Chu Tian stood up and walked forward directly bathed in the destruction beam.

It was clearly a beam of light that could burn everything in sight, and it hit Chu Tian like the light of a flashlight, without even a single strand of hair curled.

"Alert, Chapter 1313:::: Section 13 [-]:[-], found a new enemy, changed the battle thinking mode, and began to retrieve battlefield information...According to the current situation, priority will be given to destroying the enemy confirmed to be the most difficult [ Chutian].”

The catalogue of banned books finally figured out who the person to deal with was standing in front of Chu Tian condescendingly.

"Chapter [-]::::Section [-], after completing the operation of the target spell, use [God King's Banishment]."

The magic circle changed and replaced again, and a more powerful freezing beam fell from it.

It was just the aftermath of the magic that made a few people except... Chu Tian suddenly spurted blood and slowly fell to the ground.

In fact, if Chutian had not turned on the Super Saiyan mode just now, he would have suffered a little more or less damage.

But now....injury or something, it doesn't exist.

"Chapter 9::::Section [-], complete the operation of the target spell, use [Black Princess of Thunder Fall]."

The thunder struck, and the others were beaten by the aftermath, spitting out blood and smoking, but Chu Tian remained calm and unresponsive.

"Chapter 12::::Section [-], after completing the calculation of the target spell, use [Crawling Cockroach]."

Zizizi "Chapter 24::::Chapter [-]...."

Zizizi "Chapter 71::::Section [-]..."

Zizizi "Chapter 6::::Section [-]..."

.....The List of Forbidden Magic Books kept picking out magic from their minds and releasing them, but it didn't cause any damage to Chutian, but......the few people next to them were beaten up. It's already dying.

"The first..."

The catalog of forbidden books of magic wanted to search for the warlock again, but the language was stuck, and the originally cold and ruthless face appeared a little distorted.

It is estimated that he is afraid from the heart, facing an invincible enemy, the list of forbidden techniques has been exhausted.

"Okay, it's almost over."

Chu Tian patted the dust on his body, walked out in a flash, lifted Kamijou Touma, then put her right hand on Index's head, destroying the culprit's magic.

"Police.... report...., final.... chapter, zeroth, [collar]... fatal damage, regeneration... can't..."

[Saint George's Domain] disappeared immediately, the red magic circle in Index's eyes dissipated little by little, and fell to the ground.


Although he suffered a lot of injuries inexplicably, Kamijou Touma breathed a sigh of relief and finally succeeded. Seeing all this, Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori stood up.

"Well, it worked."

Chu Tian held Kamijou Touma in one hand and Index in the other.

"This is great!"

"Finally, finally succeeded, ahem..."

Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori couldn't be more happy, they finally didn't have to erase Index's memory anymore, and Index could finally be a normal girl.

"Don't get too excited, let's go to the hospital and talk about it."

....all four of the 44 people stayed at Doctor Frog Seeds.

After all, Index unleashed too many ultimate moves, and it was a fortune of misfortune not to blow up a few people on the spot.

"Doctor, I'll give it to you first. If you want to pay, I'll ask Dr. Mushan to ask for it. If she doesn't give it, you will just remove two organs from the redhead to pay off the debt."

After explaining the wonderful frog seeds, Chu Tian went out for a walk.

Originally, I went out to find food last night, but who would have encountered so many things. After finishing the Index incident last night, all the shopping malls were closed, and I was starving all night.

I found a restaurant on the street to have a full meal, and the price of the meal was naturally the ring that was smeared off by Steele's hand.

After all, if it weren't for the fact that he set up the barrier indiscriminately, he wouldn't have walked into the area where they were fighting. If you think about it this way, it would be more appropriate to use his organs as a deduction for medical expenses.

While wandering around, Chu Tian passed by a research institute that looked very tall and high-level. He remembered that this seems to be... that... 5. In his heart, he manipulated the research institute where Shokuhou Cao Qi was located. Anyway... idle and boring, Chu Tian naturally walked in the direction of the research institute.

In front of the institute is a large artificial lake.

At this time, a young girl was sitting in a daze in front of the artificial lake. The girl had... blond hair that was scattered but still beautiful, and had star eyes that were different from ordinary people.

It's just that at this time, Shokuhou Caoqi fell into chaos because of knowing some extremely deep and dark events in the academy city. Her blond hair was scattered on the ground, as if her thoughts were as chaotic as she was thinking about the future. In the end, she Aiming the remote control at his head, he decided to use his ability to reset his memory and let himself forget everything.

And just when Shokuhou Caoqi was about to start, there was a playful voice in his ears, "Sister, life is so beautiful, why do you want to be short-sighted, don't think about it."

Shokuhou woke up and looked at him, a young man in a white coat was standing in front of him, the combination of his handsome face and that playful smile gave him an evil beauty.

Seeing Chutian in front of her, Shokuhou Caoqi frowned, she already regarded Chutian as the kind of... bad boy who specializes in molesting girls.

"Uncle, what are you doing here?"

"I'm not an uncle, I'm only a few years older than you."

Shokuhou Caoqi frowned, and was about to use her superpower to let Chutian leave, but when she used her superpower to order Chutian to leave, she found that her superpower had failed. Instead, he squatted aside and looked at her, completely unaffected by Shokuhou's ability to pray.

Just when Shokuhou Caoqi was amazed at the failure of his ability, Chu Tian began to ridicule again.

"Cut, I thought it was a beautiful girl who couldn't think of it, but I didn't expect it to be the famous 5-mind manipulating Shokuhou Caoqi. I thought you were holding a gun just now: it turned out to be a remote control."

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