The call lasted less than twenty seconds, then she hung up.

"Captain, what happened?"

"Kiyama Chunsheng's wanted order....was revoked."

Huang Quanchuan Aisui said in surprise.

"Could it be that Kuroko-san's operation worked?"

"do not know."

Huang Quanchuan glanced at Chu Tian and continued: "This is an order from the head of the headquarters, so accept the result."

With the help of the above endorsement, the guards would not be able to intervene too much, and they evacuated the institute after a short rest.

"The Hanged Man is really efficient!"

Chu Tian shook his head and smiled, showing respect to the ruler of Academy City.

"Hey, you haven't answered me when I asked you before."

Seeing that Kiyama Harusheng's matter was resolved, Misaka Mikoto immediately.

stood up.

"What is this Misaka-san beside you, and what do you mean by 1 Ability Person and what does it have to do with the Absolute Ability Person Project?"

The attitude of the discharge girl was quite arrogant, and did not take the facts of Chutian 1 into consideration.

"I'm sorry, I'm not the mastermind behind the absolute ability plan, that... 1 is my self-proclaimed..."

Chu Tian shook his head.

"Yes, Misaka testified, Mr. Researcher is a good man.

The researcher-san defeated Accelerator and ended the Absolute Ability Project. He is the benefactor of the younger sisters, and even the elder sister cannot frame him.

Misaka took the initiative to stand up and explain."


Hearing Miss Misaka's words, Misaka Mikoto's pupils shrank suddenly, recalling the experimental data she had seen in the laboratory, and the most crucial, the [-]th experiment record.

The 980th time... an unknown person intervenes... Accelerator was defeated, and the serious injury did not heal... It turns out that the urban legend is not fake, someone really defeated Accelerator, and it was such a Unexpected person.

Misaka Mikoto is silent, her rash personality is... often misunderstanding people.

"If you want to find the mastermind behind the scenes, I advise you not to bother, for you and for the friends around you, just stop here."

Chu Tian continued.

"Why don't [-] sisters just forget about their hatred?"

"The Absolutely Capable Project is an order from the highest level of Academy City, and the ultimate culprit can be said to be... the chairman himself.

Even if you are the third in the 5, the electromagnetic ability has great potential, and it is just a dispensable pawn for the high-level.

That said, do you understand?"

Chutian once again exposed the cruelty of society to everyone, and put the bloody reality in front of her.

Misaka Mikoto suddenly lost her mind, and cold sweat broke out on her body.

Originally, she was a carefree high school girl, falling into the absolute ability plan was the craziest thing she had ever done in her life, and now she was told that the whole world was her enemy, and she was completely confused. , and a little scared.

Mu Shan Chunsheng blamed: "Researcher Chutian, she is still a child, telling her this... will only hurt her."

"I just like smashing flowers."

Chu Tian waved his hand and said without hesitation, "A person can only grow in adversity. Electromagnetic force is the four basic forces of the universe. The upper limit of the super electromagnetic gun is far more than that. I look forward to your ability to break through yourself and step into perfection. Realm, as long as you gain enough strength, you are qualified to fight against the dark side of this world."

"You mean.... can my abilities be enhanced?"

Misaka Mikoto is not so strong by nature. She climbed to level 5 through her own efforts, so she is very interested in what Chutian said. After all, she has deeply realized her ability in the previous investigation. Inadequate regret.

"Then can you tell me how to become stronger? I still can't just sit back and ignore it, my sisters."

Misaka Mikoto clenched her fist tightly, the flame of hope in her eyes.

"Come to my room tonight, and I will teach you myself."

...In the world of the Magical Forbidden Book Catalog, every time a major event is resolved, there will be a few days of holidays.

During the day, I imagine that the beasts are rampant. Of course, the next few days will be balance days.

Last night, Chutian and Misaka Mikoto practiced sparring all night. I have to say that the deity is... difficult to deal with, and ghosts and ghosts are not easy to tease. It is said to teach her to improve her ability, but she really came here to improve her ability. , did nothing else.

This made Chu Tian feel a little embarrassed.

After a day's rest in the research institute, Chu Tian went out, looking for a restaurant to treat himself.

"The seventh school district is indeed more prosperous than the fifth school district. The lights are magnificent, and it is worthy of being the center of Academy City! However, why are there so few people on this street?"

Chu Tian observed the street while walking, and kept walking for a few minutes before finally realizing that something was wrong.

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Chapter 658 The Magic Side Attacks

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