou, Chu Tian had to follow her down the street.

Probably because she is used to being a queen, Shokuhou Caoqi has never communicated with men in the true sense. The men around her are either low-pitched licking dogs or flattering tool people, like Chutian. A person who is not afraid of anything is a real person.

What's more, this guy also has the secret of being immune to his own ability, and he can't peep into his heart at all.

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