After turning a corner, Chu Tian's guess was immediately fulfilled.

A minute ago, there were still people coming and going on the bustling street, but after just turning a corner, it became empty in the blink of an eye.

Half a person could not be seen on the sidewalk, motorway or even the overpass, and the shops and office buildings on both sides of the street also turned off their lights early.

The dark blue night sky is full of stars, and the full moon guarding the center, casting a hazy brilliance.

On the wide street, the street lamps shone brightly, except for the footsteps of Chu Tian, ​​the needles falling, and the depressing atmosphere that the whole world was being purged really made one's scalp tingle.

Chu Tian walked to the telephone pole next to him with a painful expression on his face, and took off a small advertisement the size of a sticky note. Sure enough, it was a magic rune, which was a magic sticky note.

"The magic power is weak, and its influence on reality is limited, but the number is large enough to disperse the huge crowd on the entire street..."

The more Chu Tian looked at it, the more he realized...the magician behind this is a great skill.

Dense small advertisements are plastered all over the walls of shops along the street, not even bus stops and public toilets. If the target is only one person, it will be a little crazy.


Just when Chutian was wondering, the lighter lit a cluster of faint flames, and in the shadow where the street lights could not shine, a red-haired priest with a height of two meters strolled out, smoking a cigarette.

The priest wore a low-key and luxurious black church coat with a cloak inlaid with gold threads, his fingers were covered with silver rings, and his ears were full of gold earrings.

Probably because he was afraid that others would not know that he had money in his pocket, he deliberately unbuttoned the first button on his collar, revealing a bright big gold chain.

"I didn't expect that besides...Selling Yuqiang, there are people who like to put gold necklaces on their necklines..."

With the face of an old uncle, Stiyl Magnus took a hard puff on the cigarette in his hand. After about three to five seconds, he snuffed out the cigarette and threw the cigarette butt aside. , said to Chu Tian: "If you are not affected by the dispelling rune, you are not an ordinary person.

Let me guess, you're the so-called psychic."

Chu Tian was silent, never expecting that just yesterday, the fantasy beast was solved, and the magician would follow him tonight.

It seemed that the Hanged Man took great care of him.

"Hey, I'm talking to you! Give me a reaction!"

"You misunderstood, I'm just a passing Kamen Rider, not a superpower."

Chu Tian shook his head, he is indeed not a superpower, his identity is much more complicated than a superpower.


Hearing this, Stier was dubious, the bruises he touched, remembering a spiky head who claimed to be incompetent before, and subconsciously asked: "It's not a superpower, but it can be ineffective... Could it be that you have The right hand that can nullify magic"

"But not yet."

"That's great!"

Stier lit one again, took a refreshing breath, and said arrogantly: "Before the battle over there, you just stay here honestly, in order to avoid unpleasant things from happening, please sleep first. Sleep.

Well, if you want to blame yourself for your bad life, who let you break in by yourself!"

Looking at the frequency of Stier one after another, Chu Tian could not help but ask: "It's okay to sleep, I won't make an appointment.

Before that, can you answer my question?"


Stiyl was taken aback for a moment, "Don't you mean to ask about the gold necklace on my body? It's just decoration..."

"No no no, gold necklaces are very common, Kujo Jotaro's chain is much bigger than yours..."

Chu Tian shook his head and asked solemnly, "But what I want to ask is...the barcode on your face...can you scan the price?"


The blood vessels on Stier's head bulged, and his eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and he said fiercely: "Mix and match, this is mine! Anyone who tramples on my style is seeking death, and I want you to know the fate of offending the magician!"

Without waiting for Chu Tian to open his mouth, a scorching flame ignited directly, and in an instant a heat wave soared into the sky.

Stier held the compressed flame in one hand and slammed it down fiercely. Under the pulling force, the flame turned into a long whip-like fire column, and the burning smell in the air could be smelled from a distance.

The fire wave submerged the location of Chutian, the high temperature of more than 300 degrees, burned the asphalt road, the black hot mud flowed on the ground, and the pungent black smoke billowed out in the roaring fire, obscuring the sky.

"Am I going too far?"

Stier covered his face, his expression stunned, Chu Tian's sharp sarcasm made him accidentally kill him, and now he regrets it a little.

But the next second, he didn't think so.

When the flames dissipated, he found Chu Tian standing still intact.

"What the hell is going on, didn't you just say the barcode and you started attacking directly? Are you Touhou Jousuke?"

Chu Tian patted the dust on his shoulder very painfully. He didn't expect that Stiyl would have such a hidden setting. Just like Touhou Jousuke forbids people to discuss his hairstyle, this guy is also not allowed. After discussing the bar code on his face, it is possible to scan the price. "I know that the incompetent are not ordinary people!"

Stier spat contemptuously, looked at the unharmed Chu Tian and said coldly, "No wonder I felt uncomfortable the first time I saw you."

"Is it because I'm more handsome than you?"

Chu Tian flipped with one hand, blowing the surrounding heat away.


The corner of Stier's mouth twitched, and he made a declaration of victory in Chu II: "This is my magic name! If you fight, you must report the magic name that represents killing.

By the way, my magic name means 'strongest'!"

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